
Gardenia five verses in five verses: Xiangyin Jingli knows, pressing a branch of snow

Five beautiful poems of gardenias: How is it like a hot day, stand up for this ice and snow posture

There are already mobile vendors on the road, selling gardenias. Clear water flower branches, raised in pots, three or two small dollars, buy one or two bunches. Green leaves and white flowers, fresh and moving. Sometimes it is also strange, the custom is not to be white flowers, why not hate gardenias? In the most conservative years, any kind of flower decoration is considered an outlier, and the only gardenia is an exception, which can be worn on the sideburns and plackets of women and children.

In fact, this is because of the unique aroma of gardenia, which is fragrant and has the effect of relieving heat and clearing the lungs. And the gardenia is as beautiful as snow, with the coolness of summer vision. In the traditional summer, the folk rely on herbs to drive away the summer heat, maintain health and spend summer, and the gardenia tree and gardenia with strong vitality have become the most common summer herbs for people, passed down from generation to generation. It is possible not to wear bizarre flowers, but who can refuse the aroma and fragrance of gardenias?

From home to work, there are flower beds along the way, and recently I found that I planted small gardenias, dotted flowers, small and cute, but for the first time, I found that no one picked them, or because they were small, or because of people's quality, such a flower belt stretched all the way. What a gardenia clear summer.

Regarding gardenias, they were used as medicinal herbs and dyes in the pre-Qin dynasty, and gardenias were planted in the northern and southern dynasties for garden appreciation, to relieve heat and depression, and in the Tang Dynasty, in the summer, ladies hung gardenia buds to make the sleeves fragrant. After the Song Dynasty, it was widely planted and became a home-style garden flower tree.

Gardenia five verses in five verses: Xiangyin Jingli knows, pressing a branch of snow

"There are many pears planted all over the world, and I learned to grow gardenias.

The color is inherently different, and the good and sincere are different.

On the side of the green steps, I am afraid of the autumn breeze.

Who can give it to the same heart, for the poetry of the Yongxi people. "Northern Song · Mei Yaochen's "Planting Gardenia Trees Two Caves Eleven on the Pine Side"

Mei Yaochen, a famous garden master of the Northern Song Dynasty, liked gardenias and specially planted 11 gardenia trees next to pine trees.

At that time, the garden planted more pear trees, because you can see flowers in late spring, you can eat fruits in autumn, and pears moisturize the lungs and health, which is also to make full use of garden land to maximize economic value and aesthetics.

But Mei Yaochen had his own ideas, and he planted gardenias.

The pine trees are tall and the gardenia is low, but both are evergreen.

Gardenias and pear trees bloom, both snow-white, but Mei Yaochen values gardenias more. Because the fruit of the gardenia is a traditional formal Chinese medicine, it clears heat, solves, and even treats cholera. It is a commonly used pharmacopoeia plant.

And pear trees fall leaves in autumn, but gardenia trees, like pine trees, do not wither in autumn and winter, are not afraid of frost and snow, and have the meaning of longevity and refreshing aesthetics in autumn and winter.

The loveliest is the gardenia blossom, six out of the same heart, ancient to express the purity of friendship, can also bless the world of friends many friends, ice and snow photos.

And pear trees are often associated with separation, see pear trees, think of separation.

Only the gardenia tree brings to mind the eternal fragrance and presence.

This is Mei Yaochen's sublimation aesthetic for gardenias.

Gardenia five verses in five verses: Xiangyin Jingli knows, pressing a branch of snow

"The tree is short, and the flower will look like snow.

Lonely and clean, secluded in the summer and cold.

There is a bottle of flowers, and there is no wind at the end of the nose.

How the valley is old, only for the sake of giving alum to the mountains. Southern Song · Yang Wanli "Gardenia"

Yang Wanli said that if it is good, it must be good. There is no way, among the poets of the Song Dynasty, I only admire Yang Wanli, because he has unique insights and practices for things and life, and is bold and optimistic. I always thought he was traveling through the past.

Gardenias are so cute, gardenia trees grow as tall as people, but the blossoms are like snow, as if they brought snow to you to see.

The gardenia tree is clean, the gardenia is fragrant, fragrant but not bright, and the faint taste makes the summer heat also feel cool.

Beautiful gardenias can be kept in bottles, and suddenly you smell a charming floral fragrance.

How can Huang Tingjian, who likes flowers so much, not write gardenias, but only alum flowers?

Huang Tingjian does not write, presumably, there are few gardenias in his life. After all, Huang Tingjian and Yang Wanli were separated by the Northern Song and Southern Song Dynasties, or the Huang Tingjian era, and gardenias had not yet been planted on a large scale in the capital. Just like the late Tang after Du Fu, begonia flowers were widely planted in Sichuan, so many people wondered why Du Fu did not write begonia poems.

Gardenia five verses in five verses: Xiangyin Jingli knows, pressing a branch of snow

"Lan Ye Spring is prosperous, Gui Hua Autumn Dew.

How like a hot day, stand up for this ice and snow posture.

Pines and cypresses have nature, and they will be cold in time.

The fragrance is uninterrupted, and it is partial to the quiet and private.

Untie the sauce and try the new tea, dream of the broken chess.

Rather be cool in the evening, the breeze is casual. Ming · Huang Chao recommended "Gardenia"

Orchids are nourished by the spring breeze, so spring orchids bloom and have a faint aroma.

Osmanthus is moisturized by autumn dew, so it blooms in autumn and is fragrant.

Gardenias, on the other hand, do not have spring breeze and autumn dew, but in the hot summer, standing up with evergreen leaves and blooming fragrant flowers, which is really sighing.

Gardenias, like pines, have the ultimate nobility, and they may not be discovered in the cold of the year.

You see this hot summer, gardenia blossoms, fragrant bursts, people who like calm and quiet, love the beauty and aroma of gardenias the most.

Gardenia decanting wine, in the fragrance of gardenias, drinking summer tea, in the fragrance of gardenias, playing a game of chess across ancient and modern times, in the world, it seems to return to the world.

The most beautiful time is dusk, full of gardenia fragrance, swept up and spread by the wind, like a heavenly fragrance world.

Gardenia five verses in five verses: Xiangyin Jingli knows, pressing a branch of snow

"When the summer rain is clear, when the wind is fine.

Musk Lan is rich, and Bing Yu wants to be rich.

The shadow is good, and Xiangyin knows quietly.

Vaguely break the bud and press a branch of snow. "Qing · Hongli "Gardenia"

Qianlong was really a poet who was delayed by the imperial throne. Although later generations commented on Qianlong's poems, there was no lack of ridicule, and there was no word to be passed on. But from his overall level, the middle is superior, and the poems cover all aspects, which can be used as a commentary book to understand his time.

In this sense, poets cannot do without Qianlong.

So how did he write gardenias?

As soon as the summer rains have passed and the temperature has begun to rise again, the aroma of gardenias has drifted with the summer rain and wind.

Orchids and musk are not as rich as the rich aroma of gardenias, which are as white as snow, reminiscent of ice like jade.

The gardenia flowers are staggered and swaying, and the quieter they are, the more you can feel the beauty of the gardenia fragrance.

Gardenias bloom at night, as if snowflakes are pressing on the branches, and each branch is full of large snowflakes.

Gardenia five verses in five verses: Xiangyin Jingli knows, pressing a branch of snow

"It is known that the country road is close, and there are new melons on the original.

The wind and rain in the wilderness are intensifying, and the lonely villagers arrive home.

The mountain building comes out first, and the pine path slopes across the stream.

In the garden where you can chat, gardenias should bloom. " Ching · Li Xianxun "Guinan Village"

This poem, the beauty turns a thousand times, and finally falls on the gardenia.

On the way back to the hometown, it was already early summer, and there were already new melons lying in the fields. This is the familiar view of the hometown summer.

Walking on the road, flanked by wilderness farmland, the weather in early summer is changeable, sometimes windy and sometimes rainy. However, hometown is almost here.

This is a hillside path, and the village is at the foot of the mountain.

You can already see the village buildings in the treetops, but back to your home, you have to cross a pine forest path by the stream.

The hometown who came to pick me up, talked and laughed all the way, talked about the back garden at home, and he said that gardenias must be blooming now.

No, talking about gardenias, his steps are moving forward more and more excitedly, as if saying Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives, says gardenias, gardenias must be greeted with a smile in the home, a snow-white fragrance of a tree.

Hometown He, for wanderers, is a familiar taste, plum blossoms in winter, gardenia fragrance in summer. The smell mixed with the smell of the countryside is a longing in wandering, and now, returning to the hometown, it is necessary to be full of fragrance.

Gardenia five verses in five verses: Xiangyin Jingli knows, pressing a branch of snow

Katsuyuki Hatsumi interprets the love and beauty in poetry for you. Image from the web.