
A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty

author:He Xuyun
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A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty

Wen | He Xuyun

Editor|He Xuyun

The Tang Dynasty was a glorious era in Chinese history, with remarkable development and progress in its political, economic, cultural and social aspects. As an important administrative division of the Tang Dynasty, there were obvious differences between the north and the south, which not only affected the political and economic pattern of the time, but also reflected the differences in cultural and social structure between the north and the south.

Therefore, this paper will explore the causes of the north-south difference between the prefectures and their impact on the time in order to provide some reference and enlightenment for the study of Tang history and Chinese history.

A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty

One. Tang Dynasty prefecture

In the Tang Dynasty, the prefecture was a special form of administrative division. It is an administrative unit established to rule the border areas, administer ethnic minorities and maintain border security.

The prefecture was established mainly to manage relations with border ethnic minorities in order to ensure their return and stability. The geographical scope of the prefecture usually includes border areas and border ethnic minority areas, covering vast border areas.

The governing body of the prefecture consisted of officials sent by the central government who were responsible for administering, supervising, and dispatching the affairs of the border areas. The policies and management methods of the prefecture are relatively flexible and can be adjusted according to the actual situation to adapt to the special situation and cultural background of different regions. In addition, the prefecture also undertakes important functions such as border defense, military and trade to ensure the security and development of the frontier.

A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty

During the Tang Dynasty, the prefectures played an important link between the central government and the border areas, and their establishment and management were of great significance for maintaining stability in the border areas and promoting the integration of ethnic minorities into the central government. At the same time, the existence of Jiefu Prefecture also makes the northern and southern regions have certain differences in governance methods, economic development and cultural exchanges, which has become an important entry point for studying the differences between the north and the south in the Tang Dynasty.

Two. The concept of North-South differences

In the Tang Dynasty, due to the different geographical environment and historical background, there were certain differences between the north and south in terms of politics, economy and culture. The southern region has flat terrain, dense water network, and relatively developed agricultural development, while the northern region has a complex terrain, drought and little rainfall, and animal husbandry is the mainstay. This difference in the natural environment has led to a difference in economic models between the North and the South, with agriculture in the South and livestock and commerce in the North.

A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty

In addition, there are certain differences in the cultural and social structure of the northern and southern regions. Cultural exchanges between the southern region and Southeast Asia and South Asia are more frequent and culturally diverse, while the northern region is more influenced by the culture of Central and West Asia, and the culture is relatively single. The southern region is densely populated and has a relatively loose social structure, while the northern region is less populated and has a relatively close social structure.

These differences between the north and the south were also reflected in the administration and development of the prefectures during the Tang Dynasty. There are certain differences in policy-making, administration, military defense and economic development in the prefectures, which reflect the political, economic and cultural differences between the north and the south. Therefore, studying the difference between the north and south of the prefecture in the Tang Dynasty is of great significance for in-depth understanding of the difference and development process between the north and south of the Tang Dynasty.

A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty

Three. Administrative organization

In the administrative organization of the northern prefecture, the Governor's Office or the Governor's Office is usually established as the highest administrative body. The prefecture administered several prefectures and counties and was responsible for administering and ruling minority and frontier affairs within its jurisdiction. The head of the Governorate is usually a high-ranking official appointed by the central government, whose duties include government administration, military command, and diplomatic representation.

There are administrative divisions at all levels under the prefecture of the prefecture, such as prefectures, prefectures, counties, etc. The prefecture is usually the seat of the governor's office and is responsible for managing the government and administrative affairs within its jurisdiction. The prefectures further divided the responsibilities of administration and maintenance of border security within their jurisdictions. The counties under the jurisdiction of the canton are the smallest units of administrative divisions, responsible for managing local affairs and maintaining social order.

A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty

The administrative structure of the Southern Prefecture is relatively flexible, and the specific organizational form varies from region to region. In some southern regions, the Governor's Office or Governor's Office was established, similar to the administrative structure in the North. In other areas, however, different administrative models may have been adopted, such as the establishment of local administrative bodies such as consolation messengers, state pastors, and supervisors.

The Xuanwei Envoy is an administrative institution unique to the southern region, and its responsibilities include government management, maintaining border security and exchanges and mediation with local ethnic minorities. A state pastor is responsible for administering and ruling the prefectures within its jurisdiction, similar to the northern states. The Supervisor is the body responsible for supervising and managing the official and administrative matters within its jurisdiction.

A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty

It should be noted that the administrative organization of the Southern Detention Prefecture may have certain differences and changes depending on the region and historical period. The specific administrative structure needs to be analyzed and confirmed in detail in conjunction with historical research and data.

Four. Domination policy

The ruling policy of the northern prefectures was mainly aimed at appeasement, control, and integration of border ethnic minorities. In order to maintain the stability and security of the frontiers, the central government usually adopts the following policies:

A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty

Military Defense: Strengthening the construction of border lines and the deployment of military forces to deal with external threats and violations.

Taxation and contribution: A certain system of taxation and contribution is implemented for border areas to maintain the fiscal revenue of the central government.

Special treatment: Border ethnic minorities are given certain special treatment and preferential policies to promote their submission to the central government.

Cultural exchange: The gradual integration of the culture and social customs of the border region through cultural exchange and educational activities.

The ruling policies of the southern prefectures were relatively flexible, and the specific policies varied from region to region. Frequent exchanges and mediation with ethnic minorities in the south to resolve local disputes and ethnic contradictions and maintain stability in border areas. In view of the agricultural development in the southern region, certain land policies and agricultural support measures are implemented to promote agricultural production and economic development.

A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty

Respect and protect the cultural traditions and customs of ethnic minorities in the south, while promoting cultural integration and exchanges, and strengthening ties and cooperation between the central government and local governments. Encourage trade and commerce in the South and promote economic prosperity and cultural exchanges. It is important to note that ruling policies may adjust and change at different times and regions. Specific ruling policies need to be analyzed and confirmed in detail in conjunction with historical research and data.

Five. Business & Trade

In the northern prefecture, commerce and trade developed relatively actively due to the peculiarities of geographical location and contact with northern peoples. Border trade: Because the northern prefecture is located in a border area, there are frequent trade exchanges with the surrounding ethnic minority areas. Border trade plays an important role in promoting economic development and cultural exchanges.

A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty

Silk Road: Located at an important node along the Silk Road, the northern prefectures were very prosperous in trade and commerce. The prefecture became an important meeting point for trade between East and West.

Trade of special products: Some special product resources in the northern region, such as silk, tea, salt, etc., are exported to the Central Plains and other places through trade activities, becoming important economic pillars.

In the southern prefecture, commerce and trade are also relatively active due to the peculiarities of the geographical environment and the contact with ethnic minorities in the south. The southern prefecture has many excellent ports and is closely linked to maritime trade. The port became an important hub for the circulation of goods and cultural exchange.

A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty

The southern region has a suitable climate and abundant agricultural products. Agricultural products such as rice, tea, lychee, silk, etc. were exported to other regions through trade activities, becoming an important support for economic development. The southern prefecture had close trade with neighboring countries in South and Southeast Asia. Cross-border trade promotes cultural exchange and the flow of goods.

Six. urban development

In the northern prefecture, urban development is influenced by geographical environment and economic conditions. Since the northern prefecture is located in the border area, the development of border cities is more prominent. These cities often served as important strongholds for military defense and trade exchanges, and had important strategic positions.

A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty

Since the northern prefectures were important nodes of the Silk Road, some cities became important transportation hubs, connecting the trade routes between East and West, promoting the prosperity and development of cities. Urban development in some northern prefectures was dominated by agriculture and commerce. These cities are usually hubs of agricultural products and places of commercial transactions, and are centers of economic activity.

In the southern prefecture, urban development presents different characteristics due to the influence of geographical environment and economic conditions. The southern prefecture has many superior port cities, and the development of these cities is dominated by maritime trade. Port cities play an important role in trade, cultural exchanges and overseas connections.

A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty

The southern region is dominated by agriculture, and some urban development is mainly characterized by the processing, storage, transportation and trading of agricultural products. These cities play an important role in agricultural production and the circulation of agricultural products. There are also some cities in the southern prefecture that have become cultural centers, attracting many scholars, literati and artists. These cities play an important role in cultural exchange, artistic performances, and academic research.

A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty

Seven. Social structure and customs

In the northern prefecture, social structure and customs are influenced by a variety of factors, including geographical environment, ethnic culture and government policies. In the social structure of the northern prefectures, nobles and nobles occupied an important position. They have land, wealth and political power, and assume social and administrative responsibilities.

Farmers and artisans are the main social groups in the northern region. Farmers are engaged in agricultural production, artisans are engaged in handicraft manufacturing, and they form the basis of the social economy. In the cities and villages of the northern prefecture, there is a rich variety of customs. This includes various social ceremonies and customs such as weddings, funerals, festivals, etc., reflecting the characteristics of local culture and national traditions.

A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty

In the southern prefecture, social structure and customs are also influenced by geographical environment, ethnic culture and government policies. There was a social structure of landlords and sharecroppers in the South. Landlords owned land and wealth, and tenant farmers made a living growing crops. This form of land ownership and agricultural management affected socio-economic relations in the southern prefecture.

The economy of commerce and handicrafts dominated the southern region, and merchants and craftsmen occupied an important place in the social structure. They participate in trade activities and artisanal manufacturing, contributing to economic development and social prosperity. Urban and rural areas have retained unique customs. For example, wedding customs, rituals and festivals in the southern region have their own characteristics, reflecting the characteristics of local ethnic culture and traditions.

A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty


The difference between the north and the south of the Tang Dynasty had a profound impact on the politics, economy and culture of the Tang Dynasty. On the political front, the geographical environment and social background of the northern and southern prefectures led to differences in their ruling policies.

The southern prefectures were densely populated, economically developed, and contributed more to the Tang Dynasty, so they received more favorable policies, such as the policy of "exemption from military service in the southern provinces". The northern prefecture is relatively sparsely populated, located on the frontier, and relatively backward in the economy, so its policies are also harsh.

A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty

Economically, agricultural and commercial conditions differ in the northern and southern prefectures. The southern prefecture was densely populated, rich in products, and developed agriculture and commerce than in the north, so the southern prefecture contributed more to the economy of the Tang Dynasty. The northern prefecture contributed less to the economy of the Tang Dynasty because of its location on the frontier, inconvenient transportation, and relatively backward economy.

In terms of culture, the cultural traditions and academic atmosphere of the northern and southern prefectures are also different. Located in a culturally important area, the southern prefecture has a relatively developed culture and academic tradition, such as the literary prosperity of Chang'an and the Buddhist culture of Luoyang. Because of its remote location, the cultural and academic atmosphere of the northern prefecture is relatively backward, but it also has its own unique cultural traditions and academic characteristics, such as the Buddhist art and culture of the Hexi corridor.

A brief analysis of the north-south differences between the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty


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