
GEN3: 0C9, Super Mighty and Courageous Performance, China and South Korea Meet the Final Four! Europe and the United States into a run with you! The fist is numb!

author:Yangyang interpretation



最终‬,GEN全员‬稳定‬发挥,轻松‬碾压‬,GEN3:0C9! 进入‬本次‬MSI四强‬!

至此‬,本次‬MSI的四强全部诞生! 分别是LPL赛区‬的JDG,BLG以及LCK赛区‬的GEN,T1! 又是‬熟悉‬中韩‬大战‬!

GEN3: 0C9, Super Mighty and Courageous Performance, China and South Korea Meet the Final Four! Europe and the United States into a run with you! The fist is numb!


Last night's BO5 game was completely uninteresting, all parties' pre-match predictions and win-loss odds were optimistic about GEN, and the result was unsurprisingly, GEN3:0 easily sent the North American No. 1 seed back home!

Chaowei's play is expected and unexpected, and the impression is that Chaowei is still more inclined to take the output of the CAR type single hero, but yesterday's performance of the middle Titan was indeed more eye-catching!

Could it be that it is also to adapt to the version and practice first-hand tool people's single? This does expand your own hero pool, making it difficult for subsequent opponents to target hero selection!

GEN3: 0C9, Super Mighty and Courageous Performance, China and South Korea Meet the Final Four! Europe and the United States into a run with you! The fist is numb!

The first MSI after the restructuring has been played into the Asian Competition (formerly Intercontinental Race), LPL, LCK and various racing masterpieces, playing with other divisions!

The first half is the winner's final between JDG and T1, and the second half is the third round of the winner's group between GEN and BLG.

It can be said that after this restructuring, MSI, although it plays BO5, but it feels that the level of Europe and North America is getting more and more pulled! Looks irresistant, confrontational!

GEN3: 0C9, Super Mighty and Courageous Performance, China and South Korea Meet the Final Four! Europe and the United States into a run with you! The fist is numb!

This should be the last thing Riot wants to see, from the perspective of favoring the development of the game League of Legends, the best is a hundred flowers, not one or two divisions dominating!

This makes the audience look waveless, without the uncertainty and excitement of competitive competition! It can be said that the more it changes, the more chicken ribs!

Personally, I think that the previous group stage double-round robin BO1 format is better, because there are too many uncertain factors in BO1, and there is a great chance of upset!

Moreover, the research and development capabilities of European and American teams are a must, and various novel hero choices and lineups can stimulate the audience's desire to watch!

GEN3: 0C9, Super Mighty and Courageous Performance, China and South Korea Meet the Final Four! Europe and the United States into a run with you! The fist is numb!

I hope that Riot will still think about it again, and will not change the format back! [Cover face] [Cover face] [Cover face]


GEN3: 0C9, Super Mighty and Courageous Performance, China and South Korea Meet the Final Four! Europe and the United States into a run with you! The fist is numb!





ruler,missing VSgumayusi,keria:下路‬双人组‬的‬对决‬是‬这场‬BO5的‬关键‬,AD位‬的‬英雄‬池‬都一样‬,没‬太大‬区别‬,就看‬辅助‬位‬!

Missing is a more stable auxiliary style, and the hero selection is more conventional, and the assistant of Keria is a hero sea! Any strange auxiliary can be selected, AD assistance is possible, this person is terrible!

AD assist plus together, personal feeling six four open, gumayusi, keria six, ruler, missing four!

GEN3: 0C9, Super Mighty and Courageous Performance, China and South Korea Meet the Final Four! Europe and the United States into a run with you! The fist is numb!



T1下路‬是‬绝对‬的‬强点‬,特别‬是‬faker选到‬工具人‬中路‬后‬,都是‬围绕‬下路‬在‬作文章‬! 这个‬JDG一定‬要‬注意‬!

GEN3: 0C9, Super Mighty and Courageous Performance, China and South Korea Meet the Final Four! Europe and the United States into a run with you! The fist is numb!

还有‬就是‬霞‬洛‬千万‬不能‬一起放‬,在‬蓝色方‬可以‬先‬抢‬,在‬红色方‬可以‬考虑‬搬掉‬! 这个‬组合‬在‬强队‬手里‬确实‬可怕‬!

最后‬说一句‬,JDG加油‬! 虽然‬难打‬,但‬还是‬相信‬你们‬! [Like] [Like] [Like]