
Did bin Laden do 9/11, why did he launch 9/11, and who was bin Laden? The Road to Self-Actualization of the Super Rich II al-Qaida is the encounter between os-lam bin Laden, a tiger raised in the United States, who began to launch an attack on the United States

author:Science Ollie gives

The "9/11 Incident" 20 years ago was the worst attack on the American mainland since World War II, and the number of casualties even exceeded that of Pearl Harbor! Did bin Laden do 9/11, why did he launch 9/11, and who was bin Laden?

Did bin Laden do 9/11, why did he launch 9/11, and who was bin Laden? The Road to Self-Actualization of the Super Rich II al-Qaida is the encounter between os-lam bin Laden, a tiger raised in the United States, who began to launch an attack on the United States

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > the self-actualization path of the super rich second generation</h1>

Many people on the Internet have revealed that bin Laden is the super rich second generation of Saudi Arabia, sitting on 400 billion and has a close relationship with the royal family! True, but bin Laden doesn't say what the legendary Saudi tycoon looks like, a drunken gold fan, a beautiful car, and a leopard as a pet.

He ranked 17 out of the 55 children of the elder Bin Laden, and after the death of his father, 10-year-old bin Laden had little presence in the entire sprawling family.

Did bin Laden do 9/11, why did he launch 9/11, and who was bin Laden? The Road to Self-Actualization of the Super Rich II al-Qaida is the encounter between os-lam bin Laden, a tiger raised in the United States, who began to launch an attack on the United States

Taciturn, he earned a university degree and worked in the family business for a while, but more importantly, he was educated in strict Islamic extremist religiousism from an early age, and the most important teacher of his life was Azam, the father of global jihad.

In 1979, when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, freedom fighters from all over the Arab world fled to Afghanistan and formed various jihadist organizations, and bin Laden went with Azam to the forefront of the Afghan war.

Bin Laden suddenly became a hero of the Islamic world, and the whole family was proud of him, and he found a path to self-worth realization.

Did bin Laden do 9/11, why did he launch 9/11, and who was bin Laden? The Road to Self-Actualization of the Super Rich II al-Qaida is the encounter between os-lam bin Laden, a tiger raised in the United States, who began to launch an attack on the United States

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="28" > al-Qaida is a tiger raised in the United States</h1>

Enemies of the enemy are friends, and the jihadist groups that confronted the Soviet Union were supported by the United States.

Bin Laden's al-Qaida was trained by the CIA, and with american funding, he established more than a dozen recruitment offices in Islamic countries around the world and trained tens of thousands of jihadist members.

But in bin Laden's eyes, there was no difference between the United States and the Soviet Union, both of whom were aggressors of the Islamic world.

A few years later, when recalling the events of 9/11, bin Laden said that as early as 1982, when the Israelis invaded Lebanon with American weapons and carried out the infamous Massacre of Beirut, bin Laden had secretly vowed to one day destroy the tall buildings of the United States.

Did bin Laden do 9/11, why did he launch 9/11, and who was bin Laden? The Road to Self-Actualization of the Super Rich II al-Qaida is the encounter between os-lam bin Laden, a tiger raised in the United States, who began to launch an attack on the United States

In 1989, the Soviet Union withdrew from Afghanistan, and bin Laden and his tens of thousands of followers returned to Saudi Arabia, but at this time, Saudi Arabia welcomed a large number of American troops, including even many female soldiers.

Bin Laden, of course, resisted, arguing that the Americans had desecrated the sanctity of islamic land, especially female soldiers! Do Saudi men need American women to protect them?

Bin Laden accused the Saudi royal family of violating the teachings of Islam by luring wolves into the house. In 1991, bin Laden, who broke with the Saudi royal family, fled to Sudan, hoping to establish an organization that would free the Middle East from Western interference, overthrow secular governments, and establish a sacred and pure Islamic world.

Did bin Laden do 9/11, why did he launch 9/11, and who was bin Laden? The Road to Self-Actualization of the Super Rich II al-Qaida is the encounter between os-lam bin Laden, a tiger raised in the United States, who began to launch an attack on the United States

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="29" > bin Laden began attacking the United States</h1>

Fast forward to 1994, when the Soviet Union no longer existed, and US President Clinton issued the National Security Strategy Report to promote democracy around the world and put forward the theory that "human rights are higher than sovereignty". This so-called democracy is: as long as I feel that you are not democratic enough, I can teach you democracy with airplane cannons.

Osama bin Laden also began to launch attacks on the United States around the world: in February 1993, al-Qaida orchestrated a car bombing in the World Trade Center parking lot, which was the first time the World Trade Center was attacked. In 1995, al-Qaida orchestrated an explosion at a U.S. military camp in Saudi Arabia.

Did bin Laden do 9/11, why did he launch 9/11, and who was bin Laden? The Road to Self-Actualization of the Super Rich II al-Qaida is the encounter between os-lam bin Laden, a tiger raised in the United States, who began to launch an attack on the United States

Bin Laden's image in the hearts of the underprivileged people in the Islamic world is getting taller and taller, and he is also surrounded and suppressed by the world. The Bin Laden family quickly broke off relations with bin Laden, the Saudi royal family revoked bin Laden's citizenship, frozen his assets, and the Sudanese government began expelling bin Laden.

He became a man with no hukou, no family, no assets, and only extreme religious beliefs and growing hatred for the United States, and bin Laden's road of no return grew farther and farther.

Did bin Laden do 9/11, why did he launch 9/11, and who was bin Laden? The Road to Self-Actualization of the Super Rich II al-Qaida is the encounter between os-lam bin Laden, a tiger raised in the United States, who began to launch an attack on the United States

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="30" > bin Laden's encounter with the Taliban of Omar</h1>

In 1996, bin Laden returned to Afghanistan, where he had fought, and met a religious school teacher named Omar and a group of students called the Taliban.

Two sympathetic, like-minded teachers of extremist religious ideas came together, and they built schools in remote areas of Afghanistan, Syria, and Saudi Arabia to recruit believers.

Did bin Laden do 9/11, why did he launch 9/11, and who was bin Laden? The Road to Self-Actualization of the Super Rich II al-Qaida is the encounter between os-lam bin Laden, a tiger raised in the United States, who began to launch an attack on the United States

In April 2001, a group of devotees with Saudi passports traveled to the United States, scattered across the United States, began to learn a completely new skill, that is, to fly a plane, and a few months later, on September 11, they would gather in New York...

The day after 9/11, On September 13, the United States announced that bin Laden had been locked as the number one suspect in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Ten years later, on May 1, 2011, bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces.

Did bin Laden do 9/11, why did he launch 9/11, and who was bin Laden? The Road to Self-Actualization of the Super Rich II al-Qaida is the encounter between os-lam bin Laden, a tiger raised in the United States, who began to launch an attack on the United States

20 years have passed, over the United States and the Middle East, the dust of 911 has not yet dissipated, 911 has changed these three countries, but also changed the entire world!

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