
Discover the longest lifespan of every creature on Earth and uncover the wonders of life!

author:Khan tells history

The planet is full of countless creatures, each with an amazing life cycle. This article will delve into different categories of organisms to explore the representatives of the longest among them. We will uncover the secrets behind these miracles of life and let us explore this spectacular world of life together.

1. Reptiles:

Turtles: Known as representatives of longevity, turtles have been present on Earth for millions of years. Among them, the Galapagos tortoise can live more than 100 years, while the Aldabra tortoise can live to more than 200 years old.

Snakes: The world's longest-lived snake is the Maria Maria Island python, which can live up to 25-30 years. One of the snakes, the tree python, can live for more than 50 years.

Crocodiles: Giant crocodiles also have amazing longevity, especially the Chinese Yangzi crocodile. According to research, the lifespan of the Yangzi crocodile can be as long as 80 years.

Lizards: Certain lizards also enjoy a longer lifespan, such as the Komodo monitor lizard, which can live up to 20-30 years.

Crabs: Red King Crabs are known as the longest-lived crabs, and they can live up to more than 100 years. These crabs live in the deep sea and have amazing vitality.

Discover the longest lifespan of every creature on Earth and uncover the wonders of life!

2. Flying animals:

Eagles: The world's longest-lived eagles are steppe eagles, which can live for more than 30 years. These elegant prey birds have a strong physique and sharp eyes.

Parrots: Parrots are very popular pets, and the oldest of them is the Graja parrot, which can live to more than 80 years.

Pigeons: Common domestic pigeons have a shorter lifespan, but there is a special case among wild pigeons. Raven pigeons are a North American pigeon that can live for more than 20 years.

Hummingbirds: Despite their small size, hummingbirds have an unexpectedly long lifespan. Among them, long-billed hummingbirds can live for more than 10 years.

Bats: As the only mammal capable of active flight, bats also exhibit extraordinary characteristics in terms of longevity. Among them, small vampire bats can live to more than 20 years.

Discover the longest lifespan of every creature on Earth and uncover the wonders of life!

3. Mammals:

Elephants: Elephants are the largest mammals on land and one of the representatives of longevity. African elephants can live up to 60-70 years, while Asian elephants can live to more than 80 years.

Giraffes: As the tallest land animal on Earth, giraffes also have an amazing lifespan. They can live to more than 25 years.

Humans: Among mammals, humans are also worth mentioning. Although lifespans vary from individual to individual, some records show that the world's longest-lived human is over 120 years old.

Dolphins: Dolphins are considered to be one of the intelligent animals, and they also have a relatively long lifespan. Among them, spotted dolphins can live for more than 40 years, while killer whales can live for more than 60 years.

Orangutans: As close relatives of humans, orangutans also have a long lifespan. Wild orangutans can live up to about 40 years, while orangutans under human protection are more likely to live longer.

4. Marine life:

Sea turtles: Sea turtles have been adrift in the ocean for decades, so they also enjoy a relatively long lifespan. Among them, green turtles can live to more than 80 years, while leather-backed turtles can live for more than 100 years.

Whales: As the largest mammal in the ocean, whales are also representatives of amazing lifespans. Among them, humpback whales can live to more than 70 years, while blue whales enjoy a long life of 100 years.

Starfish: Although seemingly fragile, starfish have an amazing lifespan on the ocean floor. Some starfish can live longer than 50 years.

Corals: Although corals are a group of organisms, they can also be considered long-lived creatures. Some coral reefs have been around for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Seaweed: As a representative of marine plants, seaweed also has a long lifespan. Some macroseaweeds can live up to 20 years or more.

Discover the longest lifespan of every creature on Earth and uncover the wonders of life!

The biological world on Earth holds amazing wonders of life. From reptiles, flying animals, mammals to marine life, each category showcases the longest lifespan of a different organism. The Galapagos tortoise and the Aldabra tortoise in the turtle species can live up to 100 years and more than 200 years old, and the Maria Maria Island python and tree python in the snake species can live up to 25-30 years and more than 50 years. The Chinese Yangzi crocodile in crocodiles can live for more than 80 years, while the Komodo monitor lizard in the lizard class can live up to 20-30 years. As the longest-lived crab, the red king crab can live for more than 100 years.

Among flying animals, the steppe eagle is the longest-lived eagle, with a lifespan of more than 30 years. The Granja parrot is one of the longest-lived parrots and can live to more than 80 years. Raven pigeons are a special case of wild pigeons that can live for more than 20 years. Although small, long-billed hummingbirds can live to more than 10 years. The small vampire bats in bats can live to more than 20 years.

Among mammals, African elephants can live up to 60-70 years, and Asian elephants can live to more than 80 years. Giraffes can live to more than 25 years, and some records in humans show the longest to live more than 120 years. Among the dolphins, the spotted dolphins can live for more than 40 years, and killer whales can live for more than 60 years. Wild orangutans can live up to 40 years or so.

Among marine life, green sea turtles can live up to 80 years and leather-backed sea turtles can live for more than 100 years. Humpback whales can live to more than 70 years, and blue whales enjoy a long life of 100 years. Starfish can live for more than 50 years, and some coral reefs have been around for hundreds or even thousands of years. Macroseaweed can live for more than 20 years.

The longevity of these organisms may involve multiple factors such as genetics, environment and adaptive ability. Delving deeper into their life cycles can help us better understand the wonders of life and make efforts to protect and preserve biodiversity. Let us cherish and protect the precious lifespan of all living things on Earth.