
Your luck lies in your attitude of doing every little thing with your heart

author:Liu Yao

Recently, I was urged by the fans for a long time, a little lazy, and the key thing at that time was that I was not inspired to write. Sometimes the content is written in one go, which is based on their own deep understanding of a certain theme, so the writing is very handy, and it can almost be done in 20 minutes. But if you write for the sake of writing, your head will be very big, just like when you wrote a language essay when you were a child, and you can't write a word when you die. Last night was brewing all night, and early in the morning I suddenly wanted to write a text. So pick up the pen and share.

Let's first explain to the big guys what I have done recently that I am not doing. Since the first Liu Yao book club on April 23, it has been more than a month today, and there will be a sixth reading club to share this afternoon. In this time that lasted more than a month, I met many book-loving partners, and at the same time, because of the heart of the book club, I encountered many new connections. This feeling of constant connection is really good. Also because of the book club, a writing class was born. At that time, it was a 15-minute break between meetings, a little bored, just in the book club group sent this idea, and soon gathered 19 small partners, from all over the country, such as Xi'an, Beijing, Shenzhen, Tianjin, of course, more or more in Shanghai. On the same night that Laqun paid the fee, he took the first class and also assigned homework, and the little friends were very careful to do their homework. It seems that so many excellent people, so self-motivated, and love to read, are particularly happy. I think I'm doing something meaningful.

I really love and give to the book club. First of all, the book club is worth doing, gathering a group of friends who love to read is a pleasure, and it is a good thing to share and spread those really good books and the wisdom of those big coffees through the book club. This platform is public welfare, far from fame and fortune, away from intrigue, are pure, this is my original intention. Then, reading, I was preparing for my own future retirement life. At that time, there would be a group of old friends who would accompany me to read good books and travel the world. The spiritual world of the second half of life has fallen.

But in fact, I am very careful to do every issue of my book club. The books I want to share in each issue are carefully selected by me, and I basically turn them over. In order to enrich my content, I felt that this book alone seemed too thin, so I would read other books related to this book or this author. Let everyone who comes here really get more out of it, not just this book. For example, in the 5th issue of sharing the history of Jin shang, although the book shared was "Qing Dynasty Travel and Mongolian Merchant Narrative", I also specially bought Yu Qiuyu's "Book of Mountains and Rivers", combined with the expression of Jin Shang culture in the following. For example, in the 6th issue of the book club, I shared Rockefeller's "Catch every Penny", but I also read the "Rockefeller Biography" and the upper and lower volumes, so that I can be more objective and the story is stronger in the process of sharing a book.

Frankly speaking, the book club is a very time-consuming and energy-consuming thing, because I need to read the book, I need to refine, and then summarize the essence and share it with everyone. The most precious thing is time, but I am happy to do this very time-consuming but non-profitable thing for public welfare. Because I love it, I really want to use the book club as a career for the rest of my life. It's that simple. In the process of sharing every good book, the output is the best learning. I was forcing myself to study. In the past, the purpose of the teacher's homework was not to force us to study well. In addition to preparing each content with my heart, I also carefully prepare my clothes, and carefully choose the offline venue partner of each reading club, such as the 5th phase of the book club and the good brother's company Rongyi Wealth Study, the antique Zen decoration, very suitable for reading Jinshang culture, in such an ideal venue, good reading, is the fast thing in life. Answering every friend's question attentively, I think it should also be my sincerity that has made many friends become loyal fans of the book club continuously.

Before the third grade of elementary school, I was a stupid girl, I was at the bottom of the class, and there seemed to be no teacher who liked me. Later, in the fourth grade, there was a new class teacher, he taught us Chinese, he was very good to me, the ugly duckling, my language class was a small stove, he pushed me to be a class leader with a bar, and most importantly in his office he took me into the world of reading. At that time, I began to really become fascinated by all kinds of extracurricular literature, all of which were shown to me by this homeroom teacher, a large number. At that time, I had to write a diary every day, except for one book that was a diary, and another book was to record all kinds of good words and sentences, all of which I wrote by hand. Every time I moved, I would move away the books I had in elementary school, and I would never throw them away. Therefore, the child with very poor grades broke out at the beginning of the fourth grade, the first three in the class, participated in various essay competitions, served as the host of the whole school, and served as the lead singer who taught the whole school to sing on the radio station every morning (in fact, I did not have five tones). Later, whenever I mentioned that time as the host of the whole school, my parents were always grumpy, because for my hosting, I went to the big mall to spend a few hundred yuan to buy a plaid skirt, a few hundred yuan in the 80s, and as a result, I only hosted it once, and then I never wore it again. In any case, I am very grateful to this teacher, who developed my reading and writing skills, although the Chinese results have been average since then. But in 2002, I participated in the Banyan Tree Online Writing Competition, wrote about playing, and actually won the prize. In 2006, I went to Qinghai Lake to play, and when I came back, I wrote a travelogue and played, and as a result, I accidentally landed in the People's Daily. The good habit of taking notes every day when I was a child, and the good habit of writing reading notes after reading a book, were hidden in my bones, and slowly and suddenly broke out.

I said a lot about my past because a lot of people said I was a lucky person. If you write a travelogue, you can go to the People's Daily, but this is actually my accumulation for many years. Of course, I probably didn't find it myself. But I must admit that every time I have good luck, it is actually because I am treating every little thing, even a trivial thing, with my heart.

Just as I treat the content of each of my public accounts with my heart, write my Weibo with my heart, prepare the speech of each invited host with my heart, prepare every time I go to the TV station as a guest, treat every opportunity given to me with my heart, and treat everything I want to do with my heart. Only today, you look at the seemingly inadvertent arrival of luck. But I had actually been quietly accumulating for many years, waiting for the day of the outbreak. Just like playing Douyin, I recently restarted Douyin, sent some short video content, the first one broke out 210,000 reads more than 1800 likes, and then there was no movement, but I still insist on sending good content every day. A TikTok content the day before yesterday broke out again. Again, be patient and learn to delay gratification. The joy of time is short-lived and low-grade. Only after a long period of deep ploughing and waiting, that sudden outburst is the brightest moment, and it is also the most profitable. Just like the ringing of the bell on the market, it was hibernated for many years, and when the day of the outbreak, you seemed to suddenly reach the top of the mountain, and the scenery was completely different.

In the process of interacting with people, you are also constantly testing your attitude. Promise others something you must do, or don't easily agree. Everything has to give yourself an indicator, a little pressure, for this indicator must be done. Each of your attitudes not only reflects your character and your ability, but also reflects your future opportunities. Because you're doing it, people are watching. Everyone is the one who understands.

Years ago, I met a sister at a forum event, and we happened to be sitting together. At that time, as usual, I went to the round table forum, and then the audience could ask questions, but it was very embarrassing that no one raised their hands. At this time, my sister next to me raised her hand and named one of the guests to ask a question. Everyone in the audience looked at her, dressed in a big red dress, which was particularly conspicuous among the boys in black pressed suits. A month later, when we saw each other again, she told me that she had now joined the company where she asked the guest as a manager. Because of her courage, she offered herself more opportunities. Seize your every opportunity, that's luck.

Sometimes I take some information with employees, I just want them to give me information quickly, messy, it doesn't matter, I want the original content to collect, I want to be as soon as possible. But some employees will grind and chirp, one will be tangled with word or PPT for me, and one will be tangled to get tidy. My appeal is that time should be fast and used in time, and I should judge this incident immediately. A grind, a lot of things the first mobile phone will be missed.

You may also be on a lot of non-profit self-organizing platforms, if you are the core of this platform, even if you have your own main business, since you are here, you must treat this identity with care, at least do not live up to it. On the one hand, your intentions are not to live up to the trust of other members of the organization, on the other hand, this platform may give you unexpected expectations in the future. Yesterday I saw the text of an old friend who has been engaged in rural revitalization for many years, and he said, why do people like to say now, can you not be practical? Everyone prefers instant rewards, and money is best. But you have to know that a lot of big rewards aren't really instantaneous, but require patience to wait. A lot of things in recent years have given me a very deep understanding at this point. Just like the early investment I made, the projects that I invested randomly a few years ago have recently been listed one after another, and I was very happy to have a small amount of money at the beginning, buy a financial management, and look at a stable 10% every year. But once it goes public in a few years, it is how many times. There are only two things you need to do, wait patiently, and pay with your heart.

Recently, I read "The Biography of Rockefeller" wrote a lot of details about Rockefeller, and he was able to become the richest man in the world because of his unique temperament, he was punctual, frugal, low-key and not ostentatious, and did not cooperate with Zhang Yang's collaborators. He takes every penny seriously, and the extra point must be returned, and the less point must be given enough. So every time he needs a lot of money, even if he is in debt, he can still easily receive a lot of money, which is enough to support his ambition to monopolize the entire refinery. Why would the bankers and capitalists be willing to lend him a lot of money? It is because of his character, his attitude and determination to do things, embodied in every trivial detail, which makes people feel at ease and trusted.

Today, I seem to have written a lot of small stories, I don't know if you understand what I want to express. Finally, I'll summarize a few of my points in a little bit.

Yao Yan:

1, please treat every little thing with your heart, your good fortune is hidden in your attitude towards these small things.

2, do not only value short-term interests and immediate benefits, to look at a thing from a long-term perspective, delay the sense of satisfaction, you can have a huge gain.

3. If you pay in advance, you will definitely reap the rewards.

4. For the participants of non-profit organizations, either do not participate, and if they participate, they must do a good job. Keep the original intention.

5. After the age of 40, you must start to make a small plan and small layout for your retirement life.

6. Earnestly seize every opportunity and treat every opportunity with care.

7. Share. Output is the best learning.

8, read more biographies, excellent people always have a lot of traits worth learning.

9, to be with positive energy people, excellent people, self-motivated people, together.

10. Continue to do something with positive feedback and insist on doing it.

But do good deeds, don't ask about the future. The rest is up to time.