
"Eleven" dialogue with its own spiritual world: Economists recommend these good books

author:Beijing News

"The quality of life needs to be forged, and reading is an important part of forging."

This eleventh holiday you may have to travel thousands of miles, or you can put aside the daily distractions and sit down to read a good book.

Therefore, we invited Economists such as Yu Yongding, Wei Sen, Li Shi, Cao Yuanzheng, Dang Guoying, Song Xiaowu, Yu Miaojie, Jia Kang, and Xue Zhaofeng to recommend these good books with their hearts.

Let the mind travel through the books, feel the vastness of space and the extension of time, and have a dialogue with your own spiritual world.

"Eleven" dialogue with its own spiritual world: Economists recommend these good books

Recommended Book: The American Trap

"Suddenly, I turned into a beast. I put on an orange jumpsuit. The body was chained and the hands and feet were shackled. I could barely walk or breathe. I am a bound beast, and a trapped beast that has fallen into a trap. Frederick Pierucci, an executive at alistone, a prominent French multinational corporation, describes in his book The American Trap how the United States used "long-arm jurisdiction" to throw it into prison and eventually dismember Alistone.

On April 16, 2018, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced sanctions against ZTE, which aroused widespread concern and heated discussion in the society. At that time, some people in China believed that it was too much in ZTE, and the US government was defending judicial justice. We should reflect on how naïve and naïve these people were in the early days of the U.S.-China trade war in 2018.

Today, we have a more comprehensive understanding of american justice. The Péreuzzi of France can give us a clearer picture of how far the United States will go in using judicial means to achieve its economic and political ends.

After Meng Wanzhou returned to China, Pierucci said with great emotion in an interview with CCTV reporters: "I am not as lucky as Ms. Meng, I have not received the kind of support that Ms. Meng got from my company, nor did I get the kind of support from my country like Ms. Meng got." If The American Trap were to be republished, I believe Mr. Pieruzzi would transform this sentiment into a more tragic narrative.

——Yu Yongding, member of the Faculty of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

"Eleven" dialogue with its own spiritual world: Economists recommend these good books

Recommended Book: The Great Boom – How Mass Innovation Leads to National Prosperity

Edmund S. Phelps, winner of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Economics, is one of the "founders of modern macroeconomics" and "one of the most important figures influencing the process of economics", he proposed the famous "Golden Rule of Economic Growth", making great theoretical contributions to the study of the dynamic optimization path of economic growth. In 2013, the internationally renowned macroeconomist published The Great Prosperity (CITIC Publishing House, 2018) at Princeton University.

This is another seminal work on economic theory after Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations. If Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" discusses the road to national prosperity from the perspective of division of labor and market exchange, Phelps's "Great Prosperity" discusses the way of economic prosperity of various countries from the perspective of which economic system in the modern market economy society can better breed innovation. This is a great work of comparative institutional analysis, which has important reference significance for understanding the long-term development direction of human society and the road to be taken in the future of China's reform.

——Professor Wei Sen of Fudan University

"Eleven" dialogue with its own spiritual world: Economists recommend these good books

Recommended Book: Capital in the 21st Century

French economist Thomas Piketty's book Capital in the 21st Century is well worth reading. The English edition of the book was first published in 2014 and topped the New York Times' nonfiction bestseller, and Chinese edition became a hot bestseller.

The book uses a wealth of data to analyze and explain the evolution of inequality in the distribution of wealth in major Western countries over the past 100 years. In his view, the inequality of wealth distribution in Western countries in the past century has undergone a long cycle of rising, falling, and rising, which negates the "Kuznets inverted U-shaped hypothesis" that has long been circulated in theoretical circles. Moreover, he believes that the process of rising inequality in the distribution of wealth in Western countries since the 1980s will continue and have an increasingly negative impact on social and economic development.

This is a serious academic treatise, with detailed data, meticulous analysis, rigorous logic, and great shock. The main reason I recommend this book is that in the context of today's solid promotion of common prosperity in china, the problems and explanations of the inequality of wealth distribution raised in this book have certain reference significance.

——Li Shi, Dean of the Institute of Sharing and Development of Zhejiang University

"Eleven" dialogue with its own spiritual world: Economists recommend these good books

Recommended Book: The Nature of Poverty

Improving human well-being is the basic motivation and purpose of economic development, but poverty has followed us for thousands of years. This is not only the embarrassment and shame of modern society, but also constitutes the original intention and mission of deepening economic theory and policy research, and has become the forefront and cutting edge of economics.

It was in this context that Abigit Banaji and Esther Dufro's book The Nature of Poverty won the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics. The book profoundly analyzes the nature of global poverty and explores the path out of the "poverty trap" in depth, which is beneficial to the economic development of contemporary China, which is committed to common prosperity.

——Cao Yuanzheng, vice president of the Chinese Macroeconomics Society

"Eleven" dialogue with its own spiritual world: Economists recommend these good books

Recommended Book: Violence and Social Order: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Documented Human History

The history of human evolution is full of violence, bloodshed and pain. The human foraging age of frequent killings came not only from outside small teams, but also from within teams. After the expansion of the family community, a relatively stable order supported by violence was formed, and the rulers of violence were the power elite.

Douglas North's academic specialty was economic history, and his later writings became more and more spectacled, proposing stereotypical reflections on the entire history of human development, which was refreshing to read. The question North's book seeks to answer is how societies with monopolies of power were transformed into open societies, which only began to emerge after 1800. Competition is the key word to unravel the mystery – the power elite will find it more advantageous for them to establish a competitive open system of power under certain conditions. But no force can necessarily prompt a society to successfully complete this transformation, and the completion of this transformation is related to the external competitive pressure it encounters.

——Dang Guoying, a researcher at the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

"Eleven" dialogue with its own spiritual world: Economists recommend these good books

Recommended Book: Imagining the Day After Tomorrow: Reason, Stories, and To Be Continued

Starting with the emergence of human beings 3 million years ago, the book reviews the agricultural era from 8000 BC to 1750 AD, the industrial age from 1750 to 2015 AD, the era of intelligence from 2016 to 2045, and boldly predicts that humanity will enter the starry age after 2045. Such a grand narrative brings together the relevant knowledge of archaeology, history, philosophy, economics and natural sciences, opens a skylight for readers to go back to history and look up at the stars, and releases the free mind of bird's eye view of the world and soaring in the universe.

Song Xiaowu, director of the Academic Committee of the China Economic System Reform Research Association

"Eleven" dialogue with its own spiritual world: Economists recommend these good books

Recommended Book: Samuelson's Self-Description

The ideas in the book are rich and profound, and introduce the academic master Samuelson's views on many things, including markets and governments and how to do a good job in economic research.

——Yu Miaojie, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Peking University Development Institute

"Eleven" dialogue with its own spiritual world: Economists recommend these good books

Recommended book: "Looking for Su Dongpo in the Forbidden City"

There are too many books and articles about Su Dongpo, and I recently read two newer books, "Looking for Su Dongpo in the Forbidden City" and "There is no wind or rain and no sunshine - Su Dongpo's poetry and life". As a literati, Su Dongpo has the talent of heaven and indulgence, poetry, words, texts, books, and paintings are all good, and poetry and writing can all be the peak of perfection, called a thousand years of one person. Write about the east of the great river, write about when the bright moon is there, write Mo to listen to the sound of the leaves beating through the forest, write about the West Lake than the West Lake, write about the ten years of life and death, write about the Su Dongpo given by Chibi before and after, its talent seems to occupy the essence of heaven and earth, is it possible for others to learn?

But from the Song Dynasty to the present, everyone likes Su Dongpo, everyone is willing to talk about Su Dongpo, and his personality, mind, interest, humor, civilian consciousness, and true love in his bumpy life are often remembered by posterity. In the modern chaos of the world's confusion, beauty and ugliness, anxiety, and people's hearts, we can still read Su Dongpo.

——Jia Kang, President of Huaxia New Supply Economics Research Institute

"Eleven" dialogue with its own spiritual world: Economists recommend these good books

Recommended Book: The Myth of Parenting

The child is not a blank piece of paper, you draw a flower on it, she will become a flower in the future, you draw a tree, she will become a tree. Children are more like seeds, their personalities have a strong internal drive, parents can only find the right soil for this seed. And it is also a natural re-examination of the meaning of education: how much of what you stuff your children is in vain, and how much is far from enough.

The quote on the title page of the book is shocking: "The souls of children belong to tomorrow, the tomorrow that you cannot dream of." "Indeed it is. Thinking back to my parents, it was the same situation. So, as parents and educators, how should we assist our children; as educated people who have grown up, how do we face the expectations and arrangements of our elders? This book provides unique principles and examples that make people unable to calm down for a long time.

—— Economist Xue Zhaofeng

Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter Hou Runfang Cheng Weimiao Editor Wang Jinyu Proofreader Li Shihui Liu Jun Image source: Publisher and Douban

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