
After giving up the iPhone 14 ProMax, choose Huawei Mate50, and the use experience is not spit or unpleasant

author:Leo said digital

作为‬一个‬5年‬的‬苹果‬老用户‬‬,当我看到iPhone 14ProMax的价格之后,还是‬决定要尝试其他品牌了。 经过一番比较,我最终选择了华为Mate 50,让我来说说我的使用感受‬吧!

After giving up the iPhone 14 ProMax, choose Huawei Mate50, and the use experience is not spit or unpleasant

首先从系统‬来看,Mate 50采用了‬鸿蒙‬3.0操作‬系统‬,用起来‬挺流畅‬。 这几年‬华为生态‬进步很大‬‬,终端‬万物互联‬还是‬很省劲‬的‬,上传‬文件‬图片‬视频‬因为很方便‬,自我‬感觉‬不输苹果‬的‬‬iOS生态‬。

After giving up the iPhone 14 ProMax, choose Huawei Mate50, and the use experience is not spit or unpleasant


After giving up the iPhone 14 ProMax, choose Huawei Mate50, and the use experience is not spit or unpleasant

屏幕也是Mate 50的一个亮点,它采用了一块6.7英寸的OLED屏幕,我的‬是‬昆仑‬玻璃‬版本‬,比起‬普通玻璃‬更耐造‬,显示效果‬清晰色彩‬也比较真实‬,追剧‬还是‬很舒服‬的‬。 同时它采用了120Hz的刷新率,对比‬苹果‬标准版‬的‬60Hz刷新率‬,滑动操作更加顺畅自如。

After giving up the iPhone 14 ProMax, choose Huawei Mate50, and the use experience is not spit or unpleasant

影像方面,Mate 50采用超光变‬XMAGE影像‬系统‬,搭配‬5000万‬主摄‬,1300万‬超广角‬镜头‬还有‬1200万的‬长焦镜头‬,比起‬苹果‬的‬话‬色调更饱满‬,原相机‬还‬有轻微美颜‬,很自然,而且‬拍远景的‬效果‬也很不错‬‬。

After giving up the iPhone 14 ProMax, choose Huawei Mate50, and the use experience is not spit or unpleasant

In terms of battery life, a 4460mAh large battery and 66w fast charge are used, and the charging speed can only be said to be average, but it is much better than Apple's 20w fast charge... The battery life is also good, if you unplug it fully at night, the next morning it will only drop 1%.

After giving up the iPhone 14 ProMax, choose Huawei Mate50, and the use experience is not spit or unpleasant
