
Tomorrow's 520 Valentine's Day, in addition to sending flowers, eight appetizers are recommended to be arranged to help celebrate the holiday happily

author:Brother Qiu said food

Hello everyone, this is Brother Qiu said food. "Love" is the most complex emotion in the world, there is no time to desire to have, and when you have it, you will feel the taste of sweet and sour, the deeper the love, the deeper the feeling. Therefore, people who have "love" or lack "love" should feel the atmosphere of "love" and learn how to love and how to love. And tomorrow, May 20, meaning "I love you", is also the annual Valentine's Day, it is recommended that everyone seize this happy moment, bravely say "love" to the person they love, feel the feeling of "love" and "being loved", and spend Valentine's Day happily. So, how to proceed with 520 Valentine's Day? It is recommended that in addition to sending flowers, gift-giving and shopping, the appetizers of the eight meals should also be arranged, which should be in line with the festival and help the happy holiday. Next, I will share the practice, like friends, follow me to learn.

1. Cold mixed pig ears

Tomorrow's 520 Valentine's Day, in addition to sending flowers, eight appetizers are recommended to be arranged to help celebrate the holiday happily

Ingredients: Pork ears, coriander, ginger slices, green onion, dried chili, fragrant leaves, cinnamon, star anise, minced garlic, millet spicy, chili noodles, white sesame seeds.

Practical process:

1. Clean the pig's ears, then blanch the water in a pot under cold water, add cooking wine ginger slices and green onion to remove the fishy, after boiling, skim off the foam, and then take out and drain the water for later use.

2. Then boil water in another pot, add the blanched pig's ears, then add ginger slices, green onion, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, star anise and dried chili pepper, pour in appropriate amount of salt, cooking wine and old soy sauce, and simmer together for 30 minutes.

3. Then take out and let cool, then cut into thin slices and put them in a large bowl for later, then cut the minced garlic, millet spicy and coriander, then put the minced garlic and millet spicy into another bowl, and then add the appropriate amount of chili noodles and white sesame seeds.

4. Then pour in the hot oil and stir-fry, then add two spoons of light soy sauce, one spoonful of oyster sauce, one spoonful of balsamic vinegar and a small amount of sugar, and stir well.

5. Finally, pour the seasoned sauce into a large bowl, add a handful of coriander, and then grasp and mix well with the pig's ears to eat.

2. Squid with garlic

Tomorrow's 520 Valentine's Day, in addition to sending flowers, eight appetizers are recommended to be arranged to help celebrate the holiday happily

Ingredients: Squid, ginger slices, green onion, minced garlic, chopped green onion, millet spicy.

Practical process:

1. Clean the squid, then cut it with a knife, then boil the water, after the water boils, add ginger slices cooking wine and green onion to remove the fishy, then put in the squid and blanch for half a minute, then take out and drain the water for later use.

2. Cut the minced garlic, millet and chopped green onion, then heat the oil in a hot pan, after the oil is hot, add the minced garlic, chopped green onion and millet spicy and stir-fry, then pour in the squid over high heat and stir-fry.

3. Add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, light soy sauce, oyster sauce and white sugar to taste fresh, continue to stir-fry evenly into the taste, and then sprinkle a handful of chopped green onion, continue to stir-fry and stir-fry until fragrant, then you can eat it out of the pot.

3. Coriander with beef

Tomorrow's 520 Valentine's Day, in addition to sending flowers, eight appetizers are recommended to be arranged to help celebrate the holiday happily

Ingredients: beef, coriander, minced garlic, millet spicy, white sesame seeds, chili noodles.

Practical process:

1. Clean the beef, then cut it into thin slices, put it in a large bowl, then add an appropriate amount of starch, black pepper, light soy sauce and peanut oil, grab and mix together, marinate for 10 minutes.

2. Boil water, after the water boils, put in the marinated beef and blanch, after blanching, take out and drain the water, put it in a large bowl, then clean the coriander, and then cut it into small pieces and put it together.

3. In another bowl, add the minced garlic, millet spicy, white sesame seeds and chili noodles prepared in advance, then pour in hot oil and fry until fragrant, then add light soy sauce, aged vinegar and sugar, and stir well.

4. Finally, pour the seasoned sauce into a large bowl, then grab and mix with the blanched beef and coriander to eat.

4. Stir-fried shredded meat with bean sprouts and chili peppers

Tomorrow's 520 Valentine's Day, in addition to sending flowers, eight appetizers are recommended to be arranged to help celebrate the holiday happily

Ingredients: Soybean sprouts, green pepper, red pepper, minced garlic, white pepper.

Practical process:

1. Clean the lean meat, then cut it into small strips, put it in a large bowl, then add an appropriate amount of starch, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, white pepper powder and peanut oil, grab and mix together, marinate for 10 minutes.

2. Clean the soybean sprouts and green and red peppers, then cut the green and red peppers into small strips for later use, and then heat the oil in a hot pan, after the oil is hot, put in the marinated lean meat and stir-fry, stir-fry until the lean meat changes color, and then put it out for later.

3. Cut the minced garlic, then heat the oil in another hot pan, after the oil is hot, add the minced garlic and fry until fragrant, then pour in green and red peppers and stir-fry a few times, and then pour in soybean sprouts and stir-fry together, add a drop of lost salt to taste, continue to stir-fry and sauté soft.

4. Then pour in the fried lean meat and stir-fry evenly, add an appropriate amount of oyster sauce and white sugar for freshness, continue to stir-fry evenly into the taste, and then you can eat it out of the pan.

5. Cantonese green onion and ginger chicken

Tomorrow's 520 Valentine's Day, in addition to sending flowers, eight appetizers are recommended to be arranged to help celebrate the holiday happily

Ingredients: chicken thighs, ginger slices, green onion, minced green onion and ginger, white sesame seeds.

Practical process:

1. Clean the chicken thighs, then blanch them in a pot under cold water, add cooking wine ginger slices and green onion to remove the fishy, after boiling, skim off the foam, and then continue to simmer for 20 minutes over medium-low heat.

2. Then take out the cool water and soak it, tear it into small pieces, put it in a large bowl for later, and then cut the green onion and ginger and prepare.

3. Take another bowl, then add minced green onion and ginger and white sesame seeds, then pour in hot oil and fry until fragrant, then add salt, pepper salt, sugar and chicken broth, and stir well.

4. Finally, pour the seasoned green onion and ginger sauce over the chicken thigh, then grab and mix well together to eat.

6. Chilled chicken gizzard

Tomorrow's 520 Valentine's Day, in addition to sending flowers, eight appetizers are recommended to be arranged to help celebrate the holiday happily

Ingredients: chicken gizzard, coriander, ginger slices, green onion, minced garlic, millet spicy, chili noodles, white sesame seeds.

Practical process:

1. Clean the chicken gizzard, then cut it into thin slices, then blanch it in a pot under cold water, add cooking wine, light soy sauce, ginger slices and green onion to taste and remove the fishy, after boiling, skim off the foam, and then continue to blanch, then take out and drain the water, put it in a large bowl for later use.

2. Cut the minced garlic and millet spicy, then put it in another bowl with chili noodles and white sesame seeds, then pour hot oil and fry until fragrant, then add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, aged vinegar, oyster sauce, salt, sugar and chicken essence, stir well and set aside.

3. Clean the coriander, then cut it into small pieces, enlarge the bowl, pour in the seasoned sauce, and mix well with the blanched gizzard, and then serve.

7. Dry roasted cauliflower

Tomorrow's 520 Valentine's Day, in addition to sending flowers, eight appetizers are recommended to be arranged to help celebrate the holiday happily

Ingredients: cauliflower, ginger and garlic, dried chili.

Practical process:

1. Cut the cauliflower into small florets, wash it, drain it and set aside, and then prepare the ginger and garlic and dried pepper.

2. To prepare the sauce, add two spoons of light soy sauce, one spoonful of oyster sauce and a small amount of salt and sugar to the bowl, and stir well.

3. Heat the oil in a hot pan, after the oil is hot, pour in minced ginger and garlic and dried chili pepper and stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in cauliflower over high heat and stir-fry to fragrant.

4. Finally, pour in the seasoned sauce, continue to stir-fry over high heat for about three minutes, stir-fry until the cauliflower is broken, and then you can eat it out of the pan.

8. Cucumber with tofu

Tomorrow's 520 Valentine's Day, in addition to sending flowers, eight appetizers are recommended to be arranged to help celebrate the holiday happily

Ingredients: Cucumber, tofu, coriander, minced garlic, millet spicy, white sesame seeds, chili noodles.

Practical process:

1. Cut the tofu into small pieces, then boil the water, after the water boils, put the tofu and blanch for about three minutes, then take out and drain the water, put it in a large bowl and set aside.

2. Scrub the cucumber with salt, then cut it into small pieces, also put it in a large bowl, then wash the coriander, also cut into small pieces, and put it together for later.

3. Finely chop the minced garlic and millet, then put it in another bowl with chili noodles and white sesame seeds, then pour hot oil and fry until fragrant, then add two spoons of light soy sauce, a spoonful of aged vinegar, a spoonful of oyster sauce, and a little salt, and stir well.

4. Finally, pour the seasoned sauce into a large bowl, then mix well with cucumber and tofu to eat.