
5.12 Fifteenth anniversary丨After watching those heroes, do you still think that no one will fight for the country?

author:I'm going to coo
5.12 Fifteenth anniversary丨After watching those heroes, do you still think that no one will fight for the country?

The fifteenth anniversary of the Wenchuan earthquake, Yamakawa Yongki, pay tribute to the rebirth!

With this article, I would like to commemorate the lives and heroic deeds of those who died 15 years ago!

"The PLA is coming, we are saved!"

5.12 Fifteenth anniversary丨After watching those heroes, do you still think that no one will fight for the country?

The most tragic disaster in New China

At 2:28 p.m. on May 12, 2008, with a violent shaking, the mainland suffered the most tragic disaster since the founding of New China!

5.12 Fifteenth anniversary丨After watching those heroes, do you still think that no one will fight for the country?

The entire Wenchuan County instantly landslides and cracks, countless buried in ruins, the city turned into a ruin in just 3 minutes, wailing, crying, and the roar of the landslide, spreading to every corner of Wenchuan.

The first earthquake alone damaged an area of 100,000 square kilometers, and the seismic waves generated by the earthquake circled the earth six times, and the earthquake was as strong as more than 100 Hiroshima atomic bombs.

5.12 Fifteenth anniversary丨After watching those heroes, do you still think that no one will fight for the country?

A girl crushed under the rubble

The entire land of China, from south to north and from west to east, all feel the shaking of the earth.

Emergency rescue

After the CPC Central Committee learned the news, it launched a first-level emergency order, and the officers and men of the five major military regions quickly assembled!

5.12 Fifteenth anniversary丨After watching those heroes, do you still think that no one will fight for the country?

As a result of the earthquake, communication equipment throughout Wenchuan and outside Wenchuan was completely disabled.

At the risk of being dealt with by his superiors, the commander of the brigade of the nearby exercise unit did not hesitate to give up the vehicle, and all the soldiers took ropes and jacks and all other equipment that could be rescued, and marched quickly over the mountain on foot.

Hurry to the places where they are most needed and most dangerous!

5.12 Fifteenth anniversary丨After watching those heroes, do you still think that no one will fight for the country?

At the same time, the Chengdu Military Region dispatched tens of thousands of troops from the army, air force, navy, and medical team to Wenchuan!

15 heroes who jumped down

In order to reach the disaster area as soon as possible, the Chengdu Military Region decided to use helicopters to carry troops and carry out local landing rescue.

However, due to the heavy rain and fog that day, the helicopter could not land at all, and the land rescue force on a large area of the ground road could not reach the scene quickly!

Most areas have lost contact and have no visibility into the affected areas.

15 soldiers volunteered to ask for help, all wrote suicide notes, and prepared to be martyred!

5.12 Fifteenth anniversary丨After watching those heroes, do you still think that no one will fight for the country?

In such a bad situation, wanting to blindly land, and the various unstable factors after the earthquake, this is tantamount to suicide rescue!

However, the truth turned out to be worse than expected, the plane flew higher and higher, until it was 5000 meters above sea level, and it did not reach the height where it could parachute!

5.12 Fifteenth anniversary丨After watching those heroes, do you still think that no one will fight for the country?

At such an altitude, once out of the plane, the soldier is faced with a lack of oxygen, and the respiratory equipment is very prone to failure in the case of a rapid fall!

5.12 Fifteenth anniversary丨After watching those heroes, do you still think that no one will fight for the country?

Fortunately, 15 fighters were wounded to varying degrees but eventually landed. They provided direction and important intelligence for the army, and brought hope to the people in the disaster area!

Warriors who suddenly kneel

After a day of forced marching, the soldiers were wading through mountains and rivers, exhausted, and the brigade commander was about to let the fighters rest, when suddenly a soldier fell to his knees in one direction!

5.12 Fifteenth anniversary丨After watching those heroes, do you still think that no one will fight for the country?

"Let him kneel, the place we just passed is Xu Lei's hometown!"

Huge landslides that buried their entire village! ”

Seeing this scene, the soldiers' tears mixed with rain wet their eyes!

But they have no way but to accept the order to reach the designated place for rescue!

One of the images: a man buried in the rubble

"I don't want to give up, anyone in my family!

So I'm going to be strong! The man said

5.12 Fifteenth anniversary丨After watching those heroes, do you still think that no one will fight for the country?

"We won't give up on you either!" Rescuers said

"For everyone who loves me deeply"

Who is an only child?

"Who is the only child, please raise your hand!" The brigade commander said

All the warriors raised their hands!

5.12 Fifteenth anniversary丨After watching those heroes, do you still think that no one will fight for the country?

So the brigade commander had to say it differently: "Who is not an only child?" ”

All the warriors did not raise their hands!

It turned out that the soldiers who marched for two days and two nights were still blocked on the road by boulders!

5.12 Fifteenth anniversary丨After watching those heroes, do you still think that no one will fight for the country?

In order not to delay time, the brigade commander decided to take the waterway, the water in the river is turbulent, and if you are not careful, you may never return!

That's what happened!

Sacrificed warriors

During the rescue, a soldier risked his own safety and went into the rubble to rescue the students, but at this time the aftershocks reappeared.

Looking at the girl crying for help, he did not come out.

5.12 Fifteenth anniversary丨After watching those heroes, do you still think that no one will fight for the country?

In the end, the girl is successfully rescued, but the warrior is buried underground!

Sacrificed warriors

In this disaster, more than 46 million people have been affected in different ways, nearly 70,000 people have lost their lives, tens of thousands have disappeared, and 370,000 people have been injured to varying degrees!

Direct economic losses, as high as 845.1 billion, accounting for 37% of the total GDP of that year!

The hearts of everyone in the entire land of China are suffering, and within 3 days, 150,000 troops from all over the country arrived at the scene one after another, and countless caring people from all walks of life!

5.12 Fifteenth anniversary丨After watching those heroes, do you still think that no one will fight for the country?

In addition, relief materials are continuously transported to the disaster areas from all towns, counties and cities across the country!

Such appeal and cohesion are estimated to be difficult to see in any country in the world!

5.12 Fifteenth anniversary丨After watching those heroes, do you still think that no one will fight for the country?

In the face of such a "battlefield", who will say that no one will fight for the country?

"For everyone who loves me deeply!"

With this article, I would like to commemorate the lives and heroic deeds of those who died 15 years ago!

Manuscript丨I want to coo


Thanks for reading

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5.12 Fifteenth anniversary丨After watching those heroes, do you still think that no one will fight for the country?

#512#Earthquake##汶川 ##