
【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together

author:Ping An Fuzhou
【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together
【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together
【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together
【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together

A happy family is a perfect textbook. In order to conscientiously implement the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Promotion of Family Education, strengthen the main responsibility of family guardianship, increase the intensity of care and protection, and create a good family environment for the healthy growth of minors. On May 15, the Minhou Court, together with Fuzhou High-tech Zone and Fuzhou High-tech Zone Ruoshi Family Education Research Center, respectively unveiled the establishment of the "Home and Growth" judicial linkage service workstation in Qishan Wencheng Community, Anli Community, Xinbao Community and Bowan Community. Lin Kongliang, member of the leading party group and vice president of the Minhou Court, Zheng Ru, director of the Political and Legal Affairs Office of Fuzhou High-tech Zone, Chen Jing, village and town office of Fuzhou High-tech Zone, and more than 30 parents attended the event.

【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together

A new chapter for love

【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together

Vice President Lin Kongliang of Minhou Court delivered a speech

【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together

Director Zheng Ru of the Political and Legal Affairs Office of the High-tech Zone delivered a speech

【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together

Representatives from Minhou Court, Fuzhou High-tech Zone, and Fuzhou High-tech Zone Ruoshi Family Education Research Center jointly unveiled the "Family and Growth" judicial linkage service workstation

The "Family and Growth" judicial linkage service workstation is jointly established by the Minhou Court, Fuzhou High-tech Zone, and Fuzhou High-tech Zone Ruoshi Family Education Research Center, relying on township, street, village (residence) committees and other positions, integrating family education guidance, psychological counseling, rule of law publicity and other functions, aiming to provide a full range of family education guidance services for minors and parents in the jurisdiction, build a judicial linkage service platform of "judicial guidance, family participation, government support, and social coordination", and jointly promote the protection of minors' rights and interests.

【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together

Co-frequency resonance leads to resonance

【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together

After the unveiling ceremony, the participants carried out discussions and exchanges, focusing on the current social phenomena and problems such as some parents' lack of understanding of family education, lack of family education, parents' lack of awareness of main responsibility, "emphasizing wisdom over morality, emphasizing knowledge over ability, excessive pampering, excessive requirements" and "raising children without teaching", and put forward work suggestions: First, tutoring according to law to empower love. Integrate high-quality resources such as judicial and family education experts, and social workers, regularly hold public welfare family education popularization and education activities, and deliver high-quality family education guidance resources to the doorsteps of the masses; The second is to create a carrier and build a family style together. In public areas such as community public publicity boards, community corridors, and garden trails, arrange down-to-earth and life-oriented family education slogans to popularize family education knowledge and make family education truly "visible by pushing the door"; The third is the linkage of departments and the cooperation of educating people. Hand in hand, increase synergy, focus on building a tripartite coordinated education mechanism of school, family and society, and jointly cultivate a new trend of family education.

Empower the future together

【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together
【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together
【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together

After the symposium, the police officers of the Minhou Court brought the first family education lecture to the parents present, explaining through real cases what is family education, what is the focus of family education, and what reasonable ways parents should educate their children, so that parents can further understand the importance of family education and strengthen parents' awareness of family education.

【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together
【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together
【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together

Chen Min, a family education guidance expert from the Family Education Research Center of Fuzhou High-tech Zone, shared with everyone the family education practice sharing course of "Family and Companion Growth, Reading and Raising the Future", pointing out the importance of companionship, parents should recognize that the focus of family education is character education, how to improve the quality of companionship through parent-child reading, etc.

【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together

In the next stage, the Minhou Court will continue to explore and extend its trial functions, actively participate in social governance innovation, strengthen departmental linkage, empower family education guidance with "order-based" law popularization, and strive to create a family education guidance judicial brand that integrates family education guidance, juvenile crime prevention, law popularization and education, etc., to open up the "last mile" of family education and ensure the healthy growth of minors.

【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together
【International Day of Families】Unlock the family "happiness code" together

Source | Minhou Court Editor | Lee is nine years old