
A thousand-year-old temple, quiet and quaint, lilacs bloom every year, incense fills the courtyard... #temple ## Buddhism ##千年 #

author:Bodhisattva I want to say to you

A thousand-year-old temple, quiet and quaint, lilacs bloom every year, incense wafts all over the courtyard..... #Temple# #Buddhism# #千年 #

A thousand-year-old temple, quiet and quaint, lilacs bloom every year, incense fills the courtyard... #temple ## Buddhism ##千年 #
A thousand-year-old temple, quiet and quaint, lilacs bloom every year, incense fills the courtyard... #temple ## Buddhism ##千年 #
A thousand-year-old temple, quiet and quaint, lilacs bloom every year, incense fills the courtyard... #temple ## Buddhism ##千年 #
A thousand-year-old temple, quiet and quaint, lilacs bloom every year, incense fills the courtyard... #temple ## Buddhism ##千年 #
A thousand-year-old temple, quiet and quaint, lilacs bloom every year, incense fills the courtyard... #temple ## Buddhism ##千年 #
A thousand-year-old temple, quiet and quaint, lilacs bloom every year, incense fills the courtyard... #temple ## Buddhism ##千年 #
A thousand-year-old temple, quiet and quaint, lilacs bloom every year, incense fills the courtyard... #temple ## Buddhism ##千年 #
A thousand-year-old temple, quiet and quaint, lilacs bloom every year, incense fills the courtyard... #temple ## Buddhism ##千年 #
A thousand-year-old temple, quiet and quaint, lilacs bloom every year, incense fills the courtyard... #temple ## Buddhism ##千年 #

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