
What are the common dangers of hiking? What to do about it?

author:Dragon's tooth decoding room

I would like to answer this question from the perspective of field marches and border patrols, and students on foot can remove the enemy situation on their own. It is mainly divided into four parts: march planning, march implementation, possible dangers and coping methods, and march examples, and I will give an example of walking from Pai Town to Metuo County in the march example.

1. Marching planning

Everything is predetermined, and if it is not predetermined, it is abolished. Without planning, there is a dead end. Walking in rivers and lakes, the most important thing is a pre-word, whether it is marching to fight, or falling grass to cut paths and rob the road... Well, that's wrong.

Before leaving your current campsite, be sure to plan your march if you have time. If you are marching on foot, you can start first and plan as you go.

The key points of the plan are as follows:


The main path of the marching process is generally planned on the map, in addition to remembering the main route, but also for the road intersections, forks and difficult to pass sections to study, the main road signs to be familiar with the chest.

The principles are as follows:

Can go around the mountain without climbing the mountain - the physical energy consumed by climbing the mountain is much greater than that of bypassing the mountain, and it is possible to encounter cliffs and other terrain that cannot be passed and turn back, so if possible, when planning, you must strive to walk in the ditch without climbing the mountain.

Reasonable planning of physical strength - continuous marching on flat land for long distances, generally at a speed of 5km/h, and the daily duration does not exceed 10 hours, that is, you can walk 50km a day. This intensity is already very large, and it is difficult for ordinary civilians to reach this intensity. This speed and duration will decrease with road conditions, physical conditions, and altitude, and it is dangerous to exceed this standard when planning camping or resting points. You may find that after walking for a day, you can't find a place to sleep at all.

Keep in mind forks and obvious landmarks – it's a good idea to take a small notebook and jot down which one to take at each fork and the obvious landmarks nearby. I will teach you to make a sketch based on the digital map on the Internet in the example, learn this is better, it is generally difficult to get lost.

Avoid dangerous terrain - terrain that people cannot pass is called dangerous terrain, generally rivers, cliffs, swamps, rainforests and so on. When planning a route, avoid these terrain features reasonably. For example, if you have to pass through the rainforest, you usually walk by the river, and the vegetation around the river is relatively sparse.


The materials that people can carry when hiking are limited, to use limited space and physical strength, bring the most needed materials, do not be greedy for more, some unnecessary things must not bring. The things that must be brought should be planned according to the march plan, such as no camping, no need to bring tent sleeping bags.

Food, water - in the case of large physical exertion, food and water are planned according to about 2000 calories and 1 liter of water, the volume of food should be as small as possible, and compressed biscuits and huge sweet Snickers are recommended. Water, add a little salt and glucose to it.

Survival materials - need to camp to bring a tent sleeping bag, raincoat is needed, it is best to bring a few of that kind of first aid blanket, you can build a simple tent can also be used as a raincoat can also increase the insulation coefficient of the sleeping bag, small size and light weight.

What are the common dangers of hiking? What to do about it?

Relief supplies - including bandages, ropes, etc., do not bring too much, one pair is enough for a team. Drugs are mainly anthelmintic drugs and anti-heat drugs, such as DEET, ten drops of water.

Energy-saving supplies, clothing – the best thing to do is to fold trekking poles and hard-soled outdoor shoes. In terms of clothing, it is better to tighten pants, especially men, especially fat men... The reasons will be explained later.


In general, this problem is not difficult to solve, mobile phone signals are everywhere - if you want to pass through no man's land, find a way to establish a reliable communication channel yourself.

Where there is a mobile phone signal, you can use a digital map, learning to use a digital map is very important, wild hiking, the use of maps is different from the city, I hope you pay attention. I really won't use it, I'll teach you to use the modulation diagram later.

The north arrow is a must, and if you want to play something high-end, you can get a sextant to play, I don't mind.

2. Implementation of the march

Now you're ready to go.


Whether you are in a column or in a group of three or five, please be sure to send a "sharp knife squad". That is, there must be more than two more experienced people walking about 30-100 meters in front of the group. If they encounter danger, they can warn, if they encounter enemy situation, they can be reported, and they also have the rescue of the rear team when they encounter danger.

The march in the movie will not have this plot, so they are all.


One hour must rest for 10 minutes! Have to! Have to!

Don't sit down when you're resting, let alone lie down! Never! Never!


Where you can navigate using a digital map, use a digital map.

Where you can't use a digital map, remember the fork in the road and pass cautiously when you see it.

If there are forks in the road or dangerous terrain that are not recorded on the map, please use your brains to solve the problem.

3. Possible dangers and countermeasures


Going on the road and taking a trip is the biggest danger. Again: everything is predetermined, and if it is not predetermined, it is abolished.


Daring is the consequences of not understanding your own strength, and you will pit yourself and your teammates.

Coping method: Slap yourself twice first, tell yourself that you can't get by. Recite the mantra again: don't be afraid of things, don't cause trouble, don't look for trouble.


Caused by unreasonable route planning, forgetting the route, and temporary changes to the route, the biggest danger comes from your panic.

Coping method: If you are lost for a short time, you can return the same way; It is close to the target and can be seen directly, passed, and re-routed; Get lost for a long time and don't know where you are, look for the river and walk downstream, as long as you walk long enough there will definitely be residents, give up this hike and look for rescue; Someone nearby, asking for directions.


The wild is the world of animals, you run to people's territory, if you don't keep a low profile, you will definitely be cleaned up, this can't be helped. Wild animals do not have hospitals, so they try to avoid injury and do not attack humans who are not food.

How to deal with it: Keep a low profile. Most beasts' first reaction when they encounter people is actually to run away, you won't die if you don't die. You can use the sound to predict your arrival in advance, giving the beast time to escape. If the beast has already issued a warning, hurry back the same way.

Snake: Just hit the grass and scare the snake, except for the king cobra, no snake will take the initiative to attack you and follow you, it will run away, don't chase, don't force it to bite you. If it's a king cobra (where did you run?) ), run uphill, it can't run you.

Bear: Take a whistle and blow, the bear will generally run, if you pass through the dense forest and other bear-infested places, blow every minute or two, the bear does not roar you will go yours. When you see a bear cub, immediately stay away.

The most threatening wild dog: Wild dog is actually the most important wild animal that causes death and injury in the wild.

Not very afraid of people, will take the initiative to attack people, will group activities, will cooperate in hunting. When you see a pack of wild dogs, try not to attract attention, stand in place and wait for them to run away on their own. If wild dogs have already attacked you, play with your life, these things are not big after all.

Large herbivores: you are a carnivore, afraid of herbivores drying eggs, boldly walk yours, well water does not violate the river water. Don't take pictures with your arms around the calf, it'll kill you in minutes.

Monkey: Everyone is a primate, so it won't be afraid of you, you're just big-headed. So don't tease when you see the little monkey looking cute, just turn a blind eye to you.

Wild boar: Everyone is an omnivore, but it is your food after all, don't tease the little wild boar when you see it, it won't mess with you.


Once dehydrated and electrolyte imbalance, losing physical strength is a matter of minutes, and it is not impossible to lie down on the spot and see Marx. When you feel dizzy, sweaty, and fatigue is a precursor.

Cope: Don't pour water in large gulps, no matter how thirsty you are. Gulp water, your body will sweat a lot for a short time, and it is easy to lose electrolyte imbalance. The first is to add a little salt to the water, a concentration of 2% is on the line, the second is to take a sip of water, first take a sip of water in the mouth, hold it for a minute and then swallow, pay attention to replenish water at any time.


If there is a problem with thermoregulation, heat stroke will occur

How to deal with it: If the sun is too big and the weather is too hot, don't leave, find shade and rest first. If you have suffered from heat stroke, quickly move to a cool place and force cooling with cold water, take ten drops of water and other medications.


The inner thighs rub against each other and break the skin is called crotchwear, and the additional magic damage is sweat soaking to the worn place. It is generally rare in women unless they are too fat. Men who do not pay attention will appear to grind the crotch, once the crotch grinds you will be difficult to walk, because: testicular pain is more painful than giving birth, do you believe it?

Cope: wear boxer panties, wear tight autumn pants, let the stick, egg, legs separate with cloth isolation, grinding cloth is better than dermabrasion.

If a crotch has already appeared, immediately wrap a bandage around the worn skin.

Not ashamed male friend, I have a trick that can effectively prevent crotch grinding is a little shameful, if there is a guy in your teammate, you must not use it: ask your girlfriend for an aunt scarf and put it on!


Often in the rivers and lakes, where there is no knife, bumps are inevitable.

Coping methods: learn a little about bandaging, hemostasis, and first aid.


Alone in the wild is especially dangerous, so be sure to keep up with the team.

How to cope: Try not to go out with your pig teammates. If your team has dumped you, immediately return the same way and go back to find a friend on the road to him.

4. Examples of hiking

Let's take the example of trekking from Pai Township, Miling County, Nyingchi City, Tibet Autonomous Region through the Himalayas to Beibang Township, Metuo County, to explain how to plan and implement a wild hike.

What are the common dangers of hiking? What to do about it?

This is a famous hiking trail that I myself have walked, and it is generally easy to pass in spring and autumn, and it is difficult to walk in winter with heavy snow, and in summer it is muddy and difficult to walk, threatening with implementation and mudslides. Directions cannot be searched on map tools such as Baidu Maps and Google Maps. But in Pai Town, it is possible to ask for the route, and in the past, the PLA also had a fixed mule and horse team to transport supplies along this road, but now it is no longer available with the opening of the road.

Baidu search for "hiking ink to" will have a lot of detailed strategies, which has certain reference value. Let's plan and implement it today without looking at the strategy.

First, you can download a tool called "Ovi Map". You can browse Google, Bing, OpenCycle contour map, Sogou, Baidu and other map tools.

What are the common dangers of hiking? What to do about it?

Then, open the Ovi map, find the vicinity of Milin County, Nyingchi City, switch to the OpenCycle contour map, and you can find a mule horse road called "Ink Line", which is the road we want to hike.

What are the common dangers of hiking? What to do about it?


You can search for tracks directly and use the track tool to achieve real-time navigation.

What are the common dangers of hiking? What to do about it?

From the map, we see that the road is 145 kilometers long, the altitude difference is very large, and the slope is definitely very steep. At this time, it is necessary to plan the number of hiking days according to the physical situation. I walked in only 3 days, all yak carrying and long-term military training, and for the average hiker 3 to 5 days should be planned.

This route, there are very many people walking, its practical navigation or anything, the road is obvious. Here is a simple diagram for demonstration:

When we open an electronic map, the easiest way is to depict it directly on white paper.

What are the common dangers of hiking? What to do about it?

Spread the white paper directly on the screen and use a pen to trace the route and fork in the road. Then at various forks and road change points, obvious features are marked against the electronic map.

What are the common dangers of hiking? What to do about it?

Important road signs and facilities such as main rest points and residential areas must be marked.

Finally, it refers to the plotting of the north direction. Remember, if you don't twist the map on the electronic map, then directly above is due north on the map, you stick the paper on the screen and don't put it crookedly, and just above your sketch is due north.

In order to facilitate positioning, you can also mark several latitude and longitude reference locations on the sketch map, carry a GPS device with you, and reach the reference point to prevent getting lost. These reference points are best placed at forks in the road or at obvious landmarks.

What are the common dangers of hiking? What to do about it?

Depict everything from start to finish. If one piece of paper is not enough, just draw a few more. This makes the diagram ready.


You can look at the strategy on the Internet, and I will talk about how to plan without looking at the strategy.

The tour is 3-5 days long and you must bring a tent, sleeping bag, enough water and food. There are a lot of springs and glaciers on the way, so you don't need to bring so much water, just bring some water purification tablets. The tent needs to be the kind of poleless light tent, the sleeping bag should choose the appropriate temperature scale, food, compressed biscuits are the best, and bring some Snickers, salt, dry powder glucose.

Two trekking poles are prepared for each person, which can save physical strength by walking during the day and can be used to support the tent at night.

North arrows and diagrams, preferably wrapped in a plastic bag so as not to get wet.

It is better to prepare leggings cloth. It is the thing on the leg of the old eighth road, refreshing and long-term and preventing snakes, insects and mosquitoes, especially the famous dry leech of Meto.

What are the common dangers of hiking? What to do about it?


Bitter or not, think of the Long March 25,000...

Don't think that walking for a few days, one or two hundred kilometers is a big feat, some people are organized, lack of clothing and clothing, can't eat enough, carry guns and cannons, walk all the way for tens of thousands of kilometers, and finally the whole army is destroyed.

Oh, I'm talking about Shi Dakai.

A tragic hero of the trekking world.

What are the common dangers of hiking? What to do about it?

Someone successfully reached the destination, and finally successfully counterattacked:

What are the common dangers of hiking? What to do about it?

The latter group of people, at least walked more than 10,000 kilometers, did not eat well, dressed poorly, they did not have Snickers to eat, no light tents to use, and they could not walk down.

Human beings are animals that are known for endurance, walking slowly, step by step, and they will definitely be able to go. That's what I thought when I followed the mule team to Meto.

All of the above are in the Himalayas, some on the northern slope, some on the southern slope, some in the ditch. You can see that I am a dead fat person, and you have no reason not to.