
What are the benefits of eating oats? Doctor's Class: How should people with high blood sugar choose oats?

author:Director of the Department of Endocrinology, Yang Aihong

  Kobayashi is a diabetic and after being diagnosed with diabetes, she is very concerned about her lifestyle habits and hopes to effectively control her blood sugar levels through a healthy diet.

  Kobayashi consulted a professional doctor and a dietitian for advice, and the dietitian suggested that Kobayashi add swallow to his daily diet, which would not only increase satiety, but also control blood sugar growth. So Xiaolin began to eat oatmeal for breakfast every morning, and she also learned various methods of oats online, such as oatmeal vegetable salad or vegetable pie made with oat flour.

  After maintaining a low-sugar diet for a while and proper exercise, Xiaolin found that her blood sugar levels became more stable, and she also became more and more fond of the texture and taste of oats.

  Oats are a very common grain in our lives, often eat oats have many benefits, so is all oats have a sugar control effect, and how to choose the right oats? This article will answer these questions in detail for you.

What are the benefits of eating oats? Doctor's Class: How should people with high blood sugar choose oats?

 First, what is the nutritional value of oats? What are the benefits of eating oats?

Oats are mainly composed of carbohydrates and fiber, but are also rich in protein and unsaturated fatty acids. Because oats are rich in soluble fiber (β-glucan), they can help regulate blood sugar, lower cholesterol, and increase feelings of fullness.

What are the benefits of eating oats? Doctor's Class: How should people with high blood sugar choose oats?

Oats are also rich in vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, zinc, magnesium, and selenium. These nutrients are beneficial to human health, such as promoting energy metabolism, supporting the immune system, maintaining cardiovascular health, and promoting nervous system development. Therefore, oats are widely regarded as a healthy food suitable for people of different ages. In addition, oats are also rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, which can prevent constipation and other digestive problems. Based on these nutritional values of oats, there are many benefits to eating oats:

1. Can lower cholesterol: Oats contain β-glucan compounds, which reduce cholesterol absorption, which lowers blood cholesterol levels.

What are the benefits of eating oats? Doctor's Class: How should people with high blood sugar choose oats?

When the body digests oats, the β-glucan in them forms a viscous gel substance in the intestines, which binds to cholesterol and is excreted from the body together. In addition, β-glucan stimulates the liver to release bile acids, which in turn reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood by reducing cholesterol absorption. In addition to β-glucan, oats are rich in nutrients such as antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which may also have a positive effect on lowering blood cholesterol levels.

What are the benefits of eating oats? Doctor's Class: How should people with high blood sugar choose oats?

2. Control blood sugar: Oats are a low GI (glycemic index) food that contains carbohydrates in complex forms that release energy slowly and provide fullness for longer.

  The β-glucan compounds in oats can also slow down the absorption of food in the digestive tract, thereby controlling fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Oats contain a lot of soluble fiber and dietary polysaccharides, which can slow down the digestive process and reduce the rate of blood sugar rising.

What are the benefits of eating oats? Doctor's Class: How should people with high blood sugar choose oats?

3. Provide rich nutrition: Oats are rich in dietary fiber, protein, vitamin B and minerals, such as iron, manganese and selenium. It is also rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids and polyphenols.

What are the benefits of eating oats? Doctor's Class: How should people with high blood sugar choose oats?

4. Increase satiety: Oats are rich in soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, which can absorb water and swell, stay in the intestines for a long time, increase the volume and weight of food, thereby causing a stronger sense of satiety and reducing the amount of food eaten. Moreover, oats are relatively rich in protein, especially essential amino acids such as glutamic acid, which can stimulate increased levels of norepinephrine in the intestines, a hormone that can cause satiety, thereby reducing appetite and controlling weight.

What are the benefits of eating oats? Doctor's Class: How should people with high blood sugar choose oats?

5. Promote intestinal health: oats can promote intestinal peristalsis, and the dietary fiber in oats can also increase the volume and softness of feces, promote intestinal peristalsis, and prevent constipation.

What are the benefits of eating oats? Doctor's Class: How should people with high blood sugar choose oats?

  In addition, dietary polysaccharides in oats can also be used as a nutrient source by probiotics in the gut, which can improve gut health.

  Second, which oats have sugar control effects?

  Many people with high blood sugar or diabetes often hear that eating oats is good for blood sugar control, but after eating for a period of time, they find that there is no effect, and even blood sugar will become high. This is because not all oats have a sugar-controlling effect. Oats include a variety of varieties and types, if you want to control sugar, you can choose the following types of oats:

1. Whole oats: Whole oats refer to whole oat grains, including the outer skin, germ, and starchy inside. Compared to processed oatmeal, whole oats are healthier and more nutritious because they retain all the beneficial nutrients. In addition, eating whole grains of oats makes people feel fuller and provides energy for longer.

What are the benefits of eating oats? Doctor's Class: How should people with high blood sugar choose oats?

2. Old-fashioned oats: Old-fashioned oats are large-grained oats that have been rolled, hulled, and steamed and are relatively less processed during processing, so more fiber and nutrients are retained. Old-fashioned oats take longer to cook than quick oats, but it has a richer taste and healthier nutritional value.

What are the benefits of eating oats? Doctor's Class: How should people with high blood sugar choose oats?

3. Steel-cut oats: Steel-cut oats are a type of treated oatmeal that is characterized by cutting whole oat grains into thin slices with a steel knife. This processing method makes steel-cut oats easier to absorb moisture, shorter cooking times, and a softer and more delicate taste than regular oatmeal. And steel-cut oats are usually easier to digest.

What are the benefits of eating oats? Doctor's Class: How should people with high blood sugar choose oats?

4. Thick oatmeal: It is a kind of oatmeal that is less milled during processing, so the grain size is larger and the taste is fuller. Thick oatmeal contains more dietary fiber and nutrients.

What are the benefits of eating oats? Doctor's Class: How should people with high blood sugar choose oats?

Third, when choosing oats, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

  Oats generally come in ready-to-eat, quick-ripe, and old-fashioned oats. Ready-to-eat types usually contain more sugar and additives, so it's recommended to choose quick-ripening or old-fashioned oats whenever possible. Pay attention to the following aspects when choosing:

1. Processing method: high-quality oats should be unprocessed or less processed. Because unhealthy ingredients such as high sugar or salt may be added during processing to improve taste or extend shelf life, and after oatmeal is processed, some dietary fiber and other nutrients may be removed or destroyed, reducing its nutritional value.

What are the benefits of eating oats? Doctor's Class: How should people with high blood sugar choose oats?

Therefore, in order to obtain the nutritional value of oats and avoid potential health risks, you should choose raw oatmeal or steel-cut oats, and avoid choosing oats treated with sugar soaking, defatting, etc.

2. Brand: Oat products with good brand reputation usually have high product quality standards, and pay more attention to the selection of raw materials, grinding process and packaging and transportation, which can ensure the quality and safety of products. These brands usually have high market recognition and popularity, and manufacturers pay more attention to integrity and service quality in the production and sales process, which can bring consumers a better purchase experience and after-sales protection. Therefore, it is recommended to choose oat products with well-known brands and good reputation to ensure quality and taste.

3. Quality: The quality of oats can be judged by observing their color, smell, and taste. High-quality oats generally have a neat appearance, golden color, a fragrant smell, a delicate taste, and no impurities and discoloration. In addition, the water content of oats has a great impact on their quality, and oats with full and moderate water content should be selected. Too high water content can easily lead to mold growth and rot, while too low water content will dry and harden oats.

After understanding how to choose the right oats, many people may still not know how to eat oats more deliciously.

Fourth, eat oats can try these practices.

  Oats can be used as a staple food or added to other foods such as oatmeal, oatmeal, oat crackers, oat bread, etc. In addition, oats can also be used to make products such as milk, flour, cereals and powders. These are a few common ways to eat oats that you can try:

1. Cook porridge: Add oatmeal and water to the pot in a ratio of 1:2 and boil, then turn to low heat and cook slowly for 10-15 minutes until the oats become soft and sticky, you can also add other ingredients to the oatmeal according to your own preferences, such as fruits, nuts, etc., to make the oatmeal more delicious.

What are the benefits of eating oats? Doctor's Class: How should people with high blood sugar choose oats?

2. Soak in water: Put the oatmeal in a bowl, add an appropriate amount of warm water and soak for about 30 minutes, which can be eaten as breakfast. You can also add auxiliary ingredients such as fruit or honey according to your own situation when soaking.

3. Baking: Grinding oats into flour and adding them to dough or cake batter, biscuits can increase the fiber content of food and give it taste. Oats are also mixed with rice and cooked, or oats are used as a staple food in place of rice.

What are the benefits of eating oats? Doctor's Class: How should people with high blood sugar choose oats?

  Doctor's Summary:

  Oats are a healthy food, and the taste of Satsuma oats itself may be relatively bland, and you can eat it with milk, yogurt, fruit, etc. according to your own needs. Due to the high fiber content of oats, the intake should be gradually increased when first consumed to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort. People with lactose intolerance or wheat allergy should eat oats with caution.

  When choosing oats, you should try to choose quick-ripening or old-fashioned oats without additives, buy well-known brands and good quality products, and judge their quality by observing the color, smell and mouthfeel.


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