
Should there be a change in the living conditions of the central leaders?

author:Political knowledge new media

Written by | Fu Ning

On the last day of November, the Politburo held a very important meeting.

One of the contents of the meeting made the eyes of the Political Knowledge Bureau (WeChat ID: bqzhengzhiju) brighten: to review and regulate documents such as the treatment of party and state leaders.

Should there be a change in the living conditions of the central leaders?

Xinhua Gate

Looking back, since the Eighteenth National Congress, this topic has been raised many times by the top level, and it has also attracted a lot of attention. Now the Politburo's "deliberations" illustrate two issues: first, the provisions in black and white have been revised and placed on the conference room table in Huairentang, Zhongnanhai; second, after the relevant documents have been "deliberated and adopted," they will be put into practice.

It's all a matter of time.


This document has been in the making for a long time.

When the earliest source was counted, the Political Knowledge Bureau (WeChat ID: bqzhengzhiju) is not good. However, the "Eight Provisions" after the Eighteenth National Congress should be regarded as a key time node. In this short but far-reaching new regulation, there are also requirements for the treatment of leaders, such as strict compliance with work and living regulations such as housing and vehicles, and generally no road closures for travel.

In June 2013, in accordance with the spirit of the first educational practice activities in the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee, the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee held a special meeting for six and a half days to focus on the construction of work style and the implementation of the eight regulations. It was precisely in the past few days that the top level clearly pointed out that it is necessary to make overall plans for formulating standards for the work and living conditions of leading cadres in office space, housing, car allocation, secretarial staffing, official reception, guard, welfare, and vacation, and effectively solve various problems of violating regulations and enjoying treatment in excess of standards.

The Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee held more than four months later deliberated and adopted the "Decision on Several Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reform," indicating that it is necessary to standardize and strictly implement the work and life guarantee system for leading cadres, and successively put forward the "six no-nos":

It is not allowed to occupy housing and office space in multiple places, it is not allowed to allocate office and living rooms in excess of standards, it is not allowed to allocate buses in violation of regulations, it is not allowed to allocate secretaries in violation of regulations, it is not allowed to exceed specifications of guards, and it is not allowed to exceed standards for official reception.

After that, Ge Jianxiong, a professor at Fudan University, revealed in an interview with the Political Knowledge Bureau (WeChat ID: bqzhengzhiju) that the relevant departments said in the reply letter sent to him that the regulations on the living conditions of provincial and ministerial cadres are being revised, and the regulations on the living conditions of party and state leaders are also being studied and revised by the relevant departments.

I remember that after this report was published, it caused a lot of waves in the market. In the next two years, CCTV's "News Network" broadcast the news, and the document that was "studying and revising" at that time had reached the final stage.


According to yesterday's official news, the document of the "meeting" further stipulates the treatment of party and state leaders such as office space, housing, vehicles, transportation, staffing, and vacations and rest.

I believe that you are seeing part of the new version of the document but not all of it. However, these dry goods are also very chewy. Official sources say that these regulations are an expansion and deepening of the eight central regulations.

So the question is, how to expand, how to deepen?

First, compare the "Eight Provisions" with the relevant requirements revealed at this meeting ↓↓↓


Eight provisions

Documents considered by the Politburo

Office space

Strictly implement the provisions on work and living treatment such as housing

When the party and state leaders retire, they must vacate office space in a timely manner


Strictly implement the regulations on work and living conditions such as vehicle allocation; strictly control the entourage of people accompanying the visit and take the means of transportation in strict accordance with the regulations; it is necessary to improve the work of security guards, reduce traffic control, and under normal circumstances, it is forbidden to close roads and not clear the venues and close the museum

We must not exceed the standard with vehicles, take vehicles beyond the specifications, and go out to be light and simple, so as to minimize the impact on the production and life of the masses

staff member

Allocate staff in accordance with regulations and strengthen education management, strictly restrain relatives and surrounding staff


Reduce the time for vacation and rest in other places, and implement a strict approval system

Basically two characteristics can be seen:

First, two documents after a gap of four years are continuity. Like travel, the "eight regulations" require "strictly follow the provisions of the provisions of the means of transport, reduce traffic control"; the new version of the document also mentions that "can not exceed the standard with vehicles, beyond the specifications of the means of transport, go out to light car simple obedience" .

Second, some references that are not in the "Eight Provisions" are mentioned in this new version of the document. For example, regulations on staff and leave.

In the view of the Political Knowledge Bureau (WeChat ID: bqzhengzhiju), whether it is the "Eight Provisions" or the many inner-party requirements later disclosed, they are consistent and consistent, and whether "expanding" or "deepening" are all enriched and improved in the "basic disk" set by the central authorities.


I believe everyone has noticed that the previous documents have mentioned "according to regulations". So, which regulations should be followed?

The Political Knowledge Bureau (WeChat ID: bqzhengzhiju) found on the Chinese Communist Party News Network that the "Several Regulations of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the Living Conditions of Senior Cadres" issued in November 1979 have very detailed requirements and arrangements for the treatment of senior cadres in all aspects.

It is worth reminding that the 79-year version of the regulations explains the original intention and motive of its promulgation -- due to the erosion of feudal privileged thinking and bourgeois ideology, especially the sabotage and poisoning of Lin Biao and the "Gang of Four", a small number of leading cadres in the party have taken advantage of their powers to seek private interests, and their lives are special and their influence is bad, causing strong dissatisfaction among the masses of the people and damaging the party's prestige.

From this point of view, and "according to the country's economic situation and to ensure the needs of the work", this highly practical regulation was formulated.

The principles of the relevant treatment documents of party and state leaders issued after 37 years are slightly different from those before, and the official expression is "to ensure the needs of work and the appropriate treatment is from a low level."

Behind the difference in expression, it shows that the rules and regulations we have introduced are "tense", have a strong pertinence, and are going to solve problems. This also reflects the "problem-oriented" that the Central Committee has repeatedly emphasized since the Eighteenth National Congress.

In other words, when you look at the document, you can think of certain events and negative typical shadows.

Like the "staff according to regulations" mentioned this time, people who have watched the annual anti-corruption blockbuster "Always on the Road" should remember that Zhou Benshun, the former secretary of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee who fell from the horse, specially invited two cooks from his hometown in Hunan to come over, and also equipped with two nannies, one of whom specialized in pets.

According to the '79 version of the regulations, ministerial officials can only be "equipped with one cook or waiter." If due to special circumstances, one additional person may be added upon approval. Treatment like Zhou Benshun's is clearly a violation of central regulations. The new version of the document is to show the "yellow card" to higher-level leaders with similar problems.


Looking at the operation mode of the party and government over the years, "piloting" and "step-by-step" are highly practical methods.

Taking the recent reform of the supervision system as an example, three provinces with "central trust" were selected to pilot the project first. After accumulating experience and when the conditions are ripe, it will be implemented on a large scale throughout the country. From pilot to promotion, it is actually a process of "step-by-step implementation".

The Political Knowledge Bureau (WeChat ID: bqzhengzhiju) noted that the treatment of leaders should be "started from the 18th Politburo of the Central Committee and implemented in batches." ”

This is very much in line with the consistent principle of the central authorities: to strike iron, you also need to be hard, and what you ask others to do is to do it yourself first. It is believed that after the implementation of this document, it will start with politburo members and then be extended to other party and state leaders; first from the current leaders, and then to the top level, including retired leaders.

In fact, many leaders have also taken the lead in setting an example, providing a good sample and reference for the subsequent regulations. For example, the new version of the document mentions that "party and state leaders should vacate office space in time when they retire", which has previously summarized many good experiences and practices.

On March 2, 2013, just three days before the opening of the National People's Congress that year, Xinhua News Agency reporters took a photo outside the office of Wen Jiabao, who was about to step down as premier. The photos show that most of the books in the bookcase behind Mr. Wen have been removed and packed, and he is basically ready to vacate his office space.

He Guoqiang, the secretary of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission who did not serve in the government, moved out of the office earlier than Wen Jiabao. According to Phoenix Weekly, on October 24, 2012, He Guoqiang left by car after presiding over the last secretary's office meeting during his tenure, more than ten days before the opening of the 18th Party Congress.

Now, the new Central Committee has also been formed for four years. At this time, deliberating and standardizing documents such as the relevant treatment of party and state leaders will lay a more solid foundation for the future political ecology.

Consolidating this foundation requires a steady and steady foundation. The Politburo meeting specially emphasized this point, on the one hand, it asked the relevant parties to refine the implementation plan and formulate specific implementation methods; on the other hand, it said that it was necessary to strengthen supervision and inspection to ensure that all regulations were implemented in practice.

Proofreading | Wang Kun