
Pediatric spleen strengthening medicine, drug selection has skills

author:Spleen and stomach expert Zhao Haiyin

Pediatric spleen strengthening medicine, drug selection has skills

Pediatric spleen strengthening medicine, drug selection has skills
Pediatric spleen strengthening medicine, drug selection has skills

Children's spleen and stomach are often discordant, coupled with the arrival of summer, the liver fire is relatively vigorous, and the situation of liver wood riding the spleen soil affects the transport function of the spleen, and the spleen soil has the characteristics of long-term maintenance.

Pediatric spleen strengthening medicine, drug selection has skills

The spleen belongs to the soil, for the acquired foundation, for the acquired foundation, the source of qi and blood biochemistry, weak temper will cause malabsorption, insufficient qi and blood, so summer "strengthening the spleen" is timely.

Pediatric spleen strengthening medicine, drug selection has skills

Although it is also a spleen strengthening drug, symptomatic medication is very important,

Drug selection is very skillful, and specific applications need to be treated differently.

01 Spleen and blood granules

Pediatric spleen strengthening medicine, drug selection has skills

Ingredients: Codonopsis, Astragalus, Poria, Baishu (stir-fried), Yam, Southern Schisandra (vinegar), Mountain Maidong, Tortoise Shell (vinegar), Jujube, Chicken Inner Gold (stir-fried), Keel, Calcined Oysters, Licorice, Ferrous Sulfate.

Efficacy: Strengthens spleen and stomach, nourishes blood and calms the nerves.

Indications: spleen and stomach weakness and heart and spleen deficiency is blood deficiency, symptoms of yellowish or white, less food, abdominal distention, irregular stool, irritability and sweating, fatigue, fat tongue, thin white moss, weak pulse; iron deficiency anemia, etc.

Dosage: Take with warm boiled water after meals. 3.5g once within one year old, 7g once at 1-3 years old, 10.5g once at 3-5 years old, 14g once in 5-12 years old, 3 times a day.

Medication tips: This product contains ferrous sulfate, which is effective for children's spleen and stomach weakness and heart and spleen deficiency iron deficiency anemia and calcium deficiency; Not suitable for patients with non-iron deficiency anemia.

Note: Ferrous sulfate is irritating to the stomach, it should be taken after meals, teeth become black during medication, stool is black, or constipation. Generally, it can return to normal after stopping the drug.

02 Spleen Strengthening Tablets

Pediatric spleen strengthening medicine, drug selection has skills

Ingredients: Ginseng, Baishu (bran stir-fried), poria, licorice, Junzi meat (stir-fried), chicken gold (vinegar burnt), hawthorn (stir-fried), yam (stir-fried), tangerine peel, huanglian, woody aroma.

Efficacy: Strengthens the spleen and nourishes the stomach, eliminates food and diarrhea.

Indications: for spleen and stomach discord, diet is not temperate, abdominal distention and loose stools, facial yellow muscle thin, less food fatigue, short urination.

Dosage: Oral. 1-2 tablets once under the age of one, 2-4 tablets once at the age of 1-3, 5-6 tablets once at the age of 3-5, 2 times a day.

Medication tips: Spleen Kang'er tablets can not only strengthen the spleen but also stop diarrhea, suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach and gastrointestinal discord.

03 Pediatric Spleen Accumulation Oral Solution

Pediatric spleen strengthening medicine, drug selection has skills

Ingredients: Ginseng, Astragalus, Baishu, Poria, Huangjing, Lemon Malt, Liushenqu (stir-fried), Grain Sprouts, Chicken Neijin (stir-fried), Laiji seed, Tendon grass, Grass cardamom, Patchouli, woody fragrance, citrus aurantium husk, incense, Cangshu, betel nut, bellflower, bitter almond, ebon, rhubarb, merit leaf, melon wilt, comfrey, licorice.

Efficacy: Invigorates qi and spleen, dissipates food and dissolves accumulation.

Indications: for spleen deficiency and stagnation caused by unthinking diet. Lack of energy, weight loss, dry stools and other symptoms.

Dosage: 10ml each time for 1-7 years old, 2 times a day; 8-14 years old 10ml each time, 3 times a day. Take for two weeks.

Medication tips: Suitable for people with weak physical fitness, poor diet, weight loss, and constipation. Do not use for colds and fevers.

04 Babies have a strong spleen

Pediatric spleen strengthening medicine, drug selection has skills

Ingredients: White lentils (stir-fried), yam, baiju (stir-fried), chicken inner gold (stir-fried), Sichuan fritillary, woody fragrance (stir-fried), sodium bicarbonate, artificial bezoar.

Efficacy: Strengthens the spleen, eliminates food, and stops diarrhea.

Indications: for indigestion, lactation, bloating, increased frequency of stools.

Dosage: Oral. 1-2 bags once for 1-3 years old, half a bag once under the age of one, 2 times a day.

Medication tips: This medicine contains sodium bicarbonate, should not be taken with acidic food, medicine. It is used for children with increased stool frequency, loose feces, odorous feces, undigested substances, and less lactation.

05 Pediatric spleen granules

Pediatric spleen strengthening medicine, drug selection has skills

Ingredients: White peony, astragalus (honey burnt), jujube, laurel branch, dried ginger, hawthorn (stir-fried), Liushenqu (scorched), malt (stir-fried).

Efficacy: Warm and replenish deficiency, and slow down, appetizing and dissipating.

Indications: for spleen and stomach deficiency cold, abdominal dull pain, warm and warm press, stomach is not fragrant, less food and loose stool.

Dosage: Rinse with warm boiled water, 5-10g at a time, 2-3 times a day.

Medication tips: Do not be cold or cold during medication, so as not to affect the efficacy.

06 Mountain Portuguese Spleen Granules

Pediatric spleen strengthening medicine, drug selection has skills

Ingredients: Hawthorn, sea buckthorn (fresh), zinc gluconate.

Efficacy: Strengthens the spleen and eliminates food.

Indications: for children aged 1-7 years old with zinc deficiency or anorexia, pica, recurrent aphthous ulcers, upper feeling and other symptoms caused by spleen deficiency and stagnation

Dosage: Oral, once 10g, once a day.

Medication tips: This product contains zinc gluconate, which is more suitable for wasting and weaker intellectual development caused by zinc deficiency than people of the same age.

07 Shanmai Spleen Oral Liquid

Pediatric spleen strengthening medicine, drug selection has skills

Ingredients: hawthorn, malt, sand kernel, tangerine peel, galangal, dried ginger, gardenia.

Benefits: Strengthens the spleen, qi and stomach.

Indications: It is suitable for pediatric anorexia caused by dietary stagnation

Dosage: 10ml at a time, 2-3 times a day.

Medication tips: It has a better effect on indigestion caused by vegetarian diets