
Examples of longevity secrets

author:Li Ji 123321

The 73-year-old man now realizes a truth: when he was young, he suffered hardships and suffered, and those who suffered from disasters can live a long life. The old Red Army suffered many hardships during the Long March, but they all lived to be nearly a hundred years old. My sister's (93-year-old surviving) in-laws had seven sons at the time of liberation, and before liberation, they relied on dozens of acres of hilly land to support the family's livelihood of dozens of people. Since the poor only have one cow, when ploughing the land, the mother-in-law has to pull the plough with the cow. One day the mother-in-law was pulling the plough, and suddenly the stomach hurt when she was about to give birth, and the father-in-law said to the mother-in-law: You go back to give birth first, and I am waiting for you in the field (and then pull the plough after birth). Because of the slower birth, the father-in-law shouted in the field: It is difficult to have a child! And plow the ground! It can be seen that the mother-in-law suffers. But the mother-in-law lived to be more than ninety years old and died in 1957. It's a true story.