
ChatGPT's strongest rival – Claude: "I read a 10,000-word novel in a minute"

author:ChatGPT sweeping monk

Claude is one of the strongest competitors to ChatGPT, an AI system developed by former researchers at OPENAI. Compared to ChatGPT, the biggest highlight of Claude is that it does not require magic, is easy to register, and is free to use. Previously, Claude logged in to Slack, and users only needed to register a Slack account to use Claude for free, but now it may be that the number of users is too large to apply for Claude for the time being.

ChatGPT's strongest rival – Claude: "I read a 10,000-word novel in a minute"

Claude recently completed a major update that increased the number of context window tokens for his model to 100,000, which means that Claude's memory and ability to understand long texts have been greatly improved. 100,000 tokens are equivalent to 75,000 words, and Claude can now read and understand a novel of tens of thousands of words in 1 minute, far faster than human reading comprehension. For example, give Claude a 240-page LangChain API report and ask it to quickly give a demo of LangChain. It didn't take much time for Claude to give a demo of an application based on LangChain.

ChatGPT's strongest rival – Claude: "I read a 10,000-word novel in a minute"

Claude's upgrade brings improved dialogue and task completion capabilities. It can now handle long-form materials such as company annual reports, technical documents, research papers, etc., and can complete tasks such as writing code and organizing tables. For example, give Claude a 5-hour knowledge podcast that not only converts the focus into words, but also quickly organizes tables and analyzes ideas. Give Claude a 30-page research paper that handles it well, even specifying exactly how it organizes a certain paragraph of a chapter.

Claude's improved memory means it can now talk about the same topic for days on end, rather than "chatting and forgetting the topic" as previous big models did. For example, give Claude "The Great Gatsby," replace one of the characters, and make it look different. Claude read the book in just 22 seconds and noticed the difference in the characters.

At present, the Claude-100k version can be experienced through API and web terminal, but you still need to register and apply, and the Slack side is still the 9k trial version. The release of the Claude-100k is seen as a "reverse unwinding" of the GPT-4 model, as Claude directly reaches a throughput of 100,000 tokens, compared to GPT-4 with only 32,000, and Claude leads the industry in this regard.

ChatGPT's strongest rival – Claude: "I read a 10,000-word novel in a minute"

This major upgrade of Claude will greatly improve work efficiency, especially in information processing and knowledge extraction. It can understand and process a large amount of text information in a very short time, which will provide a powerful tool for humans. It is believed that in the future, an AI assistant with such powerful functions as Claude will become an indispensable part of all walks of life, driving great progress in productivity and innovation.