
Open a certain degree full of advertisements and fall off the altar!

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Unexpectedly, no one said when it didn't explode the hot search, and when it really broke out, the comment area was full of scolding.

Open a certain degree full of advertisements and fall off the altar!

Phoenix Technology Report: [StatCounter data: Microsoft Bing has become China's largest desktop search engine]

News on May 22, data from StatCounter shows that in the Chinese mainland desktop search market, by April 2023, Microsoft's Bing's share hit a record high again, reaching 37.4%, replacing Baidu as China's largest desktop search engine.

As of press time, Baidu's share is 26.32%. The market shares of Microsoft Bing, Sogou, Yandex, Haosou, and Google are 35.69%, 14.48%, .78%, 6.17%, and 3.36%.

Why don't you like to use a certain degree of search?

Open a certain degree full of advertisements and fall off the altar!

If you want to search for something, it's all advertising, and no one dares to say second when such a search engine says first

It should be said that a certain degree of artificial intelligence is still very good, but it is too intelligent. For example, there are many people in "Eryang" during this time, and there are many children suffering from syncytial virus, when you open a certain search box to search for the information you want, the first few pop up are not [99 Health Network] or [Baidu Health], when you turn the first page and do not find the answer you want, the second page is simply pulled without boundaries.

Open a certain degree full of advertisements and fall off the altar!

Even, its big data will remember your preferences, everything you've searched for. For example, the year before last, due to poor heating circulation at home, I searched for [How to make the heating flow faster?] The search engine did not answer me positively, and what popped up was "heating booster pump", but this thing is a self-serving thing, and I did not follow the advice of the search engine. Then for more than a year, as long as I opened some pages with ads, there would be a product prompt [booster pump].

Needless to say, accurately push ads~

Open a certain degree full of advertisements and fall off the altar!

What disease do you have in a certain search, at least cancer started, this rotten terrier has been playing for so many years, and it has not been rectified?

[Baidu search, cancer start], this rotten terrier has been around a few years ago, when it was criticized by many people, I told me that there was a risk of cancer with a small chest pain, although the doctor's starting point was to recommend everyone to check, but everyone did not seem to buy it.

Especially in the early years, when the [Putian] hospital occupied a large area of the search page, many people were deceived by this, and when the Cyberspace Administration of China took action, it began to rectify at a certain point.

Open a certain degree full of advertisements and fall off the altar!

In the early 2000s, when smartphones were not yet popular, everyone still solved the problem of Internet access through Internet bars. Xiaobian remembers that my mobile phone was in arrears at that time, and I was still in an Internet café all night, so I thought of searching for a payment platform on a certain degree to recharge. At that time, our recharge was bound to online banking, which was not as convenient as it is now.

Xiaobian remembers that when searching for phone bills, the first thing that popped up was a recharge website, and that website looked very good. I recharged twice, once 50, no response, once 100 did not respond, I was wondering if it was the reason in the middle of the night, so I didn't care, and then at 8 o'clock in the morning, the phone was still in arrears.

I just realized that I had been deceived.

Xiaobian can't help but ask, how is the supervision of the platform supervised?

Open a certain degree full of advertisements and fall off the altar!

[A certain degree] that fell from the altar, how much "residual temperature" is left?

Most of the UP owners of station B often share with you some tips for using the plug-in of the edge browser, or share some of the "God operations" that come with the browser, although it is a browser, but there is no UP master to use the browser to search for a certain degree of association.

In addition, a certain degree of library to see a thing has to charge, a certain degree of network disk does not do a member limit, a certain degree of post bar has gradually lost its popularity...

Open a certain degree full of advertisements and fall off the altar!

For example, a certain degree of "Baijia number" does not have many recommendations given by headlines. From the data of recommended articles, a certain point of giving a few hundred or less than 1,000 recommendations a day or two after publishing an article, but headlines often give thousands or even tens of thousands.

From the recommendation data, a certain degree of users is gradually decreasing.

Open a certain degree full of advertisements and fall off the altar!

As for the search engine, many homes are doing, most of the users of Bing on the hot search are young users, young people have young people's thinking, their network thinking and Internet access will inevitably bring changes to the rapidly changing Internet.