
Often stay up late, where does it hurt?

author:Bright Net

Often stay up late, where does it hurt?

Now with the abundance of nightlife, many young people often stay up late, in fact, have you ever thought about how much burden this has on the body when staying up late?

Often stay up late, where does it hurt?

There are many harms of staying up late frequently, which can lead to eye diseases, mouth ulcers, increase gastrointestinal burden, damage the liver, endocrine disorders, and increase the chance of cancer.

1. Eye diseases: red and dry eyes, prone to eye diseases, such as dry eyes, retinitis, etc. Staying up late is easy to damage the eyes, the eyes are tired for a long time, and if you do not get enough rest, it is easy to have temporary vision loss, and if you stay up all night, you will also have symptoms such as blurred vision.

2. Dry skin: People who often stay up late, the body's organs such as gallbladder and liver do not get enough rest, usually reflected on the skin, often manifested as dry skin, dull face and other symptoms.

3. Staying up late will induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, staying up late to work or study, the human body is often in a state of tension, which will lead to abnormal constriction of blood vessels, blood pressure higher than normal values, easy to cause or aggravate cardiovascular diseases caused by hypertension

4. Increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract: At this time, if you eat supper, it will also increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and hinder the return of blood.

5. Damage to the liver: "liver blood storage, liver main drainage", staying up late makes the liver drainage function at night decrease, so that the body toxins accumulate, and can not return to the heart to nourish blood resulting in insufficient myocardial blood supply and thus cause chest tightness in patients, severe cases will appear asthma, affecting the respiratory function of the lungs.

6. Endocrine disorders: staying up late for a long time will lead to insufficient blood supply to the brain, and patients will have symptoms such as dizziness and brain swelling, lack of concentration, migraine, and easy tiredness. Long-term this will lead to a decline in human immunity, metabolic dysfunction and a series of diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar.

7. Increase the chance of cancer: From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, staying up late for a long time will lead to the "lack of healthy qi" in the human body and increase the chance of cancer, so the harm of staying up late often is systemic.

Often stay up late, where does it hurt?

We can avoid staying up late through a series of measures, such as trying to improve work efficiency during the day, turning off the mobile phone before falling asleep, staying away from electronic products, and exercising appropriately during the day, which is conducive to falling asleep as soon as possible. After staying up late, you can take some measures to make appropriate remedies, after staying up late, you should pay attention to supplement nutrition to the body, eat more protein-rich foods, which is conducive to improving the body's immunity, and pay attention to adding sufficient water to the body, which is conducive to alleviating the symptoms of dry skin.

Often stay up late, where does it hurt?

We should try to sleep before 11 p.m., so that our organs can get enough rest and reduce the incidence of disease.

Source: Xuanwu Puwai