
The relationship between bone age and height, how tall can a child grow? Just measure the bone age!

author:Chengdu Pediatrics Huang Limin

#2023 Parenting Season #In addition to the child's good grades? Parents have a new anxiety point: short or not? Nowadays, the height of children has become a problem that parents pay more and more attention to, and parents often take the initiative to ask for the child's bone age to predict the height, and there are many children with abnormal bone age. #身高 #

The relationship between bone age and height, how tall can a child grow? Just measure the bone age!

What is bone age?

In the process of children's growth and development, the growth and development of tissues and organs are different, bone development is the most obvious, bone age is the age of children evaluated according to the growth and development state of bones.

Standard bone age film only needs to take a left-hand positive film, the five fingers of the left hand are naturally open, the palm of the hand is down, and the middle finger is in a straight line with the forearm (try not to deviate from the left and right, and do not lift the arm flat).

☟☟☟ Identify the picture, Director Huang evaluates whether the child's height is up to standard for free!

Note: Height problems, early detection and early intervention! (Parents please fill in according to the objective situation)

How to correctly recognize bone age?

Usually, the child's bone age and age generally match, and it is normal to fluctuate up and down by 1 year.

1. Bone age and height are lower than the standard value: the bone age is backward, and the figure is also short.

(Check whether growth is due to lack of growth hormone or other endocrine diseases)

2. Backward bone age, high school or tall: the child may be tall in the future.

(It is necessary to continuously observe the bone age to prevent the sudden rapid increase of bone age and affect the height growth)

3. Bone age is advanced and height is short: children are likely to become short in the future.

(It is necessary to identify the cause as early as possible to prevent short stature)

4. Bone age and height exceed the standard value: the child is likely to be early development, the growth potential may not be large, and the adult height is short.

(It is necessary to identify the cause as soon as possible and inhibit excessive bone age growth if necessary)

The relationship between bone age and height, how tall can a child grow? Just measure the bone age!

Beware of slower growth

If the child's growth rate has the following conditions, consider slow growth and measure bone age in time:

The relationship between bone age and height, how tall can a child grow? Just measure the bone age!

The relationship between bone age and height

Bone age can predict height, and the growth potential of a child can be judged according to bone age!

The relationship between bone age and height, how tall can a child grow? Just measure the bone age!

The relationship between bone age and height is influenced by many factors

(1) Genes: Genetic factors are one of the main factors that determine height. The height of the parents has a great influence on the height of the child.

(2) Nutrition: If the child's daily diet is not good, the lack of protein, calcium, vitamin D and other nutrients will affect the formation and development of bones, thereby affecting height.

(3) Exercise: Proper exercise can promote bone development and enhance bone mass, and long-term lack of exercise may lead to poor physical development, thereby affecting height.

(4) Environment: The growth environment may also affect the development of bones and height. For example, people living at high altitudes are usually shorter than others.

The relationship between bone age and height, how tall can a child grow? Just measure the bone age!

How to promote children's height growth?

1. Ensure adequate nutritional intake

Adequate nutrition helps promote growth and development. In particular, protein, calcium, vitamin D, etc. are essential for bone formation and development. Therefore, parents should ensure that their child's diet is balanced and contains enough nutrients.

2. Do more outdoor activities

Outdoor activities can promote the development and health of multiple systems such as the body's circulatory system, respiratory system, and nervous system. Proper outdoor exercise can also promote bone development and strengthen bone mass.

3. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can affect your child's growth hormone secretion, which can affect height. Parents should ensure that their children have sufficient sleep time, help their children regularize their biological clock, and establish good sleep habits.


The relationship between bone age and height is very close, and through the assessment of bone age, the child's future height range can be predicted. Parents can start from nutrition, exercise, sleep and other aspects to help their children promote height growth!