
Short story: The girl on the train

author:Zhao Qingguo 650221

A high-speed locomotive with a speed of 300 kilometers per hour is like a bullet shuttling through the hills and mountains. It is about to enter the plain in May, the warm and humid air flow in May brings abundant water vapor, moisturizes the silent mountains, the dry ravines are gradually vivid, on the relatively gentle plain, the sea of rape flowers has become a scenery, like a large outdoor building block, constantly flashing, changing...

Short story: The girl on the train

The legal holiday in May is a good season for people to travel. This time the train is C9279, and the intercity EMU train from Asan at 19 o'clock through the capital to Guangquan. In the seats of the fourteenth row of the fourteenth train sat a strong man in a short-sleeved shirt, fat-headed, not tall but very strong, looking very much like a civil servant, at least a small cadre, or higher. He swiped his phone with relish, wiping the corners of his somewhat wet mouth from time to time. Outside are his two children, who look to be no more than 6 or 7 years old, and from time to time they make small movements that tease each other.

Short story: The girl on the train

"Sister, I step louder than you!" The proud voice of a little boy, accompanied by the continuous impact of "click", suddenly resounded throughout the carriage, breaking the original silence in the carriage.

"Who's kid, can you afford to kick the chair and break it, adults don't care!" The girl sitting quietly in the front row who was shaken got up from her seat and angrily rebuked the two children who were playing,

"The child is still young, do you yell at the child? What's wrong with playing? Gua Po Niang! A muscular man in the back rushed over. In an instant, the eyes of everyone around turned to the girl.

"Disturb my rest."

"You can change to sit somewhere else."

"You tell me to change me, you don't care about the child, and Lila?" The girl turned and sat down and scolded into the air: "Fool closed!" ”

"You scold one more try, see if I don't slap your mouth!" A woman in white stood up in the back seat to join the group, and with the girl's backmouth, two consecutive slaps on the girl's face.

The situation suddenly became intense, and the conductor Ma, who was alarmed, hurried over. The two sides were still arguing fiercely, and the girl was very annoyed after being beaten, stood up and slapped them twice while theorizing.

This scene is a reproduction of the scene of the Porsche owner being slapped in the face.

That was the true story that happened on the last day of July 2019. The weather was a little dry on this day, and the young woman drove her beloved Porsche luxury car out, and when she reached an intersection, she somehow turned her head back in a sharp direction, and happened to face a man's vehicle on the road. A single lane can pass two cars. I saw the noble lady probe and the opposite driver complained a few words, and then walked out of the car with a comfortable manner, and suddenly the fragrance was overflowing, and the street was full of eyes. But seeing her tall figure, delicate skin, light makeup and tender makeup, her temperament was particularly elegant, and she looked at the immortals who did not eat the world's fireworks, and the man had heart-warming longing thoughts at a glance. She wears a milky white and black silk lady's top hat, a white silk scarf wrapped around a pink neck, and a sapphire blue suspender on her upper body, and she is 8 inches tall and swaying in the sky, which is really called a wind swing, and there is a firmness hidden in the tenderness of the bones.

"Driving a forced (Note: BYD BYD) broken car, dare to block the road on the street?" The lady shouted at the strong young man in his 30s who had just stepped down from the driver's seat.

"You violated the rules of communication, and gave way to you, unreasonable? Do you have to drive a luxury car? Before the young man's words fell, the noble lady slapped the young man's left face. The young man looked confused, then woke up, and instinctively a big ear thunder fanned over. This force can be described as full of force, driving the upper body of the noble lady to do a 90° rotation, fortunately, the right hand supported on the luxury car did not fall to the ground, politely instantly drew an elegant arc, like a flying saucer silently fell on the zebra line 10 meters away.

Later, I heard that the noble lady's husband made a settlement and put an end to this once sensational online viral incident. Although her husband graduated from secondary technology and had a very low education, he surpassed the much more educated competitors and sat in the position of deputy of a certain bureau. After this incident, he faced his wife who was crying and demanding revenge for him to give a severe rebuke, personally took the noble lady to apologize, and reconciled the matter, and the crisis of this huge human flesh search hidden on the Internet disappeared into invisible.

Short story: The girl on the train

Now this scene is playing out again, and this girl is a little more powerful, where has the woman in white suffered such a big loss for more than 30 years, and immediately raised the water bottle to smash it. A big brother with a northeastern accent who was lively at first came forward with arrogance at this moment, and his words actually prevented the further escalation of the situation.

"I heard it very clearly, the first to insult people is the person you scolded by this man, the girls didn't scold at the beginning, you can't you scold people, you won't let people talk back, people will beat people after scolding, right?" And the hand you move first, the child on your side has kicked the back of the chair many times and quarreled with people, and you still don't adhere to it? Does the world still make sense? ”

The man who scolded "Gua Po Niang" immediately fell under the powerful power of the Northeast buddies. "Agreed, no problem." The onlookers of the entire carriage immediately offered their applause without hesitation.

After the girl got off the bus in Ducheng, she felt great grievances, and immediately went to the local police station to report to the police and made a record for 3 hours. When she got home, it was past 10 p.m., and she posted the video taken on the train to the Internet and added instructions.

Taking advantage of the May Day holiday, a family of 5 - the couple and their aunt took their three children to Meishan to play, took the high-speed train back to Jiangshui's hometown, did not think that such a back-to-heart happened, and was extremely unhappy, returned home and accidentally swiped the mobile phone to find that the incident that happened to the defeated woman on the train was on the Internet, causing everyone to condemn them.

After receiving a call from the Jiangshui police asking the girl to delete the video, the girl was startled and deleted the video uploaded on the Internet, but the more she thought about it, the more anger rose, "How can this unreasonable couple sue the evil person first?" Dare to ask the police to press me? ”

The next morning, the girl received a request from the Jiangshui police for allegedly violating the Public Security Administration Punishment Law for beating others and asking her to go to the designated police station in the afternoon for investigation and questioning.

After all, the girl experienced such a thing for the first time, and her psychology fluctuated a little, but she firmly believed that reason went all over the world and prepared for the worst. That night, he rushed to the office of the patrol brigade of the Ducheng Railway Public Security Department designated by the Jiangshui police, and left it for seven and a half hours from 8 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. the next day.

The girl walked out of the police station with some determination and a hint of disappointment. She always firmly refused in the face of the reconciliation messages of the other party transmitted by the Jiangshui police several times, but the officer's tireless, seemingly well-intentioned, and finally slightly regretful voice was always played back in her mind, which made her feel a little unhappy and puzzled.

"If you think about it, I have already told you many times, and after checking the video, you have beaten people twice, which is already suspected of violating the Public Security Administration Punishment Law." The other party has been crying and realizing that she is also wrong, expressing regret, the other party proposed to settle, if you reach an agreement, both of you are happy, and if the trivial matter is turned into a small matter, there will be no penalty ticket, and there will be no case record."

"How do you think about it?" After seeing the last rejection between the girls, the officer straightened up and said, "Okay, I've exhausted the stakes." The officer came out silently and walked slowly into a room in the backyard.

Seeing the police officer come in, the couple stopped complaining, and the lady wiped a handful of tears and looked at the officer. "Brother, sister-in-law, I met this person, the oil and salt did not enter, we did our best." I'll send you back later. ”

Officer Jiang Shui handed the girl the stamped Administrative Punishment Decision. The clock hand pointed to Ling Cheng at 4 o'clock, and the lights on the street were wrapped in a huge black curtain, looking lifeless. The girl took the punishment decision and read the unexpected and expected result several times, "beat each other... Offence... a fine of $200". She slowly raised her head, calmed her emotions, and silently said in her heart: "I want an administrative reconsideration." Don't let malice move forward, tears can't be dissipated with regret. ”

Who expected that the high-speed rail girl slap incident, since the day of the incident, spread to the Internet and set off an uproar on the Internet, the participants commented on all levels of society, including official media, public accounts, self-media big V, personal self-media, legal experts, scholars, teachers, but also workers, farmers, students, etc., a very ordinary daily dispute gradually evolved into a matter of personal quality, moral bottom line, legitimate defense, and even subjective law enforcement, legal principle discussion. Why did such an extremely ordinary civil dispute cause such a sensation in society?

Russell, a law leader at the University of Political Science and Law, and Xueduan Media believe that it seems inappropriate for the police to characterize each other as beating each other in the incident of the girl slap, and that the girl has the nature of legitimate defense, and that legitimate defense is right or wrong, and that beating each other is not right or wrong. The girl dared to be commended by society for not compromising and reconciling all evil acts in society, and dared to sound the death knell for the consistent handling of similar cases by the public security organs, and she made great contributions to the construction of the socialist legal system.

The self-owned media big V Hu Dongcho and other factions believe that the video released by the police, defining the high-speed rail slap incident and beating each other, is completely reasonable and legal, there is no fault at all, the law stipulates that when encountering minor violations of the law, you must seek the help of the police or the train police and train conductor, and you must not violent and control violence. Some personal self-media strongly condemn the girl's behavior, she is not a good thing, personal morality, low character, no compassion, no common sense of the maternal and child protection law, so young children do not love and care for it?

After the failed administrative reconsideration, the girl filed an administrative lawsuit complaint with the local people's court, and the girl who sued was named Wang Faying.

This great debate on human nature, morality, law and social rule of law did not stop until the trial. The day of the trial was gloomy, and the streets were in a hurry, and cars were hurrying, all rushing home before the hail arrived. The girl Wang Shangying wore a plain orchid dress and slowly walked into the designated courtroom holding a thick light document.

"Dear court, honorable judge, I, Wang Faying, as the plaintiff, believe that the administrative punishment decision issued to me by the Ducheng Railway Public Security Department is unlawful, wrong in determining the facts, and wrong in the application of law, and I sincerely request the court to revoke its ruling. The facts and reasons are as follows:

1. On the evening of May 2, I got off the train and reported to the Ducheng Railway Police Station and made a three-hour record, reporting in detail the fact that Yang Moumou, her husband and my aunt's family had insulted me, beaten me, and illegally filmed videos.

On the morning of May 3, I received a call from the Jiangshui police asking me to delete the video I had uploaded to the scene of the online real shooting incident, and I then deleted the uploaded video. Without clearly investigating the two parties and without conducting a written investigation, the issuance of the order is a procedural violation. I believe that the Jiangshui police abused their power and interfered with the legitimate rights of a citizen.

On May 4, as the person who reported to the police, I received a "summons certificate" issued by the Jiangshui Police Station, which bears the official seal of the Chengdu Public Security Department of the Duchengdu Railway Public Security Bureau, and I am suspected of beating others. In the report of the Ducheng Railway Public Security Department, it was stated that I was the policeman, and the police turned a blind eye to the evidence of my record, and when Jiang Shui summoned the transcript, it took up to 7 and a half hours, and most of the time was spent on explaining the benefits of reconciliation to me many times and asking me to reach a reconciliation. I think that the Jiangshui police have no jurisdiction over me, which is actually a procedural violation. The case I reported to the police should be handled by the police station where I called the police.

2. After the Jiangshui police made an administrative punishment, in the face of questions from the Internet public, the staff spoke out that there was a law to follow for my disposal, and the video that could be released was actually a video material that was cut and consistent with the notification, not a video of the entire complete process recorded by the train, and the content was intentionally deleted, such as Yang Moumou actually hit me twice, but the published video and the police report were once, and the Northeast Big Brother's on-site speech detailed the real situation of the entire incident, but it appeared in the published video, which completely violated the integrity of the factual information. The impartiality of the evidence, the video content released to the public by the police by such means, is false evidence.

3. The two times I fought back, the police determined that my illegal behavior was not in line with the spirit of the law and the law. My return attack was based on the brutal words and beating behavior of the other party, Yang and the other three were forced to take the necessary counterattack at the scene, and the consequences after the counterattack did not cause serious over-limit injuries, which met the requirements of legitimate defense of the relevant laws, and the police determined that the mutual assault was wrong.

4. Yang Moumou and other 3 people caused the incident because they failed to manage the children's dereliction of duty, destroying the public property of the seat, harming the safety of public places, and turning a blind eye to its development. After I raised the question, Yang's husband not only ignored teaching the children, but also hurt others, and called me "melon mother-in-law" many times, who can not be angry in the face of such an arrogant and unreasonable thing? Who can resist not fighting back? And Yang Moumou joined the attack, savagely hit me twice, and after I counterattacked 2 times, I picked up the level and made a move to smash me, if it weren't for the Northeast Big Brother appearing in time, I don't know what the consequences of smashing down and hurting me are. As can be seen from the full video, Yang's violation of the law and my counterattack are two different natures, different degrees, different social impacts and consequences, should be treated differently, each hit 50 big boards, the police determined that the punishment of each other was the same level, obviously the law was wrong.

Distinguished judges, people's assessors, and adults here, although I am a female class, I have been educated by my family, neighbors, and teachers to "walk the world with reason" since I was a child, and I firmly believe that this is the absolute truth. In real society, the 24-character core values of socialist China also gave me this belief. I know that this incident has aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, the Internet has a memory, and according to my statistics, 90% of the comments on this incident supported my non-settlement and encouraged me to sue, which gave me great understanding and infinite strength. There are also a very small number of people who attack my words and deeds in this incident, such as "she is not a good stubble, nor is she a good thing", I found that the implicit thing in this sentence is that the party involved in Yang is not a good thing. Before the trial, this incident prompted me to carefully study the relevant provisions of the law, and I learned that the law upholds justice and actively maintains social security, not lawbreakers and asylumrs who act badly.

I firmly believe in one sentence: reason is everywhere, and I hope that the court will revoke the administrative punishment imposed on me in accordance with the law. Thank you. ”

The courtroom fell silent and adjourned until now.

(The story is pure fiction, if there are similarities, please do not sit down)

Short story: The girl on the train