
What software is Gephi download - Gephi network analysis software

author:Abundant Breeze S

Gephi is an open source software that can visualize and analyze large network diagrams, which can be used as exploratory data analysis, link analysis, social network analysis, biological network analysis, etc., which is very powerful and supports multiple platforms such as Windows, Mac OS X, etc. Users who need it can download it and try it.

What software is Gephi download - Gephi network analysis software

Software Address【 】

Functional features

  1. [Real-time visualization]

  Benefit from the fastest graphical visualization engine to accelerate understanding and pattern discovery in large graphs. Powered by its special OpenGL engine, Gephi is driving the direction of interactive and efficient web exploration.

  Network up to 100,000 nodes and 1,000,000 edges

  Iterative visualizations using dynamic filtering

  Rich graphics tools

  2. [Layout]

  The layout algorithm gives shape to the graphic. Gephi offers state-of-the-art algorithmic layout algorithms to improve efficiency and quality. The layout palette allows users to change layout settings at runtime, significantly increasing user feedback and experience.

  Force-based algorithms

  Optimize graphics readability

  3. [Measurement]

  The statistics and metrics framework provides the most commonly used metrics for social network analysis (SNA) and scale-free networks.

  Mediation centrality, proximity, diameter, clustering coefficient, PageRank

  Community Testing (Modular)

  Random generator

  Shortest path

  4. [Create Drawing]

  Use ranked or partitioned data to make network representations meaningful. Customize colors, sizes, or labels to bring meaning to your web representation. The vector preview module allows you to put the last touch and attention to aesthetics before exploring with SVG or PDF.

  Customizable PDF, SVG and PNG export

  Save the preset

  5. [Dynamic filtering]

  Filter the network to select nodes and/or edges based on network structure or data. Filter the network in real time using an interactive user interface.

  No scripts are required to create complex filtering queries

  Build a new network based on the filtered results

  Save your favorite queries

Software Features

1. Gephi is a data visualization software in the field of network analysis, and its goal is to become "the Photoshop of data visualization".

2. Gephi is an open-source, interactive, complex network analysis platform.

3. It supports Windows, Mac OS X and Linux environments. Key features include:

4. Gephi is used in various fields such as Internet, biomedicine, and transportation network analysis.

5. Gephi is an open source free cross-platform JVM-based complex network analysis software, which is mainly used as an open source tool for interactive visualization and detection of dynamic and hierarchical graphs of various networks and complex systems.

6. It can be used as: exploratory data analysis, link analysis, social network analysis, biological network analysis, etc.

7. Gephi is a tool for visualizing information data.

8. Gephi can be used for data analysis of university research projects, journalists, statistical research, microblog information research, etc.

9. Gephi is a tool for visual analysis of social graph data, which can not only process large-scale data sets and generate beautiful visual graphics, but also clean and classify data.

10, Gephi is a very special software, but also very complex, before others to master Gephi will make you ridden the dust.

Operating instructions

data processing

Take a CSV format file as an example:

Edge file (edge): The first two columns are the node ID and the other column is the correlation coefficient.

Node file: a list of node IDs, a list of node types

What software is Gephi download - Gephi network analysis software
What software is Gephi download - Gephi network analysis software

Import data

Of course you have to open Gephi. [File] → [Open] select the file, click Next while paying attention to whether the meaning of each parameter is what you want to express. Import the node file and edge file separately.

What software is Gephi download - Gephi network analysis software

When entering the second file Note:

What software is Gephi download - Gephi network analysis software

Set the layout style

Gephi offers a variety of layout methods, and the general circular network diagram chooses the "Fruchterman Reingold" layout format. Click [Run], and when the layout is stable, click [Stop] to generate a network diagram of the circular layout.

What software is Gephi download - Gephi network analysis software

Network topology parameter calculation

Click the [Window - Statistics] panel, click [Run] - [Close] respectively, of course, you can also choose to print, copy, save, and finally you still have to choose to close. The following six topology parameters are calculated: average, network diameter, graph density, modularity, average clustering coefficient, and average path length.

Note: For undirected network plots, the average and average weighting values are the same. Note again: may get stuck.

What software is Gephi download - Gephi network analysis software

Node settings

Click [Window]-[Appearance]-[Node]-Size-Value Settings, select the rendering method as Degrees, set the maximum size and minimum size of the node size (20 and 70 respectively here), and click Apply. The color setting is also in the appearance node, set the rendering method to Modularity ClassPay attention to the content in the red box, from left to right: color, size, label color, label size.

What software is Gephi download - Gephi network analysis software

Edge settings

Select [Edge] in [Appearance] Partition Rendering method and select pn, which is the correlation label in our data; Ranking: Select Degree. As follows:

What software is Gephi download - Gephi network analysis software

Preview retouches

Click Preview to modify the red box options as shown below, and make final modifications to the network diagram before exporting it in the Preview Settings panel.

Border width: Set to 0.0 to not display node borders.

Show Label: Tick to display the node label.

Font: Changed here to Times New Roman 23 bold

Shorten labels: Tick or the labels will be too long and cause each other to be covered.

Thickness: Modify the edge thickness according to the display needs, here it is changed to 5.

Readjust weights: Tick to show different thicknesses based on edge weights.

Additional options can be adjusted as needed. In the previous settings, you can also see the effect by previewing and adjust it step by step.

What software is Gephi download - Gephi network analysis software

Image export

Gephi supports output in multiple formats: SVG, PNG, PDF, gexf image files, etc.

What software is Gephi download - Gephi network analysis software

Node: the same color is the same door; Node size indicates connectivity;

Edge: red positive correlation, blue negative correlation (spearman), thickness indicates the absolute value of the correlation coefficient;

The exported vector graphics can be further modified with graphics editing software such as AI, and the graphic files can also be processed with scripts, and legends can be added to the figure personalization. Diagram files are also a tagging language.