
【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

author:China Police Network
【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force
【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

In the Henan Police Force

There is such a group of people

Their names are "National Day" and "Founding of the People's Republic"

They were born with the National Day

It grew with the development of the Republic

They were born at different times though

He also joined the Force at different times

But they have a common wish:

Take responsibility for the prosperity and strength of the republic!

This National Day

Let's walk in together

"National Day" in the Henan Police Force

【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

Li Guoqing, male, is a community police officer at the Hanghai East Road Police Station of the Guancheng Branch of the Zhengzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau. October 1, 2021, is also Li Guoqing's 52nd birthday. Having been a soldier, experienced a SWAT team, and worn a police uniform for 30 years, he knows the meaning and responsibility of wearing a blue color.

"I'm going! I got it! These few words are what everyone often hears from Teacher Li Guoqing! On October 2, Li Guoqing was on duty. 24 hours, 8 hours to contact the police, 8 hours to carry out police handling and community policing work, 8 hours to improve notes and rest. At 8:35 on October 3, he was ready to leave work when he saw the squad leader at the gate of the unit and asked, "There is a suspect who needs to be further monitored and investigated." Li Guoqing, who had already taken a step, immediately said, "I'll go!" ”。 This time, it was busy until noon!

Everyone always likes to ask him: "Teacher Li, aren't you tired?" He always smiled and said, "This is the responsibility of our police!" ”

He said: I wish the great motherland more prosperity! ——Li Guoqing

【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

Born on October 1, 1978, Zhang Guoqing (first from the left) is now a squadron leader in the Criminal Police Brigade of the Shenqiu County Public Security Bureau.

This year's National Day, Zhang Guoqing is quite "fulfilling"! In the morning, he participated in the study and adjudication meeting of the special work of cracking down on the "three nons" and formulated measures for arrest and investigation work. After a simple overtime meal at noon, he drove to Liuzhuangdian Town to carry out an external investigation of the relevant situation of the suspects in the investigation. In the afternoon, there was a theft case in Fanying Township, and he led the police of the squadron in the area of responsibility to the scene to carry out investigation and video tracking, and that night, the criminal suspect was arrested.

Unable to rest, he joined the "five-in-one" security patrol after handling the case, and until 23:00 at night, he could still be seen on the patrol post of the railway station.

He said: When the National Day arrives in the golden autumn of October, the streets and alleys are fluttering with red flags. The sound of the national anthem rises into the sky, and the lanterns are illuminated in front of the red and red doors. Regardless of men and women, praise the motherland and the old and young, smile and be happy. In unison, I wish the motherland well, and Guotai and the people look at this dynasty. I wish the motherland a more brilliant tomorrow!—— Zhang Guoqing

【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

Zhang Guoqing, deputy captain of the Economic Investigation Brigade of the Beiguan Branch of the Anyang Municipal Public Security Bureau, was born on October 15, 1972.

He said: My name is Zhang Guoqing, and I joined the public security work in 1993. When I was a child, I was very proud because my name was "National Day". Slowly growing up, the two words "National Day" for me, more of a responsibility, a responsibility. Being a policeman was my childhood dream, and being a good people's policeman was my lifelong pursuit. Since I joined the police for 28 years, I have always worked in the frontline of the grassroots, with love and enthusiasm for public security work, loyally performing my duties, dedication and dedication, and guarding the tranquility of one party with responsibility and responsibility. As an investigative policeman, it is my duty and mission to accurately prevent and severely crack down on illegal fund-raising and criminal acts, and to recover the economic losses of the victims to the greatest extent. This National Day, as usual, I continue to stick to my post, carry out patrol work in the jurisdiction, publicize to the masses in the past to crack down on illegal fund-raising, prevent telecommunications fraud and other related legal knowledge, and guard the people's money bags! ——Zhang Guoqing

【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

Zhong Guoqing, born on October 1, 1986, is the deputy head of the synthetic combat detachment of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Zhengzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Since joining the police in 2010, zhong guoqing has spent his eleventh birthday with his comrades-in-arms in criminal investigation posts.

【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

On this year's National Day, Zhong Guoqing, as usual, is on duty at his post, busy in front of the computer, studying and judging various types of criminal case information, and accurately locking criminal suspects.

He said: On the occasion of the National Day, I hope that our great motherland will prosper. We will continue to fight in the frontline of the fight against crime and make new contributions to the overall stability of social security. ——Zhong Guoqing

【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

Chen Jianguo (right), deputy director of the Chengguan Police Station of luanchuan County Public Security Bureau, was born on February 20, 1993.

This year's National Day, the wonderland Luanchuan is bustling with people. Carry out street patrols, inspect casinos, handle disputes and seek help... Jianguo sticks to the front line and does not dare to have a slack!

He said: I have been on the road to keep the peace.

October 1 is the birthday of new China, and it is also the birthday of these navy blues. It must be a special fate that allows them to breathe and grow together with the motherland. And they also used to stick to the longest confession to the mother of the motherland!

【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

Chen Junfeng (first from the right), deputy director of the Legal Brigade of the Yuzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, was born on October 1, 1977.

October 1, 2021 National Day, for Chen Junfeng, is a day of ordinary work, but also a meaningful day, because on this day, he ushered in his 44th birthday at work.

At 8:00 a.m., Chen Junfeng received a hit-and-run case that came to the police of the Accident Section of the Traffic Police Brigade for approval, which was deadlocked due to insufficient evidence. Chen Junfeng found key evidence by reviewing the file, stripping away the cocoon, guiding the police handling the case to adjust the direction of investigation and reverse tracking. Eventually, forced by the strong deterrent power of the police, the suspect confessed to the crime of fleeing after the traffic accident.

In this way, on the day of national day, Chen Junfeng spent time in reviewing and handling a case, although there was no special birthday ceremony, but he felt that such a birthday was also very meaningful.

He said: Today is national day, I have the same birthday as the motherland, and I am here to guard peace for you! ——Chen Junfeng

【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

Wang Kaibo (right), a police officer at the Fanggang Police Station of the Yuzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, was born on October 1, 1967.

He said: This year's National Day, the mother of the motherland ushered in her 72nd birthday, and I am already a police officer for 27 years in the old community police, at this moment I am in the jurisdiction to visit and investigate, to resolve a long-term dispute in the neighborhood. Like many community police, there is no well-known reputation, no well-known achievements, my idea is very simple, that is, "to protect the people on one side, to protect the peace of one side"! At this moment, I am on the front line of guarding the motherland, wishing the great motherland prosperity and happy birthday! ——Wang Kaibo

【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

At 12:00 noon on October 1, Yu Fei, a police officer at the Zhao Zhuang Police Station of the Baofeng County Public Security Bureau, arranged a duty task to return to the office, and as soon as he opened the door, he was "moved" by the smiles and birthday cakes of his colleagues in front of him. It turned out that October 1 was the twenty-fifth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, and this day happened to be his birthday. After several days of busy work, Yu Fei had forgotten his birthday.

The birthday of the comrade-in-arms collided with the national celebration, and Yu Fei's colleagues still remembered it. Everyone prepared a birthday cake for him and celebrated his birthday during the evacuation. "Yu Fei, come here, blow out the candles, make a wish!" Seeing this scene, Yu Fei sighed with surprise and joy: "Good duty and good standing guard is the best birthday gift I have given to the mother of the motherland, and the state has also entrusted me with the mission and glory of a people's policeman, and I will always be glorious and forge ahead with my motherland!" "As the birthday song sounded, the room was filled with a thick warmth. Although the birthday "Party" is only a short period of more than 10 minutes, the warmth brought to Yu Fei is forever in the heart.

【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...". In order to solidly promote the implementation of various preferential measures for the police and enhance the sense of belonging and professional honor of the police, on the day of National Day, the Xincai County Public Security Bureau held a collective birthday party for the police employees who celebrated their birthdays on October 1. Let everyone truly feel the warmth and love from the bureau party committee and the public security family.

【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force
【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

In the birthday song, everyone made a good wish around the cake ~ everyone said that it was an unforgettable birthday.

They are "National Day" police

Take on your duties and missions with infinite loyalty

Pass on the spirit of dedication by sticking to the post

They are "National Day"

Thousands more in the festive season

Guarding the peace of the people

A member of the People's Police

【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

Thousands of public security police officers are dressed in navy blue

On the road to ensuring smooth traffic

【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

On the road of patrol prevention and control

【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

On the way to duty security

【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

On the way to clean up hidden dangers

【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

On the road to serving the masses

【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

Maybe these people

There is no such deep "fate" with the motherland

But they act, persevere, and dedicate

Express deep love for the mother of the motherland

【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force
【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force
【Holiday I am on duty】"National Day" in the Police Force

Hats off to you guys!

The loveliest people in peacetime!

Thankfully for you,

Mountains and rivers are unharmed!

Source: Ping'an Zhongyuan