
Do you have to get old when you are older? Note: 6 diseases come to the door, or this nutrition is not enough

author:HeyGears Dental Institute

Arbor Huang has rheumatism all year round, which has become more serious after retirement, and often has joint pain, causing him to often stay at home, reluctant to go out and move, and may not be exposed to the sun several times a year.

Now Huang Arbor has only been retired for 5 years, but he seems to be more than a teenager old, not only his teeth have been lost, but his straight back before retirement has also begun to hunch.

Do you have to get old when you are older? Note: 6 diseases come to the door, or this nutrition is not enough

In order to improve Huang's quality of life, his family took him to the hospital to install dentures, and after a dentist's examination, he was diagnosed with severe periodontitis, and recommended Huang Arbor for a full body examination.

As a result, Huang Arbor also found osteoporosis, high blood pressure and other geriatric diseases, diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency, and the doctor recommended that he should supplement vitamin D in a targeted manner while treating these geriatric diseases.

Do you have to get old when you are older? Note: 6 diseases come to the door, or this nutrition is not enough

Vitamin D supplements

This made Huang Arbor feel very confused: Why did the doctor ask me to supplement vitamins when I saw a tooth?

First, scientific research: lack of vitamin D, more likely to suffer from periodontitis

Periodontitis, a chronic inflammation of periodontal support tissues caused by local factors, is currently the main cause of tooth loss, especially in the elderly.

Do you have to get old when you are older? Note: 6 diseases come to the door, or this nutrition is not enough


At present, a number of foreign studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is closely related to the occurrence and development of periodontitis:

Researchers in the United States studied the relationship between vitamin D levels and periodontitis in 920 postmenopausal women, and found that those with sufficient vitamin D had a 33% lower risk of periodontal disease than those with vitamin D deficiency.

At the same time, there is also a study in the American journal "Public Health Nutrition", in the statistical analysis of the causes of tooth loss in 42730 people aged 40~75 years, it was found that the rate of tooth loss was about 20% lower than that of those with sufficient vitamin D and those who lacked.

Do you have to get old when you are older? Note: 6 diseases come to the door, or this nutrition is not enough

Screenshot of the "Public Health Nutrition" paper

To understand it simply, vitamin D deficiency is more likely to develop periodontal disease, and patients who already have periodontal disease will be more severely ill and have more missing teeth.

2. How important is vitamin D? Less than 5 diseases or door-to-door

In addition to possibly increasing the risk of periodontitis, vitamin D deficiency is associated with a variety of physical diseases, and long-term vitamin D deficiency may lead to the occurrence and development of the following 5 diseases:

1. Osteoporosis

Vitamin D can help the body better absorb calcium, when the body vitamin D content is insufficient, the body will choose to break down the calcium in the bones to make up, resulting in osteomalacia, bone pain, and then osteoporosis.

Do you have to get old when you are older? Note: 6 diseases come to the door, or this nutrition is not enough

2. Rickets

Adults who lack vitamin D can develop osteoporosis, while children who lack vitamin D can develop rickets. Rickets is a chronic nutritional deficiency disease, which occurs in children aged 3 months ~ 2 years, which will not only affect children's growth and development, but also affect intellectual development.

3. Rheumatoid arthritis

Vitamin D may be involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis through immunomodulatory effects. Therefore, vitamin D deficiency may accelerate the onset and progression of rheumatoid arthritis.

Do you have to get old when you are older? Note: 6 diseases come to the door, or this nutrition is not enough

4. Diabetes

Studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency may be related to the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, long-term lack of vitamin D is easy to get diabetes, and vitamin D supplementation can promote glucose metabolism and slow down the development of diabetes.

5. Bowel cancer

There is now growing evidence of an association between vitamin D and the risk of colorectal cancer death, and that consuming more vitamin D may help prevent colorectal cancer or precancerous colon polyps.

Do you have to get old when you are older? Note: 6 diseases come to the door, or this nutrition is not enough

In addition to the above 5 diseases, scientists have also found that vitamin D deficiency is associated with high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases, malignant tumors, etc.

Since vitamin D is so important to the human body, how can we supplement it?

Third, 5 kinds of high-dimensional D foods, eat more teeth and bones

Studies have shown that vitamin D supplementation has a significant effect on maintaining periodontal health, especially on bleeding gums, oral inflammation and periodontal pockets.

Do you have to get old when you are older? Note: 6 diseases come to the door, or this nutrition is not enough

In fact, vitamin D deficiency is very common in the world, according to statistics, about 1 billion people in the world have insufficient vitamin D intake, equivalent to vitamin D deficiency in every 7 people.

Vitamin D can be synthesized naturally in the body through sun exposure, but on the other hand, it also needs to be supplemented through diet with a focus. The following 5 high-vitamin D foods, which can be eaten appropriately and are helpful for strengthening teeth and bones:

1. Mushrooms

Mushrooms can synthesize vitamin D under ultraviolet radiation like humans, while mushrooms are rich in dietary fiber, low in calories, and rich in vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E and other vitamins.

Do you have to get old when you are older? Note: 6 diseases come to the door, or this nutrition is not enough

2. Milk, soy milk

Milk is rich in many nutrients, including vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, and riboflavin. At the same time, plant-based milk substitutes such as soy milk are also rich in vitamin D and some minerals.

3. Marine fish

Marine fish are excellent sources of vitamin D, and salmon, tuna, herring and sardines are all vitamin D-rich marine fish. At the same time, marine fish also contains a variety of minerals, more lecithin, to a certain extent can control the degeneration of brain cells.

Do you have to get old when you are older? Note: 6 diseases come to the door, or this nutrition is not enough

4. Animal liver

Animal offal, such as beef liver, pork liver, chicken heart, pig heart, etc., are rich in vitamin D and vitamin A, iron, protein and other nutrients, but animal offal generally has high cholesterol content and is only suitable for moderate consumption.

5. Egg yolk

The yolk in eggs is also a food rich in vitamin D and minerals. However, the cholesterol content in egg yolks is also high, so it is not advisable to eat more, just eat 1 a day.

Do you have to get old when you are older? Note: 6 diseases come to the door, or this nutrition is not enough

Vitamin D deficiency will affect oral health and even systemic health, so the elderly should not be too taboo, and at the same time go out in the sun every day to maintain a certain intensity of exercise, such as walking, playing tai chi, square dancing, etc., can also strengthen the body.

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Text references:

[1] CAO Lihua,WANG Jiaxia,XU Lixia. Research progress on the relationship between vitamin D and periodontitis[J]. Clinical Rational Drug Use,2023,16(10):178-181.

[2] LIAO Xiangpeng, ZHANG Zengli, ZHANG Honghong, ZHU Hanmin, ZHOU Jianlie, HUANG Qiren, WANG Zhiyan, WANG Liang, LIU Zhonghou. Guidelines for the application of vitamin D and bone health in adults (2014 standard edition)[J]. Chinese Journal of Osteoporosis,2014,20(09):1011-1030.

[3] TONG Chunshi, ZOU Yongwei, WANG Lei, GONG Junxia, LI Wenran, LIU Changhuan, LU Jianzhong. Vitamin D and its relationship with periodontitis[J]. International Journal of Stomatology,2014,41(04):474-477.

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