
Vantage released the "White Paper on Healthy Bath Customization Trends in China's Water Heater Industry"

author:Global Home Grid

From April 27 to 30, 2023, the China Home Appliance and Consumer Electronics Expo (AWE2023) was successfully held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. As a leading brand of kitchen appliances, Vantage not only released innovative kitchen appliances such as integrated cooking centers and quick-suction ultra-thin hoods at this exhibition, but also released the industry's first "White Paper on Healthy Bath Customization Trends in China's Water Heater Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "White Paper") for the comfort of bathing scenes, and brought new products of divided bath water heaters.

Industry experts said that Vantage took the lead in advocating a gas water heater to meet the different bathing needs of the whole family, and released iterative new products of divided bath water heaters for many years, guiding the gas water heater industry to a new era of personalized, healthy and comfortable bathing. Under the guidance of China Household Appliances Research Institute, Vantage and the National Household Appliances Industry Information Center jointly compiled the "White Paper", which raised the new concept of "divided bath" and "customized healthy bath for the whole family" to a theoretical height, and affirmed the scientific and forward-looking nature of the "divided bath" gas water heater through a large number of research, experiments, data analysis, product evaluation and other methods, whether it is for the development of the industry, or product upgrade, user experience, it is of great significance.

To promote the upgrading of the industry, Vantage leads the concept of "divided bath"

Compared with the "bath" with the ultimate goal of washing in the past, the role of bathing in daily life has evolved from personal hygiene and cleaning behavior to self-care and indulgence, and more and more consumers regard "bathing feeling" as a more core pursuit. However, users of different ages and genders have great differences in the core needs of bathing. Not only do people of different genders and different ages have different requirements for comfort, but the same group of people have different requirements for comfort at different time nodes and different bathing scenes.

The White Paper pointed out that in terms of usage habits, male users pay more attention to the convenience and functionality of the bathing experience, and female users pay more attention to the health and safety of the water during bathing. In terms of water habits, men tend to increase water pressure and water volume, and women prefer the impact of water quality on the skin; The elderly have poor immunity and are easily stimulated by temperature difference, the water temperature is constant, the water pressure should not be too large, and bacterial inhibition becomes a pain point; Children's skin is more delicate, sensitive to water pressure, water temperature, water quality, adult bath water pressure is not suitable for children, for children's water pressure pay attention to "touch", while taking into account children's bath entertainment, in the case of children's overall bathing time becomes longer, the water heater should have the characteristics of constant water temperature and fast adjustment speed.

Although water heaters have a high penetration rate in the mainland, they are basically the case of only one water heater in a household. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, by the end of 2020, the number of water heaters per 100 households in the country was 90.4 units/100 households, of which 100.7 units/100 households in urban areas and only 76.2 units per 100 households in rural areas. In other words, a water heater must meet the different bathing needs of the whole family, which is a problem that the water heater must overcome.

In this context, Vantage keenly noticed the trend of high-quality life, users for the new demand for personalization and customization reflected in the bathing scene, and took the lead in conducting research and innovating the launch of "separate bath" water heater products.

In terms of bathing personalization and customization research, Vantage released the "bath customization" strategy and the first separate bath gas water heater as early as 2021, guiding the water heater industry to develop in the direction of personalized, segmented and high-quality bathing experience; At the same time, Vantage did not stop there, releasing iterative new products for two consecutive years, and also continued to launch a new generation of "divided bath" water heaters at AWE2023.

Vantage "divided bath" water heater for different groups of people's bathing needs and subdivision scenarios, through the control of water output, water temperature, water quality and other details, has deployed four bathing modes of skin bath, refreshing bath, baby bath, health bath, and still has zero cold water, frequency conversion pressurized waterfall bath, while the first strontium-rich skin beautification and active scale inhibition purification and other functions and technologies, constantly transform user needs, practice the customized bathing concept of the whole family into products, and continuously improve the bathing experience of users.

Witnessing the new era, the "China Water Heater Industry Healthy Bath Customization Trend White Paper" was released

In recent years, the water heater industry has been facing greater development pressure. According to data from the National Household Appliances Industry Information Center, the domestic water heater market size in 2022 will be 50.4 billion yuan, down 14.0% year-on-year.

In such a situation, the water heater industry urgently needs to break the surface and break the situation. On the basis of the launch of the "divided bath" product for three consecutive years, Vantage believes that "divided bath" has become the development trend of the industry and the key to breaking the future water heater industry.

Therefore, under the guidance of the China Household Appliances Research Institute, Vantage and the National Household Appliance Industry Information Center jointly compiled the industry's first "White Paper on Healthy Bath Customization Trends in China's Water Heater Industry" in the past few months. And at the press conference held on April 28 with the theme of "Melody in Fireworks - Three Lives and All Things", Vantage released this white paper, announcing the latest research results of "personalized healthy bathing" to the industry.

Song Liqiang, director of the Design Research and Evaluation Center of the China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute, believes that different groups of people have different needs for water heaters. The "White Paper" points out the direction for the development of the water heater industry through the bathing habits of different groups of people, the water quality, water pressure, health, safety, scenes, use needs of different groups of people, as well as the research on bathing water, human factors, technology and other aspects, and affirms the product concept of water heaters to achieve personalization, health and comfort.

The "White Paper" pointed out that the new concept of customized healthy bath for the whole family is a concentrated embodiment of people's personalized needs for bath functions. With the continuous emergence and blessing of innovative technologies such as scale inhibition, residual chlorine removal, strontium-rich water beauty, antibacterial sterilization, pressurization, and zero cold water, gas water heaters have entered a new situation where one product can meet the needs of various people for clean, beautiful, healthy, comfortable and other bathing needs.

Experts believe that in the future, more and more gas water heater products will take the road of personalization, health and comfort, so that users can effectively feel the functional characteristics of each time node in the bathing process, intuitively and effectively improve the interactivity of user experience and operation efficiency, and the new era of bathing scene personalization and customized experience will arrive in an all-round way.

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