
Jute chicken fry supply increases The first wave peak is now falling

author:Tianhao Creatures

Chicken chick quotes this week

South China: Before and after the Qingming Festival, the price of broiler chickens has declined, the willingness to invest in seedlings has decreased, the corresponding seedling prices have also been significantly adjusted, the demand for filling empty columns in the main years has been basically met, and with the increase in the number of breeding chickens, the supply of market seedlings has begun to be relatively sufficient, and this week coincides with the Ancestors of the Qingming Festival, the willingness to invest in seedlings is temporarily delayed and traffic is blocked, affecting the sales of chicken seedlings.

Southwest Region: Driven by the Qingming Festival, the market consumption is active, the sales volume of broiler chickens has rebounded from the previous month, and it is expected that the sales price of follow-up adult chickens will be stable. The situation of seedlings and chickens: This week, the countryside entered the busy agricultural season, free-range farmers stopped investing in seedlings, the market demand fell sharply, the market seedling volume began to gradually increase, there was an oversupply, the sales price of mother seedlings fell sharply, and the sales price of public seedlings showed a downward trend.

  Chicken fry prices this week:

South China: three loess hens 3-3.2 yuan / piece; imitation soil hen 3-3.2 yuan / piece, imitation earth rooster 2.2-2.5 yuan / piece, Lingshan earth hen 3-3.2 yuan / piece; black bone chicken 3-3.2 yuan / piece, slow and large 1.5-1.8 yuan / piece, medium speed ephedra chicken seedlings 2-2.1 yuan / one, fast and large 2.2-2.3 yuan / piece, hen 2-2.3 yuan / piece.

Southwest: Fast green hemp 4.2-4.5 yuan / piece, fast big green mix 2.3-2.5 yuan / one, high-quality green rooster 5.7 yuan / one; green-footed hen fell to 0.6 yuan / one, black gong 2.8 yuan / feather, black mix 2.0 yuan / feather, black mother 1.1 yuan / feather.

Jute chicken fry supply increases The first wave peak is now falling

  Forecast for the next stage of the market:

South China: Ancestor worship activities before and after the Qingming Dynasty, coupled with the weak price trend of broiler chickens, inhibited the enthusiasm of farmers to supplement the fence. The number of chicken seedlings on the market has increased, farmers have a wait-and-see attitude, and the northern deheated chicken market is still active, which helps the price stability of chicken seedlings. It is expected that the overall chicken seedling market will still decline in the next stage.

Southwest: The sales volume of fast and large short-day-old varieties has rebounded, the overall consumption of the market has gradually recovered, and it is expected that the price will be maintained in the later period; the listing volume of high-quality long-term varieties integration companies has decreased, the listing volume of free-range farmers has remained stable, and the follow-up sales price is expected to rise slightly. Chicken seedling price: male seedlings, the market seedling volume gradually increased, deheated chicken market has declined, it is expected that the price of follow-up male seedlings will show a downward trend; female seedlings, Yunnan-Guizhou region into the off-season of seedlings, free range farmers stop investing seedlings, it is expected that the price of follow-up mother seedlings will show a downward trend Some varieties of mother seedlings will appear inverted seedlings.

  Forecast of chicken seedlings of various categories:

Ephedra chicken: The price of broiler chicken in Guangdong Province is relatively stable, and the current seedlings corresponding to the listing on hot days make the farmers in the province have a general enthusiasm for seedlings; for the farmers raised in the deheated chicken market, the enthusiasm for seedlings has improved with the improvement of the weather. However, the number of social seedlings gradually increases, and it is expected that the sales price of ephedra chicken will remain stable in the next stage, with normal ephedra 1.8-2.1 yuan / only, fast and large ephedra 2.1-2.2 yuan / piece, ephedra mother 2-2.2 yuan / piece.

Three loess hen: broiler price has declined, affected by the Ancestor Worship of the Qingming Festival, the enthusiasm of farmers to invest in seedlings is general, the amount of seedlings on the market has increased, but the overall seedling volume is not very large, it is expected that the price of three loess hen seedlings in the next stage will gradually fall: the price of seedlings is 2.7-2.8 yuan / only.

Lingshan native hen: The price of broiler chickens is average, and farmers are cautious about casting seedlings. Deheated chicken market decline, farmers have no profits, there is a certain impact on the price of chicken seedlings, the overall amount of seedlings in the market is slowly increasing, the enthusiasm for seedlings has deteriorated, and the demand is not large. It is expected that the price of Lingshan native seedlings will decline slightly in the next stage, and the price of seedlings will be 2.7-3 yuan / piece.

Imitation native chicken hen: the price of broiler chicken is general, the profit margin of farmers is not large, can not drive the enthusiasm for seedlings, coupled with the increase in social seedling volume, it is expected that the price of imitation native chicken hens will decline slightly in the next stage: the price of hens will be 2.6-2.8 yuan / only.

Imitation native rooster: The amount of seedlings on the market has basically stabilized, the price of broiler chicken is stable, with the warming of the weather, the peak season of deheated chickens, the seedlings of farmers are stable, so it is expected that the price of imitation rooster seedlings in the next stage will remain stable, 2.3-2.5 yuan / one.

Black-bone chicken: Due to the general deheated chicken market, the social fry volume has increased, the sales of the deheated chicken market are not smooth to affect the price of chicken seedlings, coupled with the decline in broiler prices, so it is expected that the price of black-boned chicken seedlings will fall steadily in the next stage, and the seedling price will be 2.8-3 yuan / piece (the price of slow black chicken is 1.5-1.7 yuan / only).

Fast big green hemp: affected by the downturn in the deheated market, the confidence of farmers to invest in seedlings is insufficient, and the social individual hatchery has begun to produce a large number of seedlings, and the market sales volume has gradually increased, and it is expected that the price of public seedlings in the next stage will show a downward trend.

High-quality green hemp: the number of integrated companies listed has decreased, the free-range households have remained stable, the market demand has gradually recovered, and it is expected that the subsequent sales price of high-quality green public will rise slightly. Driven by the price of high-quality chickens, the enthusiasm of farmers to invest in seedlings has gradually recovered, and the price of seedlings is expected to remain stable.

Green-footed hens: Yunnan-Guizhou region has entered the off-season of seedlings, some free-range farmers have stopped investing in seedlings, the amount of seedlings in the market has gradually increased, and some small female seedlings with green feet have fallen seedlings. At present, the price of seedlings in Sichuan is about 0.5 yuan, and the price of Seedlings in Yunnan-Guizhou is about 0.8 yuan; it is expected that the price of mother seedlings in the next stage will show a downward trend, and some of the mother seedlings of green-footed hemp will appear inverted seedlings.

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