
What kind of deer is pulling Santa's sled?

author:Miscellaneous knowledge you don't know

Legend has it that every Christmas, a family living in the Arctic wears a big red jacket

The fat old man with a white beard will drive the sleigh pulled by the deer and give gifts to children all over the world.

Maybe the children who received the gifts remember his chubby appearance, but you still have

Remember what his deer looked like?

What kind of deer is pulling Santa's sled?

◎ Not an elk

It's often said that elk pull the sleigh for Santa, which is a bit maddening. The elk is already rare enough to freeze to death, at least it should be a deer that can live in cold regions. In fact, in the vast forests and tundra of the Eurasian and North American continents, there is life

Several large species of deer, including red deer, moose and reindeer. If someone tells you that it is a reindeer pulling the sleigh for Santa Claus, and presents some photos of the reindeer, I am afraid that everyone will still think that the deer all look good

Almost. The elk is an endemic species on the mainland, once found various wetlands from northeast to southern China, but became extinct in China in the early 20th century. Fortunately, in the 80s of the 20th century, Britain donated to China in two batches

38 deer, Kanglu can be regarded as returning to their homeland. The deer is a rare deer with a long tail and a tuft of black fur on its tail, like a donkey's tail. The face of the sac demon is very long, a bit like a horse, its hooves are like cows and its neck is like a camel, so it is called "four unlike". Just imagine, if Santa Claus drives such a "four-like" out to give gifts, it may scare children.

What kind of deer is pulling Santa's sled?

The antlers should be large enough for the exotic red deer, a genus of deer in the family Deer family, commonly found in temperate and cold temperate forests in the northern hemisphere, with typical branch-like antlers, and large at the shoulders, reaching a height of 1 meter to 1.5 meters. Red deer have sudden color changes in their necks and bodies, especially in red deer in East Asia and North America, where this dark neck is particularly pronounced. Both red deer and elk are true deer and belong to the deer subfamily of the deer family. As for moose and reindeer, strictly speaking, they do not belong to deer in the narrow sense, but belong to the deer subfamily Roe deer, which has atypical antlers: the horns will grow into plates, and they tend to grow asymmetrically left and right. Moose and reindeer have abundant hair, such as a lot of hair on the nose, and bucks have long drooping whiskers under their necks, like Santa's beard.

What kind of deer is pulling Santa's sled?

The moose is the largest deer in the world, with a shoulder height of 1.7 to 2.1 meters, and a pronounced bulge at the shoulders, coupled with a wide nose, so it resembles a camel. Moose, like red deer, live in the forests of northern Eurasia and North America, and they carry their own snow shoes with open hooves. Incredibly, this behemoth still

"Good swimmer", once set a record for swimming 1 km wide lake. I don't know why the moose is not hit by Santa Claus, is it because the adult buck has palmate horns, or only a small beard under the throat, and a meat hang, the shape is not very ideal? Perhaps a more reliable reason is that moose are olfactory animals and have poor eyesight. Santa's sleigh needs a pilot. The bewildered reindeer protagonist is finally on the stage! Reindeer. The reindeer is an ancient deer adapted to tundra life, and its range is the northernmost of the four deer introduced in this article, chosen by Santa Claus

Some parts are connected into the meaning of a plate. Let's outline the appearance of the reindeer: with coral-shaped horns, which are asymmetrical from side to side, with long hairs like white beards on the neck, a short tail and a short face. Perhaps the real reason is that the reindeer adapt to the cold, in order to find food under the snow, the sense of smell is quite sensitive, and the vision is not bad. Interestingly, reindeer have horns in both sexes, which makes it easier for them to gouge food from under thick snow. Among the deer species, this is very special.