
Explore the changes and meanings of personal names in the south of the Han and Jin dynasties

author:The Western history of Menglu

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Explore the changes and meanings of personal names in the south of the Han and Jin dynasties


This paper aims to explore the changes and meanings of southern names during the Han and Jin dynasties.

During the Han and Jin dynasties, the southern region had unique customs and folklore, and unlike the northern region, southern names also had unique cultural connotations and historical significance.

The change of southern names is affected by many factors such as region, society and history, and these factors interact to shape the development of southern names.

By delving into the process of change of southern names, we can explore the evolution and inheritance of southern culture, understand the social and historical impact of southern names, and the cultural differences between southern and northern names.

Explore the changes and meanings of personal names in the south of the Han and Jin dynasties

At the same time, this paper will also explore the significance of southern names today, which has a positive role in promoting local cultural inheritance and forming cultural self-confidence.

This paper will take historical documents and personal name research as the main research methods, in order to deeply explore the cultural connotation and historical value of southern personal names.

Characteristics of Han and Jin southern names

During the Han and Jin dynasties, the geographical environment, ethnic groups and religious beliefs of the southern regions were diverse, and these factors jointly shaped the cultural connotation and historical characteristics of southern names.

1. Geography and Southern names

The geographical environment of the southern region is obviously different from that of the north, and the water towns, hilly mountains, and subtropical climate of Jiangnan have all had a profound impact on the names of southern people.

For example, Jiangnan water towns tend to be like a network, villages are densely distributed, and the surnames of residents are mostly single-surnamed, such as "Xiu, Mao, Xie, Ma, Jiang" and so on. The hilly and mountainous terrain is rugged and scattered, mostly with compound surnames, such as "Zuo Qiuming, Ouyang, Murong" and so on.

In addition, the climate in the southern region of the Han Dynasty was warm and humid, and the environment was suitable for agricultural development, so agriculture-related surnames were common in southern names, such as "Tian, Lin, Mo, Shu, Liang" and so on.

Explore the changes and meanings of personal names in the south of the Han and Jin dynasties

2. Ethnic groups and southern names

Due to the long-term influence of foreign invasion and cultural exchanges between the north and the south, the southern region has frequent ethnic interactions, forming a complex ethnic match.

For example, the southern ethnic groups include the Han, Miao, Dong, Zhuang, Yao, Tujia, etc., and the languages, cultures and beliefs of different ethnic groups have influenced the names of southern people.

For example, when the Miao moved north, the Miao ancestors were renamed, and the naming method fully reflected the history, culture and religious beliefs of the Miao people.

For example, when the Han and Yao people married each other, the language, customs, beliefs, etc. between the two ethnic groups all had an impact on the naming of personal names.

3. Religious beliefs and the peoples of the South

During the Han and Jin dynasties, there were many religious beliefs in the southern region, including Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and some local religious beliefs.

These religious beliefs had a profound impact on the naming of southern names and cultural connotations.

For example, Taoism pays attention to the education of immortals, so it often uses the names of immortals to add characters such as "zhen", "xuan", and "jun" as human life, such as "zhao zhenren, pang tong xuangong", etc.; Buddhism advocates the state of birth, so it is often used as a person's name for words from Buddhist texts or Buddhist scriptures, such as "Prajna, Nirvana".

Explore the changes and meanings of personal names in the south of the Han and Jin dynasties

During the Han and Jin dynasties, the southern regional environment, ethnic groups and religious beliefs were diverse, and these factors had a profound impact on southern names, which thus presented unique historical characteristics and cultural connotations in terms of meaning, origin, strokes and usage.

The change of personal names in the south of the Han and Jin dynasties

During the Han and Jin dynasties, the southern region experienced various influences such as foreign invasions, cultural exchanges between the north and the south, and historical events, and the names of southern people also underwent certain changes.

1. The impact of massive foreign invasions on the peoples of the South

During the Han and Jin dynasties, the southern region experienced a large number of foreign invasions, such as barbarians, Di people, Qiang people, Xiongnu and so on.

These foreign races were at war with the southerners and existed for a long time, and became the gateway of the Central Plains civilization into the south, which had a profound impact on the southern names.

For example, figures in ancient southern national mythology such as Emperor Yan and Chi You became important gods and ancestors in the south, and later extended to surnames, such as "Yan, Chi You, Di" and so on.

Similarly, the Qiang people have existed in the south for a long time, bringing a lot of cultural connotations to southern culture, such as "Boxian", Bairi drum, etc., and have also become the source of surnames of southerners.

2. The influence of North-South cultural exchanges on Southern names

During the Han and Jin dynasties, there were strong cultural exchanges between the north and the south, and the northern culture had a lot of influence on the south. These influences are evident not only in everything from language and culture to surnames.

For example, the custom of compound surnames, which is common in northern surnames, has a long history and has gradually spread to the south, such as "Sima, Wang, Zhang, Feng, Xu" and so on.

Explore the changes and meanings of personal names in the south of the Han and Jin dynasties

In addition, with the increasing cultural exchanges between the north and the south during the Han and Jin dynasties, a large number of cultural relics were also produced, such as "ancient tombs, bamboo simplifications, silk drapery, stone murals", etc., revealing the cultural connotation of cultural exchanges between the north and the south, and also reflecting the changes and development of southern names.

3. The influence of historical events on Southern names

During the Han and Jin dynasties, a series of historical events occurred in the southern region, which also had a great influence on southern names.

For example, the "Golden Seal" excavated in Nanjing during the Eastern Jin Dynasty preserved the names and official positions of many officials, revealing many famous southern surnames such as "He, Xie, Lu, Fan, Yan" and so on.

After the change of Xuanzhong, many clans arose in the southern region during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and their surnames and expressions gradually rose, showing the cultural characteristics and historical value of southern civilization.

The changes of southern names during the Han and Jin dynasties were affected by various factors such as foreign invasions, cultural exchanges between the north and the south and historical events, and their changes and development reflected the changes of southern culture and its historical characteristics.

Explore the changes and meanings of personal names in the south of the Han and Jin dynasties

The meaning of the southern names of the Han and Jin dynasties

During the Han and Jin dynasties, southern names showed multiple characteristics due to the diversity of regional environment, ethnic groups and cultural beliefs, and contained rich historical values and cultural connotations in the changes.

Southern personal names are of great significance to the inheritance and development of local culture, the integration and development of national culture, and personal identity.

1. Significance for the inheritance and development of local culture

The prosperity and diversity of southern names during the Han and Jin dynasties reflected the cultural heritage and historical origins of southern culture.

Southern names are closely related to local cultural inheritance, influence each other, and jointly shape local cultural characteristics.

For example, the southern region loves literature and art, pays attention to expressing the emotional color of the phonology of Chinese characters, and southern surnames are inextricably related to literature and art, such as "Pound, Wen Yang, Liu Che" and so on. In addition, southern names themselves are an important part of the language and culture, representing the language and culture of the southern region.

Explore the changes and meanings of personal names in the south of the Han and Jin dynasties

2. Significance for the integration and development of national culture

The exchange and integration of southern culture and northern culture during the Han and Jin dynasties allowed southern names to influence and enrich the country's culture to a certain extent.

The change and development of southern names have made them an indispensable and important part of Chinese culture, with high historical value and cultural significance.

Southern names are not a single cultural inheritance and evolution, but the fusion and integration of different elements of Chinese culture, intertwining and influencing each other.

For example, the integration and development of southern and northern cultures has brought many classic compound surnames, such as "Sima, Wang, Zhang, Feng, Xu" and so on.

3. Impact on an individual's identity

Personal names carry a person's identity, cultural vision and value orientation, and affect personal growth and development.

Southern names in the Han and Jin dynasties had a profound impact on people's identity due to their rich historical connotations and cultural values.

For example, southern surnames are inextricably linked to the family genealogy, reflecting not only the family cultural heritage, but also the family's self-awareness and identity.

Explore the changes and meanings of personal names in the south of the Han and Jin dynasties

At the same time, personal names no longer merely represent a person's message, but represent the unique cultural symbols and personal identity of the southern region.

During the Han and Jin dynasties, southern personal names were of great significance to local cultural inheritance, national cultural development and personal identity.

Southern names have undergone changes and evolution during the Han and Jin dynasties, showing rich historical connotations and cultural values, becoming an indispensable and important part of Chinese culture, reflecting the diversification and development of Chinese culture.


The characteristics, changes and meanings of southern personal names in the Han and Jin dynasties reflect the diversity and historical connotation of southern culture, and also provide important clues and references for us to understand and explore Chinese culture and folk customs.

In the long course of history, the historical value and modern significance of southern names have been gradually recognized and valued, and have been widely used and explored in social development and cultural exchanges.

Explore the changes and meanings of personal names in the south of the Han and Jin dynasties

1. The historical value of southern names

During the Han and Jin dynasties, southern names had rich historical and cultural value, reflecting the influence of multiple factors such as the southern regional environment, ethnic groups and religious beliefs, and carrying the diversity and historical origin of southern culture.

The emergence and evolution of southern names not only reflects the characteristics and historical depth of southern culture, but also an important part of the diversification and comprehensiveness of Chinese culture.

Through the study of southern names, we can have a deeper understanding of the cultural characteristics and historical ecology of the southern region, so as to better inherit and carry forward the southern culture and promote the development and inheritance of Chinese culture.

2. The modern meaning of southern names

Southern names carry the information of the cultural system, folk customs and historical evolution of the southern region, and also provide reference and reference for the citizenship and naming culture of today's society.

Explore the changes and meanings of personal names in the south of the Han and Jin dynasties

The rich cultural connotation and meaning of life in southern names are valuable resources for us to build meaningful and sustainable urban culture, family culture and campus culture.

Today, in the context of globalization and informatization, southern names carry a distinctive cultural imprint, and also provide a foothold and opportunity for cultural exchange and integration.

3. Future research prospects

As an important part of Chinese culture, it is still necessary to deeply explore their historical origin, cultural connotation and contemporary significance in future research. Specifically, the following directions can be focused on in future research:

(1) Combined with the needs of contemporary ethnic and regional cultural development, the naming evolution of southern personal names and their relationship with local culture are analyzed in depth.

(2) Explore the cultural value and epochal significance of southern personal names in contemporary society, and their application in naming culture, campus culture and social culture, so as to provide guidance and direction for further promoting Chinese culture.

Explore the changes and meanings of personal names in the south of the Han and Jin dynasties


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4. Tang Sai, "The Changes in the Status of Southern Han and Jin Dynasties and Their Cultural Influences", Zhejiang Literature and History, No. 9, 2017.

Text | Nan Nan