
China Brand Day, Dao Hengmei brand management seven years of development and evolution

China Brand Day, Dao Hengmei brand management seven years of development and evolution

"This is the best era for Chinese brands." The accelerated rise of China's intelligent manufacturing, the development of new marketing trends, the hot young consumer market and a series of new situations have intensified the competitive trend, and undoubtedly pressed the accelerator button for the process of Chinese brand development.

In the face of the ever-changing market situation in the new era, what is the key to brand success?

China Brand Day, Dao Hengmei brand management seven years of development and evolution

"To continue to grow a brand, you need to find the right path and keep going on the right path." With 17 years of experience in corporate brand operation and management, Zhu Meile, the founder of Daodao Hengmei brand management, said.

As a science, brand is not equal to marketing, and various genres come from different growth paths. Some people enter it and use mature theories and methods to expand the territory; Others have taken a different approach and established a new brand management system based on strategy, and Jumeile belongs to the latter. Relying on nearly 20 years of B2B brand management and practical experience, it entered the game when the field of real estate and design brands was deserted, and sowed seeds and harvested all the way on the road of adhering to brand long-termism: creating the theoretical model of "big brand strategy", serving more than 90 corporate brands, and helping many enterprises step into the "100 million yuan club"...

As a protracted battle between businesses and businesses, how can B2B brand operation and construction ensure the development of long-termism? Among them, what is the "right way" in Julius' eyes? From the perspective of the observer, we have an in-depth conversation with Zhu Meile to interpret the core of her 17 years of corporate brand operation and management.

China Brand Day, Dao Hengmei brand management seven years of development and evolution

| Jumeile · Melody

Practical expert in the field of brand marketing

Big brand strategy system developer

Founder of Dao Hengmei brand management


In the past 17 years, he has been focusing on corporate brand operation and management, and has market and brand operation experience and professional accumulation of large-scale real estate and design enterprises. He is good at forward-looking strategic thinking and international brand operation expertise, and realizes the interaction of market, brand and marketing through overall strategic positioning and practical execution. She has deeply cultivated and practiced in the B2B field, forming an original big brand strategy system, which is a creation of Chinese brands in the context of global brand development.

Interview with 800+ founders, consultant services for 90+ enterprises, in-depth services and help 80+ enterprises achieve high-speed business growth in 100 million units.

If strategy is the foundation of the business

Brand management is to consolidate the foundation and build houses

From the age point of view, Dao Hengmei, who just turned 7 years old, is still a young brand management company, but from the perspective of soul and core, it presents a high dimension, professionalism, rigor, and pragmatism, more like a "veteran" with senior experience. From real estate platform operation to real estate marketing planning, and then to comprehensive design companies (planning and design/architectural design/landscape design/hotel design), interior/soft decoration design enterprises, founder Zhu Meile starts with many years of industry experience, integrating industry resources, professional thickness and knowledge system in practice.

Tracing back to her founding of Dao Hengmei, Zhu Meile sincerely admitted: "At that time, advertising thinking was prevalent in the marketing industry, and at that time, I had already used brands to serve four companies for strategy, and all of them were successful. I think I can create a brand strategy and brand asset management company that can calm down, quietly, focus on the company's own development, and customize brand development systems and solutions for each client. ”

Recalling the original scene, Zhu Meile said that she was the only one in the company at that time, with a newly graduated assistant, trying to balance work and life. While raising her children, studying in Hong Kong for half a week and serving 8 customers every year, she constitutes her entrepreneurial routine. She remembers most vividly that on the 10th day after the establishment of the company, she received an invitation from the first customer Jiai Design, must go to Shanghai for a business trip, she can only wean her half-year-old daughter, and dragged the fever to meet several customers and close friends, which also makes Dao Hengmei exist in the real sense.

"We didn't have any endorsement or team at the time, but thankfully, our customers chose to trust us, and we also brought very certain value and growth to them." Later, through the transfer of brand strategy and the collaborative creation of internal and external cooperation, Dao Hengmei's first customer grew into the first in the Asia-Pacific region and the 17th in the world in the field of real estate design a year and a half later, which also brought great prestige to Dao Hengmei. All this seems to be very unexpected, but it is also expected by Jumeile, and it is also the original intention of Dao Hengmei: insist on taking the right path, and at the same time use brand development to help customers find the right way in the new environment and reach a more beautiful place.

China Brand Day, Dao Hengmei brand management seven years of development and evolution

Later, with the addition of peers, from the start-up period, three or four studios, and then to the scale of the professional team, Daodao Hengmei grew all the way, and also witnessed the rapid growth of many customers in business. "Daodao Hengmei serves more than 90 brands, including from 0 to 1, from 1 to N, and these companies from tens of millions to 100 million, 10 billion, 100 billion, we are also honored to provide value that exceeds customer expectations."

Nowadays, in the process of realizing the "right way" for each customer, Dao Hengmei is based on a mature and systematic brand structure, sowing professional seeds, and its service scope is not only to do a professional thing in strategy, content, image and integrated marketing, but also pays special attention to the integration between brand strategy, brand culture, brand image, business increment and sustainable growth. With the successive industry cases out of the circle and the high-speed growth of commercial value building, Daodao Hengmei has gradually been known and recognized by the industry.

It is a practitioner who teaches people to fish

It is also a theoretical school that teaches people to fish

As a brand person, the execution and cognition of the unity of knowledge and action have always permeated in Jumeile's genes.

She believes that if brand building is compared to a protracted battle, then brand consultants or service providers need to achieve "high eyes, peace of mind, and low hands", not only to occupy a high position, know how to do the strategic deployment of the upper level, but also from the brand infrastructure, step into the game, bit by bit, brick by brick to work hard to implement.

This also corresponds to two strong labels on her - the theorist school of "teaching people to fish" and the practitioner of "teaching people to fish".

In the process of serving customer brands, on the one hand, Dao Hengmei is proficient in practice, according to the main line and logic of different brands, top-down, classification and grading, to help enterprises sort out business and products, focus on the goals, markets, values, characteristics, theoretical systems of each business/product line, and then through content planning, visual design, communication methods and resource allocation and other dimensions, build content refined operations, meticulously build brand high-rise buildings.

On the other hand, coming from a journalism and communication major, she did not forget to combine her academic research to polish this practical logic, which has been verified by many service cases, into her own unique theoretical model - "big brand strategy". "Dao Hengmei's big brand strategy serves the industry, but also shares in the industry, we must 'teach people to fish', inspire more entrepreneurs with dreams, and promote the benign development of Chinese enterprise brands."

Big Brand Strategy

Evolution of theory and practice of "big brand strategy"

2016 Origin

On April 28, "Dao Hengmei Brand Management" was founded in Shenzhen.


Launched the theoretical model of "Big Brand Strategy" to clearly define the interaction and conversion relationship between brand and marketing. This is the first time that the Chinese brand industry has modeled the "big brand strategy".


Iterate the theoretical model of "big brand strategy" and disclose the practical operation system of "big brand strategy". It has given a new thinking system and practical direction to the field of Chinese brand marketing.


Serving Shenzhen Fashion Home Design Week and Shenzhen Furniture Fair, Shenzhen Home Association Hardcover Institute, responsible for the content planning and promotion of the 2020 Shenzhen International Hardcover Housing Exhibition, to a certain extent, to help design the dialogue and cooperation of the upstream and downstream industry chain, which is the first practice of public relations planning in the way of brand thinking in China exhibitions.


Based on the summary of more than ten years of brand practical experience, in July 2020, the core underlying logic and business strategy system of "big brand strategy" were disclosed. The theory and systematization of "big brand strategy" tend to be perfected, and it is also a creation of Chinese brands in the context of global brand development.

So what exactly is a "big brand strategy"? Jumeile replied: This is a set of concepts that elevate the brand to the level of corporate development strategy. It makes the brand function rise from the traditional subordinate state of only cooperating with marketing and publicity activities to brand strategy, and takes it as one of the central principles of operation, serving the business strategy of the enterprise and promoting the development and operation of the enterprise.

China Brand Day, Dao Hengmei brand management seven years of development and evolution
China Brand Day, Dao Hengmei brand management seven years of development and evolution
China Brand Day, Dao Hengmei brand management seven years of development and evolution

Dao Hengmei "big brand strategy" system working model

Under the original intention of teaching people to fish, in July 2020, based on the summary of more than ten years of brand experience, Dao Hengmei disclosed the core underlying logic and business strategy system of "big brand strategy" to the industry. So far, the theory and systematization of "big brand strategy" tend to be perfected, and this unique methodology has also become a creation of Chinese brands in the context of global brand development.

In addition, Dao Hengmei is also good at summarizing methods from projects, sharing years of experience and brand operation insights in the design industry with many entrepreneurs and designers in the industry in online and offline forms, and more communication experts to continuously study and deepen the brand theory system, and use the professional strength under the collection of practice and theory to influence the industry and the industry.

China Brand Day, Dao Hengmei brand management seven years of development and evolution
China Brand Day, Dao Hengmei brand management seven years of development and evolution

Zhu Meile offline professional sharing

Know the way to come

So always sincere

Every customer enters the service system of Dao Hengmei, the short is one year of companionship, the long is several years. Why has Dao Hengmei won many long-term cooperative customers?

Zhu Meile replied without thinking: "Sincerity is the premise of serving customers." Over the years, I have witnessed and operated dozens of company openings and launches, I have also witnessed and accompanied the growth and development of many companies or enterprises, and I have a clear understanding of the major events in the development process of each enterprise (company), and I am deeply moved by every story of the blue strands of the road, every event of riding the wind and waves, and every daily life of still water. As a brand person, every hardship and gritting of teeth behind entrepreneurship, I can empathize, this is my sensibility. ”

Because she knows how the founders come from, she values the brand personality of each client company. She believes that brand service is actually the heart of the operator, and attaches importance to the mutual achievement of each customer enterprise. In her words, it is - "Only by deeply understanding the ups and downs behind each brand, the story of each founder running all the way and overcoming difficulties, can we truly discover its brand genes, understand its character, reach its culture, and truly work with the founder and relevant key people to realize the brand strategic positioning, cultural system and image construction belonging to the enterprise, and truly help them seize every booming opportunity in the wave and trend of development."

"We want to be a brand management company that may not be small, but it is very beautiful and great in this era." In its view, bringing business value growth to enterprises, or more new vitality is the consistent mission of Dao Hengmei. "At this point, even after three years of epidemic, I feel that we are progressing, and the solid customer service journey has made us more proficient in research and practice in branding, business, marketing, management and other dimensions."

China Brand Day, Dao Hengmei brand management seven years of development and evolution

Write brand personality and give new brand value

Counting its past cases, Dao Hengmei's service scope covers design companies in different business fields such as aviation, real estate, architecture, landscape, interior, soft decoration, lighting, furniture and so on. In this process, Dao Hengmei assisted Shenzhen Cultural Tourism and Shenzhen Airlines to jointly launch the "Shenzhen Number" to realize the creation of Shenzhen's urban cultural IP; Realize the overall creation of Shenzhen Airlines brand renewal; Serve Yuntianhua Manxiang Yuntian Group has created a new Ruigu ecological brand to realize a new model, new brand and new marketing model in the agricultural field.

In the field of real estate, Dao Hengmei uses the dual power construction of product power and brand power to drive enterprises to have forward-looking strategies and systems, helps customers solve complex problems with complex capabilities such as user experience research, content strategy, and resource integration, and provides three-dimensional and professional services for the realization of brand value, realizing the research and dissemination of product lines of many brand real estate groups. For example, deeply study the customer group of Boyu, complete the top-level content construction of the brand marketing of Boyu "City Age", and realize the interactive planning of brand, marketing and product power; Based on the two major dimensions of product and design, it comprehensively and vividly displays the latest research and development results of Poly's development of hardcover living system, and deeply builds the core brand power of Poly's two product systems, "Peach Blossom Source" and "Galaxy".

In the field of design, from star companies such as Jiai Design, Blumeng Design, Yuqiang Interior Architects, ACE DESIGN, ENJOYDESIGN, JLa Design Group, etc., to the rise of new talents in the design industry such as TOMO Tomo Construction and Gongshang Design... Each unique brand has become a distinctive label in the industry under its pen, releasing unique brand potential.

China Brand Day, Dao Hengmei brand management seven years of development and evolution

In this way, the progress of Dao Hengmei is often accompanied by success: it can always explore the brilliance of the brand and amplify it with the trend. In this regard, compared with explosive growth, Jumeile prefers to see this success as a continuous and deep force.

"In any scenario, Daodao Hengmei has a sincere attitude and shares honor and disgrace with customers. It is also based on this concept that we have always believed that our development is closely related to the development of our customers. ”

Slow vs. fast

Continue to help "let the world know Chinese brands"

The aforementioned is more about the professional insights and service concept of the founder Zhu Meile, which is also the experience of Daodao Hengmei in the 7 years of development of gathering sand into a tower. Internally, if you use a few words to describe the development of Dao Hengmei, the word "slow and fast" is just right.

For a long time, as a typical "long-termist", Dao Hengmei regarded itself as a slow brand. In the face of the hustle and bustle of the market, although it has served and witnessed the rapid development of many design brands, they are more willing to spend time polishing their products, teams and systems back to their own pace.

Or it can be said that the slow pace pursued by Jumeile is stable at its core, rather than ignoring efficiency. In the fine cultivation, the development speed of this "slow brand" should not be underestimated.

In 2023, relying on the strong blessing of multidisciplinary cross-border integration and vertical field expertise, Daodao Hengmei will extend with "brand development" as the center through the strong link of cross-border resources, deeply cultivate and focus on various vertical fields, and successively build several parallel brands: creative design brand "ING is in practice", professional design platform "DESIGN TRENDS", new agricultural poetic lifestyle brand "Ruigu Ecology", The commercial planning brand "Chengshi Youjia" that activates the value of urban stock and non-standard commercial assets, and the global communication brand "Interaction to Beauty".

China Brand Day, Dao Hengmei brand management seven years of development and evolution

Therefore, the "fast" of Dao Hengmei appears at this time - rapid self-expansion. In our view, it is this balance between fast and slow that has brought it to a point where it continues to grow upward and explore new models, fueling its continuous progress towards the vision of "letting the world know Chinese brands".

Finally, talking about future development, Zhu Meile said bluntly: "Many late at night, after writing the plan, I asked myself: Is there a way back? But in fact, as long as they embark on the road of entrepreneurship, the founder will never have a 'way back', and can only move forward conscientiously." Therefore, in the face of uncertain unknowns, she believes that the best answer is: always maintain a vigilant and learning mentality, to perceive changes, to discover trends, only to really plow, only to sow seeds, only to pursue "growth", can we look forward to the prosperity of summer, can we harvest the fruits of autumn.


Sincerely, bit by bit, practical action, in the face of the serious involvement, in the face of the operation and construction of different brands, Jumeile always starts with the end, and helps brands find effective ways to improve efficiency and transformation in the right way.

In the conversation, "maintain long-term commitment" and "provide value that exceeds customer expectations" are also a few words she repeats. Looking at the present, perhaps it is precisely because of the existence of more such persistent and pure power that the Chinese brand market can become more colorful and colorful.

China Brand Day, Dao Hengmei brand management seven years of development and evolution

Big brand strategy drives the growth of business value of enterprises

Daodao Hengmei brand management has been committed to serving the sustainable and healthy growth of Chinese enterprise brands for many years, and is a new service organization focusing on brand strategy and positioning, brand image construction and management, and brand marketing planning.

With the "Big Brand Strategy System" as the core, we serve the fields of aviation, real estate, design, art, big home and fashion lifestyle. With forward-looking brand positioning as the soul, strategic brand planning and communication, and creative brand design, we establish an excellent brand image in the industry for customers and continue to add value. With the original intention of "letting the world know Chinese brands", in the past 7 years, we have served more than 80 corporate brands, helped and witnessed many enterprises step into the "100 million yuan club" from tens of millions, and achieved an increase of 1-N on the "100 million" unit.

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