
Natural beauty: frigate birds

author:Ascenson L

Frigate bird:. Frigate Ornidae. The frigate bird is a genus of birds and is a large seabird. The body length is 70-112 cm, the wingspan can reach 2.3 meters, and the weight is about 1500 grams. They are similar in male and female, with a slender beak with a curved front , both with throat sacs, black feathers in males and a white feather on the belly of females.

Natural beauty: frigate birds
Natural beauty: frigate birds
Natural beauty: frigate birds

During breeding, the male throat pouch turns bright red and expands like a balloon, which is also a weapon for them to show off to the female and compete for mates. Their wide wings, combined with their long, forked tail feathers, make for excellent flight ability. Known as the "flying champion", their superb flying ability, coupled with their predatory methods, make them the "street skewers" above the ocean.

Natural beauty: frigate birds
Natural beauty: frigate birds
Natural beauty: frigate birds

Frigate birds are found in subtropical and tropical coasts and islands, but only in the Paracel Islands domestically. Although it is a seabird, it must land overnight, so it usually moves within 160 kilometers of the sea.

Natural beauty: frigate birds
Natural beauty: frigate birds
Natural beauty: frigate birds

Frigate birds like to live in groups, large flocks of frigate birds inhabit the coastal woods, appear very crowded, often fly over the sea during the day to patrol, while flying, while observing whether there is food in the water. Once spotted, it flies quickly and uses its long curved beak to take its prey away. Because their bodies do not secrete oil, their feathers cannot be wet, and once they are wet, they will drown, except for catching a small number of fish close to the surface, most of them rely on intercepting and robbing other birds of food.

Natural beauty: frigate birds
Natural beauty: frigate birds
Natural beauty: frigate birds

But they are also very hygienic and wash them every time they are eaten. They must return to rest on land or islands every night, because their legs are short and small, so they will land on towering rocks or tree tops when resting, always keeping a certain distance from the ground so that they can take off smoothly afterwards.

Natural beauty: frigate birds
Natural beauty: frigate birds
Natural beauty: frigate birds

Frigate birds are mainly fish. Mollusca. Jellyfish feed on them, as well as scavengers and carnivorous birds in general, and most of their food is robbed. For robber birds in the ocean.

Natural beauty: frigate birds
Natural beauty: frigate birds

During the breeding period, the flock will be very noisy, and the male will choose a good position to occupy, and then begin to blow air into his throat pouch, making the laryngeal pouch swell. At the same time, the upper and lower beaks constantly collide and emit clicks. Duh. The sound of clicking. In order to attract the attention of the female bird, the female at this time began to select her "dream love bird".

Natural beauty: frigate birds
Natural beauty: frigate birds
Natural beauty: frigate birds

After pairing, the male and female parent birds will build a simple nest together. Most of the branches are collected by the female, while the male builds the branches as a platform. Because the flock of birds is too large, when there is a shortage of branches, you can see some figures fighting over branches.

Natural beauty: frigate birds
Natural beauty: frigate birds
Natural beauty: frigate birds

Females lay one egg per clutch, which is white and incubated by male and female parent birds for a period of 45-50 days. After the chicks come out of the shell, they are nursed by male and female parent birds, and the parent birds at this time are very protective of the nest, if someone is close, they will attack with their sharp mouths, under normal circumstances, warship birds will never abandon the nest and fly away.

Natural beauty: frigate birds
Natural beauty: frigate birds
Natural beauty: frigate birds

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