
Baoding Gaoyang: "Neighborhood watch, hands and hands are connected", the modern city community actively implements the epidemic prevention task

author:Fengyou Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei

On October 23, the Baoding Municipal Defense and Leadership Office issued a notice to the whole city to investigate 10 types of personnel and strictly control them. In accordance with the requirements of the Baoding Civil Affairs Bureau's "Twelve Investigations", the Gaoyang County Civil Affairs Bureau guided the modern city community in the county to carry out a series of work of "neighborhood watch, hand and hand connection" to implement the epidemic prevention task.

It is reported that the modern city community has jurisdiction over 5463 households and more than 14,000 residents in 5 communities, all of which have achieved grid management, and the neighborhood committee is connected to 81 building chiefs, and the building chief is connected to all residents. 80% of the building directors here are cadres of party member organs who have double-registered or retired party members. They use their spare time to help the neighborhood committee implement the policies and tasks of the superiors, and to help deal with the demands of residents, and they are jokingly called the "big mother" of the neighborhood committee who does not wear "red armbands". It can be said that a unit is a big family, paying more attention to each other, reminding each other diligently, and living out the neighborhood affection of the courtyard in the steel forest.

Baoding Gaoyang: "Neighborhood watch, hands and hands are connected", the modern city community actively implements the epidemic prevention task

In accordance with the requirements of epidemic prevention, the modern city community proposed to the residents, "red things are slowed down, white things are simplified", strictly abide by the epidemic prevention system, reduce gatherings, can not go out as much as possible, wear masks for activities in the community. A variety of propaganda slogans and epidemic prevention propaganda pictures were posted in conspicuous positions in the community.

Baoding Gaoyang: "Neighborhood watch, hands and hands are connected", the modern city community actively implements the epidemic prevention task
Baoding Gaoyang: "Neighborhood watch, hands and hands are connected", the modern city community actively implements the epidemic prevention task

At the same time, more than 200 cadres, building chiefs, volunteers, grid members and more than 200 people from the two committees of the Modern City Community Organization carried out household inspections in 5 communities, focusing on the travel history and activity history of 10 key time and places since October 10, and checking house by house, without leaving a single person behind. Establish WeChat groups for residents of communities, communities, and buildings (units) at different levels, and timely grasp the situation of residents going out through methods such as in-group notification and telephone inquiry.

At present, the Modern City community has received 155 resident reports.

Editor-in-chief: Erqing

Baoding Gaoyang: "Neighborhood watch, hands and hands are connected", the modern city community actively implements the epidemic prevention task

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