
Hundreds of millions of small crabs in Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay are rampant but no one catches them, because the taste is not good enough to save their lives! Delicious jumping fish on the tip of the tongue is delicious and delicious, but unfortunately can't be caught!

On July 2, 2017, a large army of crabs on the north shore of Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay was dispatched, and the citizens caught small crabs. At low tide, on the estuarine beach on the north bank of Jiaozhou Bay, hundreds of millions of small crabs with code codes are sent out to feed. The main breeds are Japanese big-eyed crabs with large fingernails, as well as hermit crabs with exceptionally thick one legs, and the scene is very spectacular. The vigilance of these crabs is quite high, as soon as there is movement, they quickly escape into the mud without any trace, and when they perceive no danger, they drill out en masse. Some mudskippers are also mixed with the crab army. Huang Jiexian photography (more exciting, please pay attention to the headline number: ZhanQiao Vision)

Hundreds of millions of small crabs in Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay are rampant but no one catches them, because the taste is not good enough to save their lives! Delicious jumping fish on the tip of the tongue is delicious and delicious, but unfortunately can't be caught!

On July 2, 2017, a large army of crabs on the beach on the north shore of Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay was dispatched, and the small crabs caught by the citizens attracted the attention of children. The Japanese big-eyed crab (scientific name: Macrophthalmusjaponicus) is an animal of the genus Macrophthalmusjaponicus in the family Sand Crab family Macrophthalmusjaponicus. Distributed in Japan, the west coast of Korea, Singapore, Australia, Taiwan and Chinese mainland Hainan Island, Fujian, Zhejiang, Shandong, Bohai Bay, Liaodong Bay, Liaodong Peninsula and other places, living environment is seawater, often burrowing in the offshore intertidal zone or estuary of the mud beach.

Hundreds of millions of small crabs in Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay are rampant but no one catches them, because the taste is not good enough to save their lives! Delicious jumping fish on the tip of the tongue is delicious and delicious, but unfortunately can't be caught!

On July 2, 2017, a large army of crabs on the north shore of Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay was dispatched, and the citizens caught small crabs. Sand crabs are the dominant crabs living in the intertidal zone and supranational zone of the warm sea, burrowing in the deep caves of the beach, the holes are generally spiral-shaped, and the mouth of the cave forms a sand tower, which is unique to the sand crabs. The female crab's hole is as high as a sand tower, and may contain the male crab. The sand crab is extremely agile, often crawling on the 2nd and 3rd pairs of footwork, with a speed of 1 to 1.6 m/s, and only when it stops or changes direction, it uses 4 pairs of footlets. The sand crab has a long stalk and can also peek outside the cave when it is in the cave. The larvae feed on plankton, adults climb in mangroves, churning up leaves, and use claws to catch flies, insects, rotting carcasses of small animals (fish, shrimp, sea cucumbers, mollusks, etc.), and also eat algae.

Hundreds of millions of small crabs in Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay are rampant but no one catches them, because the taste is not good enough to save their lives! Delicious jumping fish on the tip of the tongue is delicious and delicious, but unfortunately can't be caught!

On July 2, 2017, herons caught fish on the estuary beach on the north bank of Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay. The width of the pectoral carapace of the Japanese big-eyed crab head is about 1.5 times the length of the head, and the surface is grainy and soft hairs, and the male is particularly dense. The gastric area is slightly heart-shaped. The heart and intestine areas are connected in a "T" shape, and the gill area has two parallel horizontal shallow grooves. The forehead is narrow, slightly curved downwards, and there is a longitudinal mark in the middle of the surface. The eye sockets are wide and the dorsal and ventral margins are serrated. The triangle of the first tooth (outer eye socket tooth) of the anterior margin is separated by a deep absence from the second tooth, and the end tooth is small. The central part of the anterior plate of the mouth is concave.

Hundreds of millions of small crabs in Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay are rampant but no one catches them, because the taste is not good enough to save their lives! Delicious jumping fish on the tip of the tongue is delicious and delicious, but unfortunately can't be caught!

On July 2, 2017, a large army of crabs on the north shore of Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay was dispatched, and the Japanese big-eyed crab caught by the public was dispatched. The foot is relatively stout, the first to three pairs of dorsal and ventral margins of the long segments of the foot have granules and short hairs, the dorsal mask of the wrist segment has 1-2 granular ridges, the anterior and posterior edges are granular, the knuckles are flattened, and the anterior and posterior edges have short hairs. The chitinous protrusion at the end of the first abdominal limb of the male tends to be pointed. The abdomen is long striped, and the tail segment is semicircular at the end of the segment. Males have large, rounded abdomen. The cephalothorax is 21.5–25 mm long and 31–39 mm wide in males and 20 mm long and 30.5 mm wide in females.

Hundreds of millions of small crabs in Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay are rampant but no one catches them, because the taste is not good enough to save their lives! Delicious jumping fish on the tip of the tongue is delicious and delicious, but unfortunately can't be caught!

Hermit crabs are mostly found on the coast of the Yellow Sea and the southern seas, and are easy to find in the rock crevices of the beach and the sea, and sometimes this omnivore known as the "scavenger" can also be seen in other places such as bamboo knots, coconut shells, corals, sponges, etc. There are more than 500 species of hermit crabs in the world, most of which live in water and a few on land. Some hermit crabs no longer inhabit the carapace, but have developed a hard shell similar to crabs, also called hard shell hermit crabs, and the famous coconut crab is of this category.

Hundreds of millions of small crabs in Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay are rampant but no one catches them, because the taste is not good enough to save their lives! Delicious jumping fish on the tip of the tongue is delicious and delicious, but unfortunately can't be caught!

On July 2, 2017, a large army of crabs on the beach on the north shore of Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay was dispatched. The password code is full of crabs, and it is as innumerable as the stars in the sky. Hundreds of millions of small crabs run rampant but no one catches them, because the taste is not good enough to save their lives! Delicious jumping fish on the tip of the tongue is delicious and delicious, but unfortunately can't be caught!

Hundreds of millions of small crabs in Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay are rampant but no one catches them, because the taste is not good enough to save their lives! Delicious jumping fish on the tip of the tongue is delicious and delicious, but unfortunately can't be caught!

Hermit crab (Latin scientific name: Paguridae), also known as "white house", "dry house", mainly uses the shell as a host, and the maximum diameter of the largest snail in the hermit can reach more than 15 cm. Its shape is between shrimp and crab, mostly inhabited by snail shells. The body is long, divided into head, thorax and abdomen. The cephalothorax has cephalothorax, but does not cover the last thoracic segment. The anterior part of the cephalothorax is narrower, more calcified, the posterior part is wider, or completely membranous, with a pronounced cervical groove. The abdomen is long, curly or straight, a few species wide and short, and mostly asymmetrical.

Hundreds of millions of small crabs in Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay are rampant but no one catches them, because the taste is not good enough to save their lives! Delicious jumping fish on the tip of the tongue is delicious and delicious, but unfortunately can't be caught!

On July 2, 2017, a large army of crabs on the beach on the north shore of Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay was dispatched.

Hundreds of millions of small crabs in Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay are rampant but no one catches them, because the taste is not good enough to save their lives! Delicious jumping fish on the tip of the tongue is delicious and delicious, but unfortunately can't be caught!

The hit "China on the Tip of the Tongue 2" has seen many of the delicacies that appear on the show become "hot foods" overnight. Among them, the jumping fish, because of its appearance in the first episode of "Tip of the Tongue 2", has naturally become a hot food. Mudskipper is a jumping fish, wild and delicious. Jumping fish is delicious, especially suitable for young mothers who sit in confinement, jumping fish has a good milking effect and can bring rich milk to the baby. In "Tip of the Tongue 2", the introduction is about the stewed jumping fish. However, this way of eating is the way to eat in Zhejiang. Usually jumping fish is eaten in soup or soy sauce water. Stewed with ribs and tofu, especially delicious. Or boil soy sauce water with dried radish, which is very appetizing.

Hundreds of millions of small crabs in Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay are rampant but no one catches them, because the taste is not good enough to save their lives! Delicious jumping fish on the tip of the tongue is delicious and delicious, but unfortunately can't be caught!

On July 2, 2017, on the beach of the north bank of Jiaozhou Bay in Qingdao, mudskippers were mixed with the crab army. Mudskippers, a less evolved class of ancient amphibians. Mudskippers are mostly amphibians. Common mudskippers include Cantonese mud mudskippers, also known as mud monkeys, stone stickers, jumping jumping fish, up to 10 cm in length; the other is called Bo's big mudskipper, also known as the big mudskipper, which is about 20 cm long after growing;

Hundreds of millions of small crabs in Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay are rampant but no one catches them, because the taste is not good enough to save their lives! Delicious jumping fish on the tip of the tongue is delicious and delicious, but unfortunately can't be caught!

On July 2, 2017, on the beach of the north bank of Jiaozhou Bay in Qingdao, mudskippers were mixed with the crab army. It can only stay on the ground for a short time. They are covered in a mudish tinted gray-brown color, covered with dark markings, with large pectoral fins fleshy, suitable for crawling in the mud, slender bodies, and flattened tails. Huang Jiexian photography (more exciting, please pay attention to the headline number: ZhanQiao Vision)

Hundreds of millions of small crabs in Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay are rampant but no one catches them, because the taste is not good enough to save their lives! Delicious jumping fish on the tip of the tongue is delicious and delicious, but unfortunately can't be caught!

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