
Micro-video|Symphony of life


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May 22 is the International Day for Biological Diversity.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, China has placed the construction of ecological civilization in a prominent position, coordinated and promoted biodiversity conservation, and deeply participated in global biodiversity governance.

Micro-video|Symphony of life
Micro-video|Symphony of life
Micro-video|Symphony of life

In September 2020, at the United Nations Biodiversity Summit, Xi Jinping put forward a major initiative to "jointly build a beautiful home in harmony with all things".

Micro-video|Symphony of life

Standing at the height of promoting the sustainable development of mankind, Xi Jinping sets goals and clear paths for future global biodiversity conservation, and contributes wisdom to the protection of the common earth home of mankind.

Micro-video|Symphony of life
Micro-video|Symphony of life

The sky is bluer, the mountains are greener, the water is clearer, and more and more rare birds and exotic animals and exotic flowers and plants appear on the land of China. A harmonious and beautiful symphony of life is echoing in China.

Micro-video|Symphony of life
Micro-video|Symphony of life

Planner: Sun Chengbin, Li Zhengyu

Produced by: Sun Zhiping

Producer: Fan Hua, Zhang Pingfeng

Editor-in-chief: Yang Yong, Yang Yunyan

Choreographer: Room width

Reporters: Li Yaguang, Wang Yan, Jiang Hanzhang, Fang Kuan, Han Fangfang, Zhao Yuhe, Li Zhanyi, Li Ning, Zhang Ziqi, Lv Xueli, Liu Zexing, Wang Junfeng, Zhou Xuan, Guo Liangchuan, Li Duojiang, Pu Xiaoxu, Huo Siying, Huang Guobao, Wang Ruiping, Hu Nayun, Wu Tao, Liang Xizhi, Liang Xu, Deng Hua, Meng Yingru, Wang Xi, Sun Min, Wang Anhaowei, Yang Jing, Amman, Su Chuanyi, Zhang Xiaolong, Yang Zhe, Ye Ziyan, Wang Kaiyan

Reporting by: Cao Minkai, Shang Peng, Yin Jie, Sun Haiqi, Wen Xinghua, Zhu Bianyong, Yin Yihu, Liu Yushan, Tursun Wusman, Gulchehere Ahmeti

Voiced by: Chen Yu

Material support: Sanjiangyuan National Park Administration, Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park Administration, Guangdong Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve Management Bureau, Sichuan Tangjiahe National Nature Reserve Management Office, Haixi Radio and Television Station

Produced by Xinhua News Agency Audio and Video Department

Produced by Xinhua News Agency