
Feng Yuan Town, Chengcheng County: Party building leads the "small" grid and the "big" improvement of grassroots governance

author:Glory Shaanxi Net

Grid management is a powerful starting point for promoting the modernization of grassroots governance and an important guarantee for improving governance efficiency. Recently, Ji'an Cheng Village, Fengyuan Town, Chengcheng County, adheres to the guidance of party building as the overall guide, takes "party building + management + service" as the starting point, strengthens grassroots governance innovation, builds a grassroots grid governance system from horizontal to edge and vertical to the end, and comprehensively opens up the "nerve endings" of grassroots governance.

Feng Yuan Town, Chengcheng County: Party building leads the "small" grid and the "big" improvement of grassroots governance

Build and strengthen grassroots "sensors", let "small teams" form "big energy", and continuously improve governance capabilities. With the fortressization of the organizational structure as the fundamental premise, highlight the guidance of party building, and combine the actual conditions of the village to vigorously implement the "1+3+X" grassroots governance model. "1", that is, a management structure under the unified leadership of the general branch of the Party to carry out village-level party building and village affairs; "3", that is, the core team composed of three substantive members, the deputy director of the village committee, the coordinator of comprehensive management and the women's committee, is responsible for managing the affairs of the village; "X", that is, a volunteer team composed of a number of volunteers who are enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings, prestigious old party members, large farmers, people who have become rich, and cooperative leaders, participate in grid governance, further enhance residents' participation in management and autonomy, and realize the integration and seamless connection of the governance grid and the "dual network" of the party building grid, so that the masses can be in the "grid" and happy and full of "grid".

Feng Yuan Town, Chengcheng County: Party building leads the "small" grid and the "big" improvement of grassroots governance

Build a grassroots "nerve center", let small grids play a big role, and continuously consolidate the foundation of governance. Organize grid members and village group cadres to carry out precise visits and inspection activities, gradually establish each household ledger, and make electronic ledgers, realize the "online + offline" grid refined "one network coverage" pattern, accurately grasp the basic situation of permanent villagers, including the floating population, let small grids play a big role, and constantly consolidate the foundation of governance. At the same time, with "party building +" as the starting point, we will further promote the standardization and standardization of grassroots party organizations, formulate a list of grid members' responsibilities, optimize and integrate various grids, and form a grid model of party building work of "grid designating people and assigning responsibilities to each person", continuously improve the ability and level of grassroots party organizations to lead development and serve the masses, and create a "red engine" for promoting rural revitalization.

Feng Yuan Town, Chengcheng County: Party building leads the "small" grid and the "big" improvement of grassroots governance

Create a "new look" at the grassroots level, promote "modernization" with "small goals", and continuously improve governance effectiveness. Give full play to the advantages of grid staff "door clear, familiar people", through "door-to-door service" and "home chatter" and other methods, constantly strengthen communication and contact with residents, form a good working mechanism of timely understanding, accurate service, and echo of residents' demands, so that the problems reported by every resident are cared about and cared for. At the same time, relying on the team of village grid members, we will do a solid job in collecting social conditions and public opinions, investigating and rectifying potential safety hazards, investigating and resolving contradictions and disputes, policy publicity, and civilization building, further weaving a management network for safety construction, anti-gang crime and evil, strengthening the publicity of relevant policies such as dynamic monitoring and assistance to prevent poverty return, carrying out in-depth actions to create civilization in the new era, and making every effort to build a positive, civilized and harmonious new countryside, and the results of village-level governance have been significantly improved. (Liu Zhe)

Responsible editor: Lin Kang

Editor: Angry