
How much does breast augmentation cost? Are there any indications after breast augmentation?

author:Qilu one point

Firm and full breasts can not only fully display women's curvy beauty and sexy charm, but also represent life, youth, love and strength, and are indispensable self-confidence capital for women. When you want to make up for this regret by breast augmentation, do you hesitate for fear that the effect is unnatural and that the closest of you will mind him?

Today's breast augmentation surgery is mainly based on prosthetic breast augmentation, many beauty seekers in the pursuit of beauty but also pay great attention to safety assurance, because all things have to be based on health, then the use of breast augmentation surgery needs to pay attention to the safety of surgery, careful choice of surgical methods.

How much does breast augmentation cost? Are there any indications after breast augmentation?

What is the perfect standard for breast augmentation?

The form is natural

1. The form is beautiful and natural, not expanding or gathering, and very symmetrical.

Dynamic and natural

2. Whether standing, lying, prone, or lying down, they all present the natural and true beauty of different states.

Feels natural to the touch

3. It has good filling, soft and elastic feel, and cannot touch the prosthetic chassis

Indications for breast augmentation surgery:

1 Breast atrophy caused by breastfeeding or childbirth;

2 Breast dysplasia or due to benign lesions caused by one breast is too small, the two breasts are asymmetrical;

3 Mild sagging of the breasts due to lack of exercise or breastfeeding;

4 After sudden weight loss, the body shape is emaciated and the chest is flattened;

5 female patients who have had to remove their breasts due to disease, retaining the nipple areola;

6 Strong desire to enlarge breasts and have a more beautiful chest shape.

How to ensure the safety of breast augmentation surgery?

Material safety. As the name suggests, breast implant surgery requires the use of a prosthesis as a filling material. At present, there are many breast augmentation materials on the market, such as imported, domestic, glossy, hairy, high, medium and low different abruptness and different filling degrees, etc., so that the general public is dazzled and does not know how to choose. It is understood that breast augmentation materials must be absolutely safe, non-toxic, harmless, no side effects, and not carcinogenic; At the same time, after use, it can shape a natural and beautiful breast and stand the test of time; And no matter how long it takes, it can be easily, cleanly and completely taken out, leaving no sequelae and not causing destructive damage to the original form of the breast. For example, Han Xiao's high-end prosthesis for marshmallow breast enlargement can fully meet the requirements of safety and form, and it is also a prosthesis that beauty seekers currently choose more and trust.

How much does breast augmentation cost? Are there any indications after breast augmentation?

Technical support. Breast augmentation surgery is a very delicate operation, in addition to the need for the safety of the prosthesis material, excellent technology is crucial. At present, it is mainly divided into two ways: local anesthesia and general anesthesia, and general anesthesia breast augmentation is concerned by beauty seekers because of its small damage, of which marshmallow breast augmentation is the choice of local anesthesia! Marshmallow breast augmentation is carried out by local anesthesia, with almost no bleeding during surgery, fully peeling off the space, effectively reducing the chance of capsular contracture, and forming a cleavage that is more natural and beautiful.

Choice of hospitals and doctors. Trusted plastic surgery hospitals and surgeons are key in breast augmentation surgery. Undoubtedly, in addition to the use of sophisticated instruments, such as minimally invasive endoscopic technology, the final effect of breast augmentation surgery requires the precise judgment of professional plastic surgeons before surgery and fine operation during surgery. Effectively avoid complications such as capsular contractures, breast sclerosis, and poor morphology.

How to ensure the natural harmony of breast augmentation surgery?

Solve the problem of "unnatural form"

The use of marshmallow breast augmentation technology can effectively control the size and shape of chest space separation, accurately separate breast space, and ensure that the breast size, curvature, convexity and cleavage depth after breast augmentation are natural and perfect.

Resolve the "dynamic unnatural" issue

Selected international top prosthesis materials, using scientific implant methods, perfect positioning of breast prosthesis position, so that the memory function of breast prosthesis is maximized, showing natural dynamic beauty.

Solve the "unnatural feel" problem

Grasp the implantation cavity, after the operation can not feel the prosthesis chassis, the feel is very real, seems to be completely integrated with the body.

Solve the problem of "obvious scarring after surgery"

The scientific use of tissue texture docking technology makes the surgical incision tissue texture precise docking, less trauma, fast recovery, basically no scarring, so that breast enlargement becomes a secret that only they and the doctor know.

Demystify the story behind breast augmentation surgery

1. Will breast implant enlargement affect the further development and lactation of breasts after marriage and pregnancy?

Breast implant breast augmentation surgery involves placing the prosthesis under breast tissue or under the pectoralis major muscle, whether through an armpit incision or a areola incision or a submammal fold incision, which does not destroy the breast tissue, but avoids the breast tissue and places the prosthesis in the desired position. Therefore, the result, after pregnancy, is accompanied by changes in progesterone and androgen levels, and the development of the mammary glands is not affected in any way.

2. Will the implanted prosthesis affect the secretion of milk and affect the feeding of the baby?

The current data have no scientific basis to prove that the prosthesis is a mutant or teratogenic substance that has a chronic damaging effect on tissues. After pregnancy and childbirth, milk secretion is affected by prolactins, and the secretion of prolactin is controlled by the central nervous system and endocrine system, and has nothing to do with prostheses, while milk is not excreted through prostheses, so it has no effect on breastfeeding babies.

3. Can breast augmentation be seen at a glance after breast augmentation surgery?

With the improvement of the quality of the prosthesis and the improvement of surgical skills, the current breast augmentation can fully reach the level of false and true, true and false, in the hospital with good technology by professional plastic and aesthetic surgeons for its surgery, can make the shape, softness, feel, feel and function of the breast almost normal, so it is difficult to be seen by uninformed people at a glance.

How much does breast augmentation cost? Are there any indications after breast augmentation?

4. Will breast augmentation surgery affect pregnancy and menstruation?

Breast augmentation surgery is only about improving the appearance, not on the structure and function of the body. Pregnancy and menstruation are affected by ovarian function, so pregnancy and menstruation have nothing to do with breast augmentation, and there is no way to say that breast augmentation will affect pregnancy and menstruation.

How much does breast augmentation cost?

1. Surgical method

Now there are three most common surgical breast enlargement methods, namely: injection breast augmentation, silicone breast augmentation and autologous fat breast augmentation, the three surgical techniques, breast augmentation materials and surgical difficulties are different, so their prices will be different.

2. Personal factors

Everyone's physique and chest shape are different, so the surgeon must develop a unique surgical plan for you, and finally adjust the price of breast augmentation surgery according to the surgical plan.

3. Hospital strength

The pricing level of surgical breast augmentation also depends on whether the medical resources, medical equipment, and hospital grade of the plastic surgery hospital are good enough, in general, the price of surgical breast augmentation in large hospitals will be higher than that of small hospitals.

4. Number of surgeries

Because of individual differences, the effect of breast augmentation surgery is also different, some people may not be able to perfect breast enlargement through one operation, need to adjust many times to achieve the desired effect, and the more surgeries, the more the cost of surgery will increase.

5. Local factors

The price of goods is different in each place, and the per capita consumption level of the public is also high and low, which greatly affects the price of surgical breast augmentation.

For breast augmentation surgery, many beauty seekers are blindly chosen and are not really mentally prepared. Although the price affects the implementation of surgical technology, it is necessary to choose a more suitable breast augmentation method within the scope of their own value, which is inseparable from the choice of good doctors and institutions. Don't go back on the road to repair for cheap!

The content of this article is published by the author of One Point and does not represent the position of Qilu One Point.

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