
Coming with a serious illness, smell prophet? If these three types of odors appear on the body, it is recommended to check them as soon as possible

author:Doctor advice

People eat whole grains, it is impossible not to get sick, but many times, some diseases, especially serious diseases before coming, the symptoms are not obvious, so when people find out, it is likely to be late, at this time has missed the best time for treatment, regret is too late.

But in fact, the body's response to various health problems is very sensitive, not without warning, sometimes even more accurate than the naked eye, but ignored by many people.

Coming with a serious illness, smell prophet? If these three types of odors appear on the body, it is recommended to check them as soon as possible

The abnormal smell of the body can be said to be an important signal of physical health, including bad breath, body odor, odor sweat, etc., which can indicate whether people have certain diseases. The following is a detailed explanation of what diseases the three types of odors represent and how to prevent and treat them.

Sweet or rotten apple flavor: or signs of diabetic ketoacidosis

If the body begins to give off a sweet or rotten apple smell, extra attention is needed, which is most likely one of the symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis. When the body's insulin secretion is insufficient, it can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, which in turn can cause ketoacidosis.

Early symptoms of ketoacidosis include thirst, polyuria, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc., and diabetics require special attention.

If diabetic ketoacidosis occurs, it can be prevented and treated in several ways:

1. Control blood sugar levels: For diabetics, blood sugar levels must be controlled, especially in diet, exercise and medication.

2. Focus on diet: control your intake of foods high in sugar and avoid overeating.

Coming with a serious illness, smell prophet? If these three types of odors appear on the body, it is recommended to check them as soon as possible

3. Maintain a proper amount of exercise: Moderate exercise can help control blood sugar levels and strengthen the body's immunity.

4. Timely treatment: If symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis are found, seek medical attention in time and receive standardized treatment.

Ammonia or urine odor: or a sign of uremia

To some extent, the smell of ammonia or urine is likely to represent uremia, which is a more dangerous health problem.

Due to impaired kidney function, the liver slows down the rate at which waste products are broken down, leading to the accumulation of toxins in the body, resulting in uremia. In addition to the smell of ammonia or urine, patients may experience symptoms such as muscle pain, diarrhea, lethargy, dizziness, and decreased vision.

Uremia is a relatively serious disease, for prevention and treatment, people need to do the following measures:

1. Strengthen kidney health: Improve the healthy level of kidney function through a healthy diet, moderate exercise, adequate rest, and avoiding smoking and alcohol.

2. Stay away from harmful substances: Stay away from those harmful substances, such as second-hand smoke, chemicals, etc.

3. Regular examination: If there are symptoms of uremia, you should seek medical attention in time, receive standardized treatment, and conduct regular physical examination.

4. Special diet: According to the doctor's advice, patients need to control their diet and choose the appropriate protein source.

Fishy or urine odor: or signs of hepatic encephalopathy

If it emits a fishy or urine odor, you need to be alert to hepatic encephalopathy. This is the result of impaired liver function, when the liver cannot effectively filter and clean toxins, toxins accumulate in the body and cannot be excreted in time, and the body is likely to appear odor.

If the ammonia level in the body is too high, patients are prone to symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy, which includes chronic fatigue, nausea, vomiting, bloating, etc. If left untreated, hepatic encephalopathy can lead to coma or even death.

Coming with a serious illness, smell prophet? If these three types of odors appear on the body, it is recommended to check them as soon as possible

In order to prevent and treat hepatic encephalopathy, it is necessary to start from the following aspects:

1. Diet conditioning: Consume more foods that are beneficial to liver health in your daily diet, such as asparagus, lemons, tea, oranges, etc.

2. Reduce alcohol consumption: Long-term heavy drinking is an important cause of liver damage and cirrhosis, and it is necessary to control the amount of alcohol consumption.

3. Pay attention to drug use: avoid misuse of drugs and choose the right drug according to the doctor's advice.

4. Regular work and rest: maintain good living habits, regular work and rest, avoid staying up late, overeating, etc.

In short, the production of odors on the body is a warning sign of health problems, especially the above 3 odors often remind people to have serious diseases. Therefore, when these odors appear, we should go to check, treat and prevent in time to ensure good health.