
Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly

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Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly


Recently, another "best friend" country on the mainland has fallen into turmoil!

Recently, the situation in various parts of the world has been unpredictable, ranging from games between major countries to regime changes within small countries, which has made the situation in the world extremely tense.

Sudan's domestic turmoil, which has always been friendly with the mainland, has not subsided, and recently, another friend of the mainland, Pakistan, has suddenly fallen into crisis.

Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly

For a variety of complex reasons, the arrest of former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan triggered overnight instability and sudden tensions in the country.

The internal regime is turbulent, there is India watching outside, Pakistan is worried about internal and external troubles, and the national situation is instantly in dire straits. In order to reduce external pressure, Pakistan's high-level military visits to China frequently send a very clear signal to India.

Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly

Pakistan's military frequently visits China

Now the situation in Pakistan is turbulent, coupled with the arrest of the most pro-China former prime minister during the previous Pakistani administration, the people's discontent is boiling, resulting in the situation in Pakistan completely out of control.

So when the Pakistani military asked for help, it immediately thought of China.

Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly

According to the Ministry of Defense website, a few days ago, Pakistani Navy Chief of Staff Niazi visited China by special plane. The purpose of Niaz's current visit to China is to meet with the mainland's defense minister.

During the meeting, the two sides first stressed the importance of bilateral relations, on the basis of which the two sides decided to further strengthen military exchanges and cooperation and jointly maintain regional security and stability.

In response to the chaotic situation in Pakistan, Defense Minister Lee Shang-bok pointed out that during this period, the areas of communication between the armed forces of China and Pakistan should be expanded. At the same time, Niazi also said that the Pakistan Navy should strengthen exchanges with the Chinese Navy and establish closer cooperation.

Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly

In addition, in addition to Niaz, Pakistan has another high-level military official who has visited China recently, that is, Pakistani Army Chief of Staff Munir.

Unlike Niaz, Munir did not meet with the mainland's defense minister, but spoke directly with the mainland liberation army. At the same time, Munir also expressed to the mainland PLA his desire to strengthen cooperation and work together to stabilize the local situation.

Munir is so eager, on the other hand, the tension in Pakistan can also be seen.

Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly

In fact, there has always been military cooperation between China and Pakistan, and even in Pakistan's military, most of it is ordnance produced on the mainland, including some of the top military equipment for the main battle on the mainland.

Similarly, at specific times and places, the mainland and Pakistani armies often conduct joint military exercises and train together, and the exchanges between the two sides are very harmonious.

But even so, Pakistan's top military officials frequently visit the mainland to seek the possibility of further strengthening military cooperation, which is obviously influenced by India, a South Asian power, while also in internal turmoil.

Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly

Internal turmoil in Pakistan

Before that, let's first talk about Pakistan's national governance pattern. Inside Pakistan, several major families hold political power, and different families have their own interests, so in the process of governing the country, there are many contradictions, and no matter who comes to power, it will not satisfy everyone.

Coupled with the fact that 2023 is another election year in Pakistan, all major factions in the country have sharpened their knives and prepared to do a big job, so to a certain extent, they have also underestimated the country's economic development and people's livelihood issues, resulting in dissatisfaction among many people.

Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly

However, former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan is different, as a prime minister, he has really planned many favorable policies for the Pakistani people, so he has won the support and love of the Pakistani people. But the price is to offend the interests of others.

So, for various complex reasons, this turmoil suddenly broke out.

Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly

Last year, the "Pakistani Taliban" tore up the ceasefire treaty in suicide bombings and launched a new round of terrorist attacks against Pakistan. At the same time, other separatists in Pakistan have also taken action, causing instability in Pakistan, dealing a heavy blow to the national economy and causing popular discontent.

So this year, Imran Khan led the Justice Movement Party, using domestic economic problems as an entry point, calling for an early general election to defeat the incumbent Prime Minister Sharif and his factional henchmen. In this regard, of course, the Sharif camp refused to tie up.

Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly

So, a conspiracy broke out, and Pakistan completely fell out of control!

Former Prime Minister Imran Khan was arrested

According to information leaked by the media, on May 9, Imran Khan was about to leave by car after attending a political hearing, when a group of strange police suddenly rushed up and wanted to forcibly pull Imran Khan out of the car.

During this period, Imran Khan's bodyguards tried to stop it, but they were violently beaten by the police, and they were eventually outnumbered, and they could only watch Imran Khan being taken away by the police.

Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly

After the incident, Imran Khan's Popular Action Party (PAP) publicly claimed that the police had "kidnapped" Imran Khan. At the same time, PAP personnel also called on the people to stand up bravely and defend our country with practical actions.

Countless supporters then marched through the streets, holding Pakistani flags and holding portraits of Imran Khan in protest against Sharif's government.

Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly

However, as more and more people protested, what was originally a peaceful demonstration gradually turned into violent smashing. Many protesters stormed the homes of senior officials to loot, and some even stormed military bases and shouted slogans against the army.

According to videos circulating on the Internet recently, Pakistan's internal situation is extremely serious, and under the intensifying wave of protests, Pakistani people have stormed the Mianvari air base.

Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly

Among them, a J-6 fighter produced by the mainland, accompanied by the voices of the rioters, burned in a raging fire, and was quickly burned into an empty shelf.

Despite our country's good relations with Pakistan, such a thing does not want to happen. It can be said that this is the provocation of the people against the Pakistani military.

Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly

Unlike other countries, Pakistan's military is the voice of Pakistani politics as a whole, so when the people begin to provoke the military, it shows that the incident has gradually become uncontrollable.

So in such a situation, Pakistan's high-level military planes frequently fly to China, wanting to seek help from the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and at the same time put pressure on India!

Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly

Threats from South Asia

To add insult to injury, in addition to Pakistan's internal worries, there are also external troubles from South Asia!

In the subcontinent of South Asia, there are mainly India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar, among which India has the deepest contradiction with Pakistan and the greatest threat to Pakistan.

The contradictions between India and Pakistan are multifaceted, including politics, religious beliefs, territorial issues, etc., and the concentration of these contradictions is also the most sensitive area between India and Pakistan, which is Kashmir.

Due to several Indo-Pakistani wars, Kashmir was divided into two parts, controlled by two governments, and neither side could make concessions.

Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly

However, due to Pakistan's recent domestic unrest, India also said early, claiming that the Indian army is ready to go north at any time to seize Pakistan-controlled Kashmir.

In April, Pakistan also submitted a report saying that if the domestic unrest is not calmed, India is likely to take tough measures in Kashmir, and then Pakistan will be completely thrown into war.

In addition, India's attitude towards China has changed greatly in recent times. With India's general election approaching, coupled with the provocation of Western forces, the Indian government cannot reasonably and properly correct its attitude of cooperation with the mainland.

Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly

On the Sino-Indian "border issue", India has repeatedly provoked China's bottom line, which has gradually strained the relationship between China and India.

Therefore, at this point in time, Pakistan's senior military officials frequently visit China and communicate with mainland troops to strengthen cooperation. It is nothing more than sending a signal to put some pressure on India in case it does make an unexpected move.

At the same time, the Pakistani military is also to get a vaccination, hoping that when the two sides need it, they can jointly respond to the emergency situation on the Indian side.

Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly


Non-interference in other countries' internal affairs is the mainland's diplomatic principle. Therefore, it is impossible for the mainland to intervene in the political struggle between Pakistan's internal JEM and the Muslim League (Sharif).

However, Pakistan is a friendly neighbor of the mainland and has always been an important partner of the mainland, so China can provide Pakistan with assistance in the field of counter-terrorism and military affairs.

Outburst! Pakistan changed overnight, and the top military officials frequently flew to China to tell India not to act rashly

At the same time, on the premise of maintaining regional security and stability, China will also carry out in-depth cooperation with Pakistan. Even if India does not see the facts and wants to take military action at a critical moment, then I believe that with the help of China, cooperation with Pakistan and Pakistan are fully capable of facing any threat.

Finally, I hope that Pakistan will restore peace and stability at an early date, so that it can better carry out cooperation and exchanges with the mainland.

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