
"Red Star Shines on China" about Snow

author:Mo LinXue

Edgar Snow was an excellent journalist in the United States, a journalist who took photographs of many precious historical documents.

The photographs he took can be roughly divided into these categories (non-emphasis)

First, photos of some leaders.

2. Photos of life in the Soviet Union.

3. Photographs of the Red Army.

4. Photographs of the cultural life of the Soviet Union and the Young Pioneers.

During the interview, he maintained a serious news state and a strong sense of inquiry, coupled with his skillful writing skills and deep literary feelings, so that the red star shines in China, while maintaining authenticity, but also has a high literary quality.

Snow Writing Features: (detailed on page 369 of the book)

"Red Star Shines on China" about Snow

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"Red Star Shines on China" about Snow

Snow's characterization pays special attention to details, such as his interview with Mao Zedong, first writing about his appearance characteristics such as "thin face", "tall and Chinese", "thick black hair", "eyes shining with spirit", so that readers have a general impression of this legendary "Soviet ruler"; then write about various rumors about Mao Zedong, which arouses readers' interest in further understanding of this important figure who was "arrested by the world's highest reward" Then the author deduces the characteristics of Mao Zedong's daily work and living habits observed: he loves to eat spicy, and he loves to joke with the people around him, he is rarely angry, but he has the "courage to make a decision when necessary"; \ He loves to read, is proficient in old Chinese studies and loves to study philosophy, and can even spend three or four nights studying several philosophical books without distraction; he works thirteen or four hours a day, always meticulously, with superior energy and the ability to endure hardships and hardships. While recording these observations, Snow often added his own analysis and commentary to his work, which led to his own view of Mao Zedong: he was "a man with considerable deep feelings" and could become a "very great figure."

Snow's writing is logical and meticulous, and the perspective of observation is unique. The baby's long personal introduction and the large interviewee monologue will not annoy the reader. The fourth part of this book uses Mao Zedong's self-narration to introduce to the reader mao zedong's childhood, adolescence, and later participation in the revolution, etc. This part was reprinted in a large number of ways in various ways in the 1930s and 1940s, renamed "Mao Zedong's Autobiography", which was widely circulated and had a far-reaching influence.

Snow's Journey to "Red China": Snow was unable to understand many questions about the revolution and war of the Red regime in China at the time. (This book P2 has detailed problems) Over the course of 4 months, he interviewed many people who had just participated in the Long March and fought in the Soviet Union, and collected a large amount of credible information about the Long March about the Red Army. These interviewees included Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, Peng Dehuai, Lin Boqu, Xu Haidong and other Red Army generals, as well as ordinary Red Army soldiers, medical personnel and Young Pioneers, and local people who enthusiastically supported the Red Army. Snow used objective and unskempt language to record this passage of miracles created by the Chinese Communists.

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