
The technique and experience of breast augmentation doctors has a lot to do with postoperative feel

author:Qilu one point

Many people want to be beautiful and pay attention to their own faces, because in modern society, looking at a person, usually looking at the person's face. However, to see whether a person is good or not, in fact, it is not only necessary to look at the face, but also to look at the figure, not the height and weight, but the overall state.

Petite people, such as Jolin Tsai, are also big beauties of the devil's body, and there are many tall but flat people. If you often sit in the office boring and boring, it is better to boldly show your body, do not rush to others, and be happy yourself. If the figure is not good, weight loss and fattening can be, if the chest is very flat, then it can only be breast augmentation.

The technique and experience of breast augmentation doctors has a lot to do with postoperative feel

Many girls will encounter a problem before breast augmentation surgery, that is, they do not know how to choose a doctor. This breast augmentation surgeon seems to be an authority in this regard, and the evaluation of him on the Internet is also very good, how about the technology in the end? How much does the surgery cost? These are all factors to consider for beauty seekers.

Breast augmentation surgery is decisively played by the doctor

The decisive role in any operation is still the doctor, especially in the large surgery of breast augmentation, a little mistake is not something that can be solved by a swollen and swollen like microplastics, and once there is a mistake, it may be life-threatening.

To do surgery is to find the right doctor, the doctor is not good, the operation will not be successful. Find a suitable doctor, do surgery can do more with less, otherwise it will fail, but we can see that we can not withstand the lessons of failure, so it is especially important to find a good doctor.

Experience is the most valuable resource for a doctor, from a general doctor to an expert is a difficult process, completing thousands of surgeries may create an expert, plastic surgeons have their own areas of expertise, the art industry has a specialty, can do this project and do well are two concepts, so beauty seekers need to carefully consider which doctor to choose.

The technique and experience of breast augmentation doctors has a lot to do with postoperative feel

Is a good breast augmentation doctor with a plastic surgery qualification?

Breast augmentation surgery is not a candidate for plastic surgeon qualifications. Graduating from medical school, passing the physician qualification examination, or even obtaining a master's and doctoral degrees, and being rated as a professor through scientific research articles does not mean that doctors have a meticulous personality, aesthetic ability and hands-on ability. As a beauty seeker, you need to see if the doctor can do a good job, and not be confused by any aura.

Is it good that the doctor has more clinical experience?

The clinical experience of a breast augmentation surgeon is important, and it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the tissue structure of the chest in order to avoid causing large blood vessels and nerve damage, which cannot be done without 20 or 10 years of experience. Some young doctors in some hospitals may use them as the main doctors because they have performed several excellent surgeries, but in fact, they are seriously irresponsible to beauty seekers.

In addition, age should not be the criterion for judging how much experience a doctor has, some doctors are forty or fifty years old, but have thirty years of experience, some doctors are fifty or sixty years old, but they have not been doing breast augmentation surgery for several years, such a situation also exists, so it is crucial to find a doctor who specializes in this area. Dr. Han Xiao has been engaged in the plastic surgery industry since graduating from university, and now has a history of more than 30 years, and has not failed in breast augmentation surgery, and is a trusted doctor for beauty seekers. However, some doctors have clearly advertised that they have done 20,000 surgeries, such as Lin Boiling, but the postoperative effect is still unsatisfactory, and the postoperative pain of the beauty seeker is obvious, and the key is that the technology is not home.

Is the doctor's aesthetic and aesthetic concept important?

Breast augmentation surgery is not only to test the doctor's skills, but also to find an aesthetic that is consistent with your aesthetic concept. Different aesthetic concepts can directly lead to inconsistencies between the recipient and the doctor's judgment of the surgical outcome.

If you originally wanted to do a natural plump in line with your own requirements, and found a pre-surgery uniform, in the end there will definitely be medical disputes, which is the result of not doing homework before surgery and not communicating with the doctor.

Do breast augmentation surgery to consider the need to do homework in the place is too much, in addition to the choice of materials, especially in the end is implemented in the choice of doctors, good technology + doctors who understand your aesthetics are the most suitable for you, rather than seeing others do well, other people's cases are good to follow the trend, that is often not necessarily suitable for you. For example, Han Xiao has not only been engaged in the plastic surgery industry for decades, but also strives for excellence in painting, installation and other arts. Moreover, Han Xiao will communicate with every beauty seeker during the face-to-face consultation to understand the points and needs they care about, so that the postoperative effect is easy to be satisfied.

The technique and experience of breast augmentation doctors has a lot to do with postoperative feel

The consultation process also allows for an understanding of a doctor's professionalism

When consulting breast augmentation surgery, be sure to see a doctor, because sometimes the counselor will exaggerate, and the doctor generally will not say too much, to prevent flickering words, such as: depending on the surgical situation. Breast augmentation surgery must be done for: will not bleed, will not make satisfactory results.

We can't deny that some doctors are bad, but good doctors with specialties are limited, and they are an expert doctor when consulting, but they are actually a novice doctor. Dr. Han Xiao's marshmallow breast augmentation uses local anesthesia, and the recipient can see his own surgeon during the operation and even chat with him, so there is no need to worry too much.

The cost of surgery should not be an important measure of the effectiveness of a doctor's surgery

Some beauty seekers first consider the cost when choosing breast augmentation surgery, but you must understand that do not just compare the price, the price should be the last thing to consider, the operation is not done well, no matter how cheap it is, many girls run multiple hospitals just to find cheap surgery. In fact, plastic surgery consumption is not the consumption of goods, can not be cheap to consume a handful, plastic surgery must be rational consumption. Although Han Xiao's marshmallow breast enlargement surgery requires 500,000 yuan, he knows that the cost of surgery for his disciples is not low, but the postoperative effect can be guaranteed, which is a lifelong benefit, after all, it is a knife on his body, and it is also good to be cautious. After the price is expensive, the money can be earned again, and it can be installments.

Want to enlarge the breast successfully, is to use the brain, rather than impulsive blindly follow the trend, need to have their own ability to investigate, now there are many kinds of prosthetic breast augmentation surgery, in fact, no matter what kind of breast augmentation surgery is chosen, which kind of incision and which kind of prosthetic implant cavity need to weigh the pros and cons, choose the right plastic surgeon to ensure the ideal postoperative effect, just like me, comprehensive consideration, if not, then honestly choose diet, exercise breast augmentation, at least psychologically can get by.

The technique and experience of breast augmentation doctors has a lot to do with postoperative feel

The chest is your own, it is recommended or cautious, do more homework and compare, there is always something suitable for you.

The content of this article is published by the author of One Point and does not represent the position of Qilu One Point.

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