
How high are the nutritional values of blueberries?

It's the season to eat blueberries again, and many friends in Yunnan have started the happy time of "blueberry freedom"!

How high are the nutritional values of blueberries?

Although blueberries are low in calories, high in nutritional value, rich in antioxidants and nutrients, they are also known as the "eye protection star".

But is it really okay to eat so many boxes in one meal? What do I need to pay attention to when buying blueberries? Who can't eat blueberries?

Let's talk about it today!

How high are the nutritional values of blueberries?

Although blueberries are small, the nutritional value rich in the flesh is unmatched by other fruits.

Vitamin C: Blueberries contain 4 times more vitamin C than apples, which has antioxidant and immune enhancement effects.

Anthocyanins: Blueberries are one of the natural sources of anthocyanins, with anthocyanins up to 163mg.

Anthocyanins are powerful natural antioxidants that protect human cells from damage.

How high are the nutritional values of blueberries?

Image source: Photogram

Fiber: Blueberries contain 3 times more dietary fiber than apples, which helps promote intestinal peristalsis and reduce digestive problems such as constipation.

Minerals: Blueberries are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals, which help maintain normal physiological functions of the body.

Pectin: The pectin in blueberries is 3 times that of bananas.

Blueberries are also rich in B-carotene.

Blueberries help prevent aging, protect eyesight, boost immunity and other effects, and are a very healthy fruit. It has been listed as "one of the five major health foods for mankind" by the International Food and Agriculture Organization.

When eating blueberries, you should also pay attention to eat in moderation, adults eat 200g a day; It is more suitable for children to eat about 50g. Eating too much can cause a burden on the stomach.

Babies older than 7 months can also eat blueberries, but do not provide them whole to avoid choking.

Here the University of Science still has to debunk a rumor with everyone, eating more blueberries can not prevent myopia.

How high are the nutritional values of blueberries?

Image source: Scientific Family Parenting Original

Although the anthocyanins in blueberries can protect vision, it is estimated that several tons of food are needed to achieve an effective therapeutic effect.

For friends who use their eyes excessively, or children who love to play with mobile phones and computers, don't overindulge yourself because of the psychological comfort of eating blueberries, and it is more important to maintain good eye habits!

In addition, excessive intake of anthocyanins will affect the absorption of minerals, so people like iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency should eat less blueberries as much as possible, and people with poor gastrointestinal tract should also pay attention not to eat too much.

How high are the nutritional values of blueberries?

Eating blueberries wrong is equivalent to eating for nothing. So selection and cleaning are key. Let's talk about how to pick first.

The measure of ripe blueberry fruit is not size, but color.

1. Look at the color: the skin of ripe blueberries is dark purple or blue-black.

If the color is light and red, it is not ripe, but it can be used for cooking.

If it is black, it is most likely dyed.

2. Look at white frost: fresh blueberries have white frost on the surface, white frost is fruit powder, the more complete the fruit powder, the fresher, that is, the more white frost, the better.

If there is little or no white frost, the blueberries are not fresh.

How high are the nutritional values of blueberries?

Image source: Scientific Family Parenting Original

3. Look at the size: good blueberries are uniform in size and round, and pay attention to the fact that blueberries are not necessarily bigger the better.

4. Look at the skin: the surface of fresh blueberries is very smooth, and not sticky, if the blueberry skin is rough, there are small depressions or small pits, or wrinkled, it means that it is not fresh.

5. Pinch by hand: Good blueberry fruits are relatively firm, and ripe fruits are very soft to pinch.

6. Look at the packaging: blueberries on the market are basically sold in boxes.

When selecting, look at the bottom of the box, if you find pink liquid inside, it means that there is rotten fruit in this box.

In addition, you should also look at the amount of frost on the surface of the fruit, more is fresh, less is freshness-1!

How high are the nutritional values of blueberries?

Regarding the white frost on the surface of blueberries, someone asked if they should be washed off?

Many people like to pour blueberries into a pot and rub them back and forth like washing grapes, but this is not right, and it is easy to destroy the nutrients inside.

In fact, the correct cleaning method only needs to simply rinse the floating ash on the surface with clean water, and you can eat it.

How high are the nutritional values of blueberries?

Source: Photogram

Did you wash it right?

Blueberries can be refrigerated for about a week, eat as much as you eat, wash how much, don't wash it and put it in the refrigerator is easy to rot.

In addition to eating directly as a snack, blueberries can also be made into jam and juice, which can be eaten with bread and pastries.

To prepare blueberry pulp:

Pour the washed blueberries into a pot, add a small amount of white sugar according to personal taste, appropriate amount of lemon juice, flatten the blueberries, simmer slowly over medium-low heat, and put them into a jar for preservation.

Adding some blueberries when making bread and cakes can be more delicious and make bread and cakes more nutritious.

Today I will teach you to make a blueberry yogurt sago dew, and let the tip of the tongue experience the joy of yogurt and blueberry collision!

(1) Add blueberries to the juicer, pour in yogurt, and beat into blueberry shakes;

(2) Add blueberry jam to the bottom of the cup, add sago, and pour in yogurt;

(3) Pour in the blueberry shake, add a few blueberries to garnish, and you can taste!

How high are the nutritional values of blueberries?

Source: Photogram

What other blueberries do you know about unique ways to eat? Share it in the comment area!

When summer comes, it is inevitable that some fruits will be saved at home, but not all fruits are suitable for children.

Eating incorrectly may hurt the child's spleen and accumulate food, delay the child's growth and development, and constantly cause the child's diarrhea.

The intimate science greatly summarized a picture of fruits that should not be eaten more in summer, friends in need, hurry up to download and save!

How high are the nutritional values of blueberries?