
Li Liang: The judiciary will keep the original intention of the people and make every effort to relieve the people's worries

author:Langfang Daily all-media

"Thanks to your running back and forth for my case, this compensation payment is really timely rain for my family, thank you so much!" Zhang Qiuying of Chengguan Town, Wuqing, Tianjin, delivered a pennant embroidered with the words "Concern for the People and Solve Difficulties for the People" to the hands of Li Liang, an enforcement judge at the Guangyang District People's Court. Holding the pennant sent by the masses, Li Liang knew that behind this pennant, which was full of the feelings of the masses, was the duty and mission of "affection for the people and the law for the people's use."

Li Liang, 40 years old this year, joined the work in July 2004, and since January 2020, he has been transferred to the executive bureau of the Guangyang District People's Court as an enforcement judge, and he has formed an indissoluble relationship with the trial enforcement work, in which he strives to let the people feel fairness and justice in every case.

For a long time, "difficulty in enforcement" has been a major "stubborn disease" that has constrained the construction and development of grass-roots people's courts. How to achieve the efficiency of court enforcement work in the new situation, Li Liang said that when he first entered the industry, he had a lot of knowledge to learn and many new areas to explore. In order to make himself enter the role as soon as possible, he made full use of his spare time to study hard, and truly learned and understood the relevant professional knowledge. In his work, he humbly asked his colleagues for advice, recorded their experience and inspiration in the execution work in a notebook, repeatedly pondered, and analyzed and summarized each case that was completed. In the long-term work practice, Li Liang has explored a variety of methods such as quick victory, multi-party breakthroughs, and information assistance, overcome one enforcement problem after another, and significantly improve the efficiency of case closure.

Sometimes when encountering difficult cases, Li Liang will carefully consult law books, search for similar cases on the Internet, and carefully analyze the various views and different understandings of legal experts on related issues, so as to draw on the strengths of all and make the case more reasonable. With the continuous improvement of business ability and the accumulation of work experience, his executive work ideas are wider, more methods, and the ability to solve new problems has been greatly improved, truly making himself an expert in work.

As a member of the Communist Party of China, Li Liang consciously strengthened the cultivation of party spirit in his work, and through conscientiously studying party history and the party constitution, fully stimulated the motivation of his own officials to start a business, and strived to turn every case into an iron case that can withstand the test of history, law, and the people.