
Interview with Han Dejun: The agreement with the boss many years ago came true, feelings are more important than money, and I never thought of leaving Liaobasket

author:Beiqing Sports
Interview with Han Dejun: The agreement with the boss many years ago came true, feelings are more important than money, and I never thought of leaving Liaobasket

On the 15th, the Liaoning men's basketball team swept the Zhejiang men's basketball team 4-0 and successfully defended the championship, which is the third championship in the history of the Liaoning men's basketball team. At the end of the season, Zhao Jiwei, the most valuable player in the finals, once said of veteran Han Dejun: "Many players have serious injuries, you look at Han's legs, they are full of fluid. ”

The 36-year-old Han Dejun, the oldest player in the Liaoning men's basketball team and the player with the most injuries, is still an indispensable center for the team despite his physical condition.

Han Dejun was interviewed by a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily on the 18th, and he revealed that many years ago, he had a small agreement with the team owner to bring three championships to the team in his career. And now that small goal has been achieved. "After winning this year, we sent WeChat again. The boss said we had bigger goals to achieve. Han also said that he himself hopes to help the Liaoning men's basketball team continue the team's strong form for as long as possible.

Interview with Han Dejun: The agreement with the boss many years ago came true, feelings are more important than money, and I never thought of leaving Liaobasket

Beijing Youth Daily reporter: (hereinafter referred to as Beiqing News) Watch Zhao Jiwei's interview after the season, talking about your injury.

Han Dejun: As a veteran of the team, physical degradation is a normal thing. Especially as a big man, the pressure on my knees is very high, and this season I am a team doctor who is more difficult, and Li Xiaoxu and I have to do a two-hour massage every day to recover, so as to maintain the rest of the game. The problem of fluid accumulation is also accompanying and affecting me. My knees still hurt every day now. In fact, in order to relieve the pressure on my knees, I have been controlling my weight all these years, mainly through diet, training, etc.

Beijing Youth News: How do you evaluate your performance this season?

Han Dejun: First of all, at my age, it is normal for my physical condition to decline. At the same time, the adjustment of the mental state is also very important, to be honest, if I want to retire, if I want to give up, it is easy, but at the same time I know that I am not only responsible for myself, but also Liaoning fans and teammates. If someone on the team can fully top up now, it can be okay, but now there is a shortage of centers in the Liaoning men's basketball team, and Liu Yanyu has not yet grown. For me, I still don't think it's over, I can still contribute to the team.

Interview with Han Dejun: The agreement with the boss many years ago came true, feelings are more important than money, and I never thought of leaving Liaobasket

Beijing Youth News: What are the most difficult moments of the season?

Han Dejun: I think before the fourth game against Guangsha, we were not favored by the outside world, when the team also had an injury (Allen Guo), it was more difficult, but we still adjusted and finally gave it a go. After that game, we felt relieved.

Beijing Youth News: What is the special significance of the third championship to you?

Han Dejun: Some things have never been said, I talked to the boss very early, we set a small goal, that is, when this group of players is in good shape and the team is in order, we hope to win three championships. We have achieved small goals. Then, after winning this year, I talked to my boss again and he told me that we had bigger goals to achieve.

I think this championship is a reward for us for years of perseverance. In my heart, I have played for the Liaoning team for more than ten years, and we have witnessed the best time of the Liaoning men's basketball team, and I am especially happy in my heart. What I think is that before I retire, I want to help the Liaoning men's basketball team prolong such a strong state. But at the same time, my current body and age are also a big challenge for me. I want the young players to grow up faster so that the team can go further.

Beijing Youth News: After this season, do you have any plans for the renewal of the contract?

Han Dejun: I really haven't thought about this, because the season has just ended, and my mind is still full of events and pictures of the season. How to decide in the future, it will take more time to think about it later, and it depends on the recovery of the body.

Beijing Youth News: In the playoffs this season, Allen Guo missed many games injured, as a very good friend, how to comfort him?

Han Dejun: The most I remember saying to him was, don't worry, keep a good attitude, actively treat, and come back as soon as possible. If you can persevere, pay early. Athletes do not want to be injured, but injuries have a great impact on the physical and psychological impact of players, and psychological recovery is also key while recovering physically.

Interview with Han Dejun: The agreement with the boss many years ago came true, feelings are more important than money, and I never thought of leaving Liaobasket

Beijing Youth News: After so many years of playing for the Liaoning men's basketball team, there are many teams trying to poach you, but you are not moved. Your feelings for the Liaoning men's basketball team are extraordinary.

Han Dejun, our Liaoning team is different from many other teams. Many of the players from other teams may come from all over the world, but this is rare in Liaoning. Our group of team members have grown up living since childhood, and their feelings for each other are heavier, plus I am a native of Liaoning, living here for all these years, I belong to a more family lover, I don't like to leave home very much. And, the leader, the boss, was really nice to me. I think feelings are more important than money. My feelings for the Liaoning team are different, these are money that cannot be exchanged. Over the years, some teams have contacted me, but I have never regretted my decision to stay in the Liaoning men's basketball team. To be honest, I never thought I would leave the Liaoning men's basketball team.

Beijing Youth News: Tell us about the changes in Zhao Jiwei this season?

Han Dejun: This season, especially in the offense, I feel that Zhao Jiwei's three points are particularly bottomed, and he feels it as soon as he shoots. After the absence of the main team Allen Guo, I will cover Zhao Jiwei, and I will be extra serious, hoping to create more opportunities for him. In the past, Zhao Jiwei has always been good at passing and organizing, but this year he has carried the banner of attack in terms of attack. I think he's improved a lot.

Text/Beiqing Sports Song Xiang

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