
How strong is the Pakistan Navy? 4 warships have been delivered to the Pakistani Railway! China-Pakistan friendship has gone further.

author:Aster Science

1. Pakistan Navy

The Pakistan Navy was transferred from the Army, and because of the status and role of the Army in Pakistan, its status and role in Pakistan is very important, so the Pakistan Navy has a large number of modern equipment.

How strong is the Pakistan Navy? 4 warships have been delivered to the Pakistani Railway! China-Pakistan friendship has gone further.

The Pakistan Navy has a well-equipped, well-trained, advanced command and control system, modern combat capabilities and a certain scale of modern ship forces, the main weapons include: anti-ship missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, anti-submarine missiles, torpedoes, naval guns, rocket artillery. The Pakistan Navy is a relatively backward armed force based on surface ships and relatively backward in quantity and quality.

2. The current state of equipment of the Pakistan Navy

The Pakistan Navy currently has only one Type 054A frigate, which is an old ship but the best warship in the Pakistan Navy at present. This type of frigate was already available before the construction of the mainland, but it was not yet built on a large scale.

How strong is the Pakistan Navy? 4 warships have been delivered to the Pakistani Railway! China-Pakistan friendship has gone further.

The two Type 054A frigates were better equipped with the help of the mainland. In terms of anti-ship missiles, Mainland has provided the Pakistan Navy with three YJ-83 anti-ship missiles, which can give the Pakistan Navy some anti-submarine capabilities. The Type 054A frigate also has anti-ship, anti-air defense and anti-submarine capabilities, giving the Pakistan Navy more options.

3. A new hope for the Pakistani Navy

These warships delivered by China to Pakistan are undoubtedly new hope for the Pakistan Navy. We all know that the Pakistan Navy has long been threatened by the Indian Navy, their defense equipment has been poor, and they have been provoked by India many times. This was very bad for Pakistan, so Pakistan decided to purchase large warships.

How strong is the Pakistan Navy? 4 warships have been delivered to the Pakistani Railway! China-Pakistan friendship has gone further.

The warships delivered to Pakistan by the mainland solve this problem very well, because the mainland's Type 054A frigates are stronger in performance than those advanced warships that India has provided to Pakistan. Moreover, these warships delivered to Pakistan by the mainland are all newly developed and produced, which gives the Pakistan Navy a stronger combat effectiveness, so it is very advantageous for Pakistan.

4. The path of development of the Pakistan Navy

The development of the Pakistan Navy can be divided into three stages, the first is the origin period of the Pakistan Navy, during which the Pakistan Navy has only one corvette, and the second is the development period of the Pakistan Navy, during which the Pakistan Navy has 5 frigates.

How strong is the Pakistan Navy? 4 warships have been delivered to the Pakistani Railway! China-Pakistan friendship has gone further.

5. The help of Chinese weapons and equipment to the Pakistani army

The Pakistan Navy confirmed that China delivered two Type 054A/P frigates to the Pakistan Navy in Shanghai on the same day, using China's self-developed shipborne weapon system and phased array radar, which can be used to protect surface ships, anti-submarine, anti-ship and other combat missions. And with the help of the mainland, the comprehensive combat capability of the Pakistani Navy's frigates has been greatly improved, and the Pakistani army has become the second country in Asia to have missile frigates.

How strong is the Pakistan Navy? 4 warships have been delivered to the Pakistani Railway! China-Pakistan friendship has gone further.

Moreover, in April this year, the Pakistani Air Force conducted joint exercises with the mainland Air Force for the first time. One of them was the "China Y-8" transport plane's bomb-dropping drill on two Y-8A transport planes of the Pakistani army. Although there were 8 missiles on board the two transport aircraft, no attack mission was carried out, mainly to show the tacit understanding between the two sides in the anti-terrorist operation. The joint exercise fully demonstrated the close cooperation between China and Pakistan in the military field.

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