
"Fei Huang Tengda", "Letter Mouth Female Yellow", what does Fei Huang and Female Yellow mean? What is the difference between two yellows

author:Qinghan Moke

Everyone must have heard the idioms "flying yellow Tengda" and "believing in the mouth". In daily life, we often say that a successful person is "flying yellow and glorious ancestor", but this "honest man" is a person who talks nonsense.

The same "yellow", one praise, one disparagement, how to make such a big difference, one day and one earth.

So what does this "flying yellow" and "female yellow" mean, and what is the difference between the two yellows?

"Fei Huang Tengda", "Letter Mouth Female Yellow", what does Fei Huang and Female Yellow mean? What is the difference between two yellows

The difference between two yellows

Let's first talk about the difference between these two yellows.

We all know that Chinese is one of the hardest languages to learn. Chinese characters can be described as having multiple meanings and multiple sounds in one character. This is also the word "yellow", but the meaning is very different.

The "yellow" of this "flying yellow Tengda" is only the name of the divine horse, while the other "yellow" refers to minerals, and more refers to its yellow color. Erhuang is different, and the natural meaning is different.

And what is different, it is necessary to combine the words in front of "yellow", that is, "flying yellow" and "female yellow". Next, we will explain the specific meaning of these two words in detail.

"Fei Huang Tengda", "Letter Mouth Female Yellow", what does Fei Huang and Female Yellow mean? What is the difference between two yellows

Detailed explanation

The term "flying yellow" is widely used in daily life.

When a family of children is admitted to a prestigious university, people say, "Your children are contending, but your family is going to soar." ”

If a person succeeds in starting a business, people often say, "Today is different, you are soaring." ”

Married a good husband, married a white rich beauty, people also said: "You can earn, soar to the top"...

Everyone knows the word "Feihuang Tengda" and everyone uses it, but not many people really understand the meaning of this word.

"Feihuang Tengda" often refers to the rise of official positions and status, as well as the aspiration and development of achievements. But its original meaning was to describe a galloping horse.

"Fei Huang Tengda", "Letter Mouth Female Yellow", what does Fei Huang and Female Yellow mean? What is the difference between two yellows

Steed? Where did the horse come from?

Unexpectedly, the "flying yellow" of this "flying yellow Tengda" actually refers to the horse, we often think that "flying yellow" is a verb structure, in fact, people are just a noun, the real verb is not "fly", but "Tengda".

It's just that this "flying yellow" is not an ordinary horse, this is a divine horse, also known as "riding yellow". In the ancient book "Classic of Mountains and Seas", it was recorded: "The country of the white people is in the north of the dragon fish, and the white body is covered with hair." There is a multiplying yellow, which is like a fox, with horns on its back, and its life expectancy is two thousand years old. ”

This phrase turned into the vernacular: "In the country of the white people, there is a divine horse called Chenghuang, which looks like a fox and has horns on its back, and the person who rides it will live two thousand years longer." "According to rumors, our ancestor Huangdi also rode this divine horse to soar through the clouds and mist and travel through Kyushu.

"Fei Huang Tengda", "Letter Mouth Female Yellow", what does Fei Huang and Female Yellow mean? What is the difference between two yellows

Therefore, after understanding the specific meaning of "flying yellow", the word "flying yellow Tengda" is more magnificent and powerful.

However, the allusion to the idiom "Feihuang Tengda" is not from the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", but from the prose of Han Yu of the Tang Dynasty.

Han Yu, a famous person in the Tang Dynasty, the classic phrase "learning the sea without end" was written by him, and today's "flying yellow Tengda" comes from his prose "Rune Reading City South" "Flying yellow soaring, can not care about toads".

This phrase in this article means that the person who studies hard will rush away like a flying yellow god horse, and the lazy toad behind him will not be able to keep up, so as to emphasize the importance of continuous learning and thus encourage his son and descendants.

"Fei Huang Tengda", "Letter Mouth Female Yellow", what does Fei Huang and Female Yellow mean? What is the difference between two yellows

It seems that the idiom "Feihuang Tengda", whether it is an allusion or an ancient book record, is mythical, magical and magnificent, and it naturally becomes a compliment when used.

So what is the origin of this "letter of truth"?

Detailed explanation

In daily life, when a person speaks wildly, babbles, and the bull's head does not speak to the horse, we say that the person is "honest" to show contempt.

True, this idiom also appeared precisely because of contempt.

At that time, the ancients despised a man named Wang Yan very much, so they described him as "honest".

Why despise him? Who is this Wang Yan?

"Fei Huang Tengda", "Letter Mouth Female Yellow", what does Fei Huang and Female Yellow mean? What is the difference between two yellows

It turned out that in the ancient Western Jin Dynasty, Qing Tanxue was prevalent, and there happened to be a rather literary person at that time, this person was Wang Yan.

And this Wang Yan has a little literary brilliance of himself, taking the words of the classic masters Laozi, Zhuangzi and others, not only taking words out of context to explain his own righteousness, but also talking about chaos and contradictions. When others pointed out his mistakes, Wang Yan also arbitrarily changed them on the spot.

This caused the dissatisfaction of many literati at that time, so everyone said that his mouth was like "female yellow". Evaluate him as a "talker" person.

Wang Yan's story is also an allusion to the origin of this idiom.

So what exactly does this "female yellow" refer to

It turns out that this female yellow refers to a mineral, which is hard to the touch and smells smelly, also known as "skyyang stone" and so on.

It can be used as a medicinal herb.

"Fei Huang Tengda", "Letter Mouth Female Yellow", what does Fei Huang and Female Yellow mean? What is the difference between two yellows

Regarding the use of medicine, there are many records of estrogen, it is often used for scabies, vicious sores, snake and insect bites, epilepsy, cold phlegm cough, and abdominal pain. In the ancient herbal book "Compendium of Materia Medica", it is recorded like this: "cold phlegm and cough".

And it can also be used as a pigment, the physical properties of female yellow are extremely stable, the color is also more vivid, is the best pigment choice for the ancients when painting. It can be found in many wall paintings, and the color used in the famous Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes in ancient China is female yellow.

Today, thousands of years later, the murals of the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes are still not fading, and the sky above us is as bright as before, exuding dazzling colors.

In addition, because the ancient paper was yellow, and the color of male yellow was also yellow, the ancients often used it to cover and correct typos on yellow paper. In the "Mengxi Pen Talk", it is recorded like this: "There is a mistake in the net book of the new book of the pavilion, and it is painted with female yellow. ”

"Fei Huang Tengda", "Letter Mouth Female Yellow", what does Fei Huang and Female Yellow mean? What is the difference between two yellows

And the literati cleverly used this principle to evaluate Wang Yan's nonsense, and they could change their words at will like a female yellow.

Over time, people gradually used "" to evaluate those who talk nonsense and reverse right and wrong.

Therefore, there is an essential difference between "flying yellow Tengda" and "believing in the mouth", and behind this seemingly ordinary idiom lies the crystallization of various wisdoms of the ancients.

We can think and learn more when using idioms on a daily basis, which is also a way for us to grow and improve. #历史开讲 #