
Fan Bingbing and Meyer Musk walked the red carpet affectionately, Sima Zhao's heart

author:Dressing is not white

Recently, Fan Bingbing was invited to attend the premiere of the movie "Asteroid City"! The one who walked the red carpet with her this time turned out to be Meyer Musk, the mother of Musk, the richest man in the world! 同时‬她‬也‬是‬世界‬女性‬独立‬代表人物‬,排面瞬间‬拉满。

Fan Bingbing and Meyer Musk walked the red carpet affectionately, Sima Zhao's heart

范冰冰‬身着Tamara Ralph2023春夏系列礼服,洁白纯净,华丽高贵。 如同‬伫立着‬的‬白天鹅‬,尽显高贵‬与‬神秘。 两人身着羽毛设计的礼服轻盈‬飘逸‬,合影‬中‬同样‬地‬裙摆拖地,气场十足。

Fan Bingbing and Meyer Musk walked the red carpet affectionately, Sima Zhao's heart

这次范冰冰在‬造型选择上‬更为‬注重‬整体性‬,全身白色的羽毛加上薄透的打底面料,洁白‬纯净‬感‬瞬间‬爆棚,礼服的肌理感被衬托得‬十分明显。 在视觉上也增加了服装的夸张效果,抹胸领因为有了‬羽毛的堆积,更加‬能够‬突出对于胸部的修饰感,神秘‬而又美丽‬。

Fan Bingbing and Meyer Musk walked the red carpet affectionately, Sima Zhao's heart

与范冰冰同框走红毯的马斯克超模妈妈,70多岁‬的她‬仍然是‬各个品牌‬竞相‬追捧‬的‬前任超模‬。 作为‬时尚界‬的宠儿‬,梅耶不仅‬私下的穿着个性十足,而且‬街拍私服都极具时尚感。 对‬于‬时尚‬人物她‬更是‬偏爱‬有加‬。

Fan Bingbing and Meyer Musk walked the red carpet affectionately, Sima Zhao's heart

梅耶‬绝对算得上‬是一位传奇女性,她精彩与彪悍的人生,被‬号称“铿锵玫瑰”! Meyer Musk raised three children, and because Musk is the CEO of Tesla and Twitter, the mother's fame is also rising. 梅耶15岁踏足模特行业,22岁步入婚姻,只是这场婚姻没有持续很久,在她‬31岁的时候二人离婚‬。 梅耶‬用‬了10年时间打官司来‬争夺孩子们的抚养权,并‬为了担负起照顾‬孩子们‬的责任,重新操起了模特行业。

Fan Bingbing and Meyer Musk walked the red carpet affectionately, Sima Zhao's heart
Fan Bingbing and Meyer Musk walked the red carpet affectionately, Sima Zhao's heart

梅耶一头白色短发,化着‬精致的妆容,又重新登上模特舞台。 心要说强者不管在哪里或者在‬任何年龄段都会闪闪发光,梅耶就是如此。 Her billboards were all over the place, and she was actually red and purple at her grandmother's age! 就是这样一位传奇的女人,在戛纳红毯上,携手范冰冰共同走秀,上演感‬情至‬深。

Fan Bingbing and Meyer Musk walked the red carpet affectionately, Sima Zhao's heart

有趣的是,范冰冰和梅耶‬早在孙芸芸台湾名媛的私人派对上就曾相遇过。 This time he was in the same frame again, which shows the breadth and strength of Fan Bingbing's network. 在欧美时尚圈中‬,你‬冰‬也是‬有一定‬知名度的。

Fan Bingbing and Meyer Musk walked the red carpet affectionately, Sima Zhao's heart

Fan Bingbing: Desire is still burning. 当‬范冰冰近期频频‬出现在媒体的镜头下,引起了人们的广泛关注。 这位被内娱抛弃的女人,如此‬高调的出现,是在‬试水还是想卷土重来?

Of course, she wants to continue to earn money. 小编‬认为她‬‬真的‬太‬能折腾了‬,且是在被重重教训过继续折腾的人,太有劲儿了。 所以能做到她这样,仍旧用以前的心态在折腾、在为自己谋出路,这份‬勇气‬不是所有人都可以做到的。

曾经范冰冰、李冰冰“时代”下‬的审美是一种凌驾于众人之上的冷艳,她们看起来高高在上,不在意观众,也不在乎自己的评价‬; 远离世俗‬,不接地气‬。 At that time, Fan Bingbing quickly opened her career with "Huan Zhu Gege", from playing the little maid Jin Suo to Yang Guifei, who set three thousand favors in one, to Wu Meiniang, the son of the Tang Dynasty... Your career is like a helicopter ride. In 2018, her career came to an abrupt end and there was no more drama to film. 曾经甜蜜的爱情也随风飘去‬! 我们‬不禁‬想‬问‬:昔日的红毯女王还能重回昨日的辉煌吗?

Fan Bingbing and Meyer Musk walked the red carpet affectionately, Sima Zhao's heart
Fan Bingbing and Meyer Musk walked the red carpet affectionately, Sima Zhao's heart
Fan Bingbing and Meyer Musk walked the red carpet affectionately, Sima Zhao's heart

不管怎么说‬,范冰冰‬无疑是今年戛纳红毯上关注度最高的中国女星了‬。 在‬出征戛纳的‬路途上‬,拖着十一个行李箱,装着十几套时尚礼服。 从第一套充满中国元素的“猛虎下山”就让大家‬看出了‬她的‬野心。 虽然被封杀五年,但她‬却‬从来没有得过且过,一直‬不断地‬寻求新的机会破土而出‬。 因为‬失去了众多资源,在戛纳红毯上显得形单影只。 镜头‬减少‬,停留时间‬短暂‬,没有‬作品‬傍身‬,都让‬曾经‬的‬辉煌‬变得黯淡‬。

Fan Bingbing and Meyer Musk walked the red carpet affectionately, Sima Zhao's heart

而今,范冰冰和梅耶‬·马斯克‬手牵手走红毯的场面真是令人感叹。 The mother of Musk, the world's richest man, actually appeared at the movie premiere with Chinese actresses! Such a diversified and international scene also allows us to see that Fan Bingbing has Maye Musk's connections, and has changed abroad as if he has become a fragrant glutton, and Fan Bingbing, who seems to be unpopular at home, is red and purple abroad.

Fan Bingbing and Meyer Musk walked the red carpet affectionately, Sima Zhao's heart

马斯克母亲MaveMusk很显然对范冰冰非常喜爱,外媒‬报道‬中‬有‬各种宠溺范冰冰的眼神。 正是因为梅耶‬的关系,范冰冰受到了非常的待遇,还给了一分钟时间的红毯‬介绍! From this time Fan Bingbing to Cannes, it is not difficult to see from her couture dress that she came with resources and connections! The aura can be described as a big kill!

Fan Bingbing and Meyer Musk walked the red carpet affectionately, Sima Zhao's heart

一席隆重‬的‬白色羽毛礼服,走在戛纳的红毯上,成为‬镜头下‬焦点‬的‬范冰冰不仅没有被赶,反而‬因‬梅耶‬备受‬关注。 梅耶‬跟范冰冰看起来关系匪浅,两个人是手牵手‬、并排走,亲切得‬就像是两母女!

Fan Bingbing and Meyer Musk walked the red carpet affectionately, Sima Zhao's heart

This must be Fan Bingbing's good luck, I hope she will take advantage of this wave of good luck and be down-to-earth in the future. 可以国外赚钱国内花啊,带动经济也‬未尝不是一件好事。


Fan Bingbing and Meyer Musk walked the red carpet affectionately, Sima Zhao's heart

Under the dual protection of economic resources and fashion resources, perhaps Fan Bingbing's overseas livelihood will be smoother and shine!

Fan Bingbing and Meyer Musk walked the red carpet affectionately, Sima Zhao's heart

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