
Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

author:Deep Entertainment Center

In 2012, 34-year-old Wu Peici said in an interview that I had broken up with Ji Xiaobo because I didn't give enough in my relationship.

Before that, the boyfriends she had talked about were more handsome than one, one was richer than the other, and the only criterion for her to find a boyfriend was handsome and golden.

But as long as it feels inappropriate, it is nothing more than a breakup.

The drama is that after he met Ji Xiaobo, he was completely reduced to a "licking dog", and even after the breakup, he had to shift the responsibility to himself.

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

Sure enough, in the end, Ji Xiaobo was touched by her operation and chose to reunite with her.

At this time, he found that Ji Xiaobo was not a rich second generation, but a man who had worked hard step by step to sit in the position of a billionaire, was this not the person she was looking for?

So she decided to hold on to this man firmly.

But such a man has a characteristic, that is, "watery poplar", when he likes you, he pays everything and forgets when he doesn't like it.

How to say that Wu Peici is also a person who has interacted with several rich people, and she knows that people like Ji Xiaobo are not easy to handle.

So she thought of a way, that is, to use the child to trap Ji Xiaobo.

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

In 2013, Wu Peici revealed that she was pregnant with her first child, four months old, and also received a million diamond rings from her boyfriend Ji Xiaobo.

In this way, Wu Peici not only received blessings, but also felt that her boyfriend sent her diamond ring to mean that she wanted to get married.

But wait, wait, wait until the first child will play soy sauce, Ji Xiaobo has not yet married her.

Unbeknownst to her, her nightmare had only just begun.

So Wu Peici has been in contact with so many rich men, why is she not staring at ji Xiaobo's tree?

In the end, she became a "fertility machine" and became a laughing stock, what made her come to this point today?

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

It all started with her mixed-race mom and rich dad.


In 1978, a mixed-race beauty and a rich man gave birth to a daughter named Wu Peici.

With a well-off family and inheriting her mother's beauty, Wu Peici is undoubtedly happy compared with children of the same age.

And as the only daughter in the family, she not only enjoys the life of a rich person, but also the pearl in the palm of her parents.

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

Various princess dresses and dolls are piled up in Wu Peici's wardrobe.

It was also from that time that Wu Peici dreamed of becoming a princess in the future and being a person who was loved by thousands of people.

But when she stood in front of the mirror in a princess dress and circled around, she never expected that her future dream of being a giant would shatter into a chicken feather.

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

In 1994, 16-year-old Wu Peici transferred to another high school and happened to meet 18-year-old Big S.

At that time, Wu Peici had become more and more beautiful, and her height alone exceeded that of her classmates by a large margin, and it is said that when she was in high school, she exceeded one meter and seven.

And beautiful and in good shape.

As soon as she entered the classroom, the whole class screamed and whispered, and when Big S saw her, she said: "My daughter is still full, I want to include her under our banner."

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

It turned out that at that time, Big S formed a group called "Seven Fairies", including Fan Weiqi, Aya, Makiyo and others.

At the gracious invitation of Big S, Wu Peici also joined the group.

Several people in high school belonged to the avant-garde people, dressed like each other, and chatted.

"Crazy" with her sisters every day, Wu Peici's high school life was full of flavor and made many friends.

Later, their relationship has always been very good, and even in some variety shows, even if someone exposes each other's black material, they will not be angry.

After graduation, they went their separate ways, and Wu Peici was one of the luckiesteries.

At that time, Rolling Stone Records was planning to find four Taiwanese girls and form a girl group.

Because of her height and appearance advantages, Wu Peici was selected as one of them, and the other three teammates were Chen Qizhen, Li Xinjie and Xu Huaijue.

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

It was also from this time that the feelings of this great beauty began to run out of control.


In 1998, Wu Peiti released her debut album "Pace" after entering Rolling Stone Records, and her mentor Zhang Hongliang personally made her a producer.

After the release of the first album, the response was good, so he released a second album "All My Pace" while it was hot.

After the release of the two albums, sales surpassed the popular stars.

After the girl group became popular, Wu Peici also became a shining new star in the entertainment industry.

But at this time, Wu Peici actually had a scandal with her mentor Zhang Hongliang.

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

Zhang Hongliang is usually a very strict person, especially when dealing with Wu Peici.

When she was a child, she could not tolerate such grievances, so she often wiped tears in front of Zhang Hongliang.

Zhang Hongliang said like an old father, I am all for your own good, and only in this way can I become an excellent singer in the future.

Sure enough, the method of slapping and then giving a candy did work, because every day in training, they walked close together and inevitably caused criticism.

However, Zhang Hongliang is so much older than Wu Peici, I don't know if it is true feelings.

Whether it is true or not, the arrival of Wu Peici's new boyfriend has also broken this scandal, and the two have known each other for seven or eight years.

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

At that time, Wu Peiti's favorite food was Japanese food, and her new boyfriend Ted was already the owner of a Japanese restaurant.

She was a rich lord, and when she first pursued Wu Peici, Wu Peici did not agree and recognized her as a sister.

So I began to frantically throw money at my "sister", buy her a bag to buy lipstick or something.

How could a little girl resist such a good brother, so she agreed to the ted pursuit.

Ted is simply equipped with all the characteristics of a scumbag, the words are too able to coax the girl to be happy, buy her a jewelry will say, only you can deserve such jewelry.

But after getting along for a long time, Wu Peici found that she and he could not get along at all, and there was a small quarrel for two days and a big quarrel for three days.

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

The young and vigorous Wu Peici resolutely proposed to break up, after all, she was still young, and it was a big deal to find a new one.

After the breakup, Wu Peici began to work hard like a sudden realization, trying to increase her popularity.

So she turned to the film and television circle, starring in the first movie "Love and Sincerity of the Warring States Strong Front", this film not only has Wu Zhenyu and Liang Yongqi, but also invited Wang Jie, who has not been out of the mountains for a long time.

Working with so many big names, it is difficult to think of being famous.

Sure enough, after becoming famous, Wu Peici has won the favor of many men and is also called "Kobayashi Chiling".

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

Unexpectedly, at that time, the real Lin Zhiling just broke up with her boyfriend Su Dianzhong.

This Su Dianzhong found Wu Peici, I don't know if I can't forget my predecessor, or I found a stand-in.

When she and Wu Peici were together, she always looked like she was on top, but Wu Peici had a deep affection for him, and even the big S who had played well could not look at it.

Girlfriends are not persuaded to reconcile, and sometimes they are not necessarily wrong.

Because big S, who is an outsider, sees it more clearly, he said to Wu Peici in a serious tone: "You can't just look at the appearance, he thinks that he has a great look after interacting with Lin Chiling."

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

It didn't take long for Wu Peici to break up with Su Dianzhong.

However, it was not because of the big S, but later the two long-distance lovers could not stand the loneliness before they broke up.

So after the breakup, Wu Peici wanted to find a man who could accompany her again.

And this man is Shi Mingting, the prince of Salonbas, sitting on a value of 1 billion.

It is said that shi Mingting had a crush on Wu Peici at that time, and in order to pursue her, he dumped all the flight attendant girlfriends.

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

Wu Peici was also quickly chased by him, but the two did not laugh to the end.

Because Shi Mingting's parents did not want their son to find a person in the entertainment industry to marry in the future, the relationship between the two ended hastily.

Heartbroken, Wu Peici boarded a plane to Malaysia.

I didn't expect to meet a man I liked on the plane.

This person is Peter Chen, a wealthy Malaysian businessman, and it is a miracle that the two of them can come together.

Look at each other and smile on the plane, I like your money, you like my face, just so simple together.

Such feelings come and go fast.

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

At first, Peter Chen also thought that Wu Peici was a very good woman and planned to marry her within two years.

But Wu Peici went to shoot a large-scale drama at this time, which made her boyfriend very angry and resolutely proposed to break up with her.

Because Wu Peici was ambitious at that time, he felt that no matter how rich his boyfriend was, he still had to work hard.

Only then did I choose to find a rich boyfriend, but also to make money by filming.

But I don't know whether I was pit or blinded by temporary interests, Wu Peici's next play turned out to be a large-scale drama.

Their relationship also came to an end from this time.

The most beautiful age for a woman is in her twenties, and those years have passed in a flash, but she has not been able to meet a true lover during that time.

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

Of course, Wu Peiti is also aware of this, and she also wants to find someone to fall in love and then get married.

Because At that time, Wu Peici was already in her early thirties, and it was much more difficult to let rich men look at her at this time than before.

But since you have chosen to take this path, you must also insist on going with your teeth.

But what she didn't expect was that her nightmare also laid the groundwork at this time.


In 2010, Wu Peici was invited to a party where there were many rich and beautiful women, including Ji Xiaobo, the CEO of a company worth more than 10 billion.

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

Although Wu Peici was 32 years old at the time, she still had charm and full of temperament.

Ji Xiaobo took a look at her in the crowd, although Ji Xiaobo knew countless women, but he was the first to see someone as temperamental as Wu Peici.

Since he has a crush on it, Ji Xiaobo's pursuit is to throw money, buy bags, jewelry and even buy cars to give to her.

This method is just right for Wu Peiti, because she likes rich men to throw money at herself.

It didn't take long for them to come together.

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

And this time, Wu Peici obviously retracted a lot and knew how to cherish.

Maybe you've experienced too many failed feelings, or maybe you feel old enough to find a man to marry.

So in this relationship, she was completely reduced to "licking the dog".

In 2012, the two experienced a breakup, and Wu Peici attributed the reason for the breakup to herself, saying a lot of touching words, which made Ji Xiaobo reunite with her.

After the reunion, Wu Peici still feels insecure, and she wants to completely catch this man.

So I chose the path of having children.

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

But when the children could play soy sauce, Ji Xiaobo still had no intention of marrying her.

So she continued to force the other party in her own way and continued to have children.

Having 4 children in 5 years, you must know that having children is very harmful to women, let alone so many children.

And after giving birth to the child, you have to bring your own, wake up in the middle of the night to get up and coax, but also get up early to cook for the child.

But in order for Ji Xiaobo to marry herself, she still gritted her teeth and insisted, willing to endure such pain and torture.

However, Wu Peici was miscalculated after all, and after a few years, in order to marry into the rich, she gave birth to 2 daughters and 2 sons, but she still failed to let Ji Xiaobo marry her.

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

All 4 children were born out of wedlock, and some people admired her, and some people felt that she was not worthy.

She also comforted herself that the name was not important, but the truth made it difficult for everyone to believe, since it was not important, why fight so hard?

She was completely reduced to a laughingstock on the road of giving birth.

At the beginning of the month, her birthday photos were also exposed, wearing a white dress, the skirt was bulging, and some netizens doubted whether she was pregnant with her fifth child.

But she explained herself: "There are no babies in it."

Wu Peici's insistence, 5 years after 4 births still can not enter the giants, the road he chose to grit his teeth will also be finished

But from the photos, it can be seen that in addition to a few girlfriends, boyfriend Ji Xiaobo is not around at all.

I don't know when she will become Mrs. Ji.

But this is also very good, there is a baby rich, perhaps the most satisfactory work in her life, is the four lovely children.

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