
The great Chinese doctor | Peking University International Liang Jun: How to make a hospital have a human touch?

author:Sohu Health

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Produced by | Sohu Health

Author | Wu Shi Nan

Edit | Yuan Yue

Introduction: We all yearn for life and fear death, and illness is precisely the "uninvited guest" that makes people go from life to death. When people experience the pain, suffering and despair caused by diseases, doctors are also thinking about ways to solve problems in the process of treating diseases and saving people. As the 2021 Chinese Doctors' Day is approaching, Sohu Health has launched a special edition of "Amazing Chinese Doctors" to tell the stories of doctors and answer questions about "choice".

The fifth issue of the live interview "Both Cure the Disease and Heal the Heart"

Interviewee: Liang Jun, Vice President of Peking University International Hospital, Director of oncology Center, Vice President of Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology

Moderator: Yuan Yue, media director of Sohu and editor-in-chief of health channel

The following is a partial transcript of the interview

Liang Jun: As we all know, once a person gets sick, his mood, his physical state, and his way of thinking may change. As a hospital, when the patient arrives, you can't make him feel cold, but also give him verbal care. Patients who come to our hospital (Peking University International Hospital), we will try to create a warm and warm atmosphere for him, so that patients feel that the whole society or family is concerned about his health, which is a kind of medical temperature that we want to promote. To make patients feel that the hospital is no longer just a knife and a needle, and seeing a doctor is no longer the end of taking a few pills, but can feel some humanistic care. This is a perfect, 360-degree, organic combination of therapy and a therapeutic atmosphere that I personally advocate.

In fact, a doctor is not only a "doctor", just a doctor of medicine is not enough, but also a "doctor of philosophy". In this way, we can better appreciate life, appreciate the disease, and better grasp the patient's all-round situation in treatment. I hope that reading more books, especially in the humanities, will give you more new understanding of life.

I read a book in high school that I will never forget, and that was How Steel is Made. There is a famous saying in the book: "When he looks back on the past, he does not regret his wasted years, nor is he ashamed of his inaction." I have always remembered this sentence, for me as an "old doctor", along the way, although I have not made an earth-shattering career, nor have I made very outstanding achievements, but I feel that I have no regrets, because my generation loves medicine, uses my limited energy to treat patients, and can bring some psychological comfort to patients, which may be my lifelong idea and pursuit of doing nothing. Although I am not so glorious and do not have such great achievements, as an ordinary doctor, it is still very happy to be able to do a little of what I can do in my job for a lifetime.

The great Chinese doctor | Peking University International Liang Jun: How to make a hospital have a human touch?

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