
Share new opportunities for cross-border e-commerce

author:Henan Mobile News
Share new opportunities for cross-border e-commerce

The conference attracted many overseas guests and businessmen to participate.

"Silk Road E-commerce" International Cooperation Zhengzhou Forum

Expand new space for cross-border e-commerce

□ Sun Jing, reporter of this newspaper

Under the current international economic and trade situation, what new opportunities does the new development pattern of dual circulation bring to the cooperation of "Silk Road E-commerce" and the development of cross-border e-commerce? On May 10, at the 7th Global Cross-border E-commerce Conference "Silk Road E-commerce" International Cooperation Zhengzhou Forum, government representatives, experts and scholars, and representatives of well-known e-commerce and supply chain service enterprises discussed this.

The weakening of overseas demand and the weakness of the international market are the new situations faced by foreign trade enterprises. However, the mainland's cross-border e-commerce has bucked the trend, and in the past five years, the national cross-border e-commerce import and export volume has increased from 1 trillion yuan in 2018 to 2.11 trillion yuan in 2022, with the characteristics of new model, fast response and low cost, it has become a living force to promote the stable scale and excellent structure of mainland foreign trade.

Why is the vitality of cross-border e-commerce so strong? Jiang Yaoping, former vice minister of the Ministry of Commerce, believes that it is the rise of digital technology, especially the mobile Internet, that has promoted the supply side and demand side of the world market to achieve interconnection through "one mobile phone" and achieve "buying the world and selling the world". "We must be clearly aware that the world has entered a new era of digital economy, and the arrival of this new era will bring people a new pattern and new opportunities." Jiang Yaoping said.

Under the new pattern, how can "Silk Road E-commerce" explore new opportunities and expand new space?

The answer given by Jiang Yaoping is to focus on the development of "cross-border e-commerce + industrial belt", provide one-stop comprehensive services, and promote enterprises to sail overseas through cross-border e-commerce; Vigorously cultivate independent brands, accelerate the export of high-quality domestic products abroad, and enhance the competitiveness of China's cross-border e-commerce; Deepen cooperation with other countries and jointly promote multilateral cooperation.

Sun Xiangyang, co-chairman of the WCO Cross-border E-commerce Cooperation Group, introduced that the WCO attaches great importance to the development of cross-border e-commerce, and since 2015, cross-border e-commerce has been listed as an important topic of the annual meeting of the Council every year. In recent years, the World Customs Organization has paid special attention to hot issues restricting the development of the industry such as cross-border e-commerce data quality and overseas warehouse prices, and hopes to promote all parties to come up with solutions to further optimize the development environment of cross-border e-commerce.

As a cross-border e-commerce practitioner, Chen Gang, Executive Vice President of Newegg Group China, emphasized the view that "cross-border e-commerce should uphold a long-term value ecology", he believes that in the process of accelerating overseas expansion, enterprises should pay more attention to green development, long-term development and safety development, and pay more attention to "sustainable" development rather than "short-term" profit in product quality control, brand establishment and value transmission.

New opportunities also come from more in-depth exchanges to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results in "going out" and "bringing in".

Chen Rongqiang, chairman of the Malaysian Cross-border E-commerce Association, who was invited to Henan for the first time to participate in the Global Cross-border E-commerce Conference, was deeply moved, "Although the current cooperation between Henan and Malaysia in cross-border e-commerce is not deep enough, I believe that in the next step, Henan food, textiles and other advantageous products will enter the Malaysian market more." ”

As the organizer of the forum, Zhengzhou Airport Economic Comprehensive Experimental Zone also seized the opportunity to use the conference platform to hand out olive branches to global cross-border e-commerce enterprises. "The annual transaction value of cross-border e-commerce in Hong Kong has increased by 165 times in 7 years, exceeding 14 billion yuan, and the scale of cross-border import industry is among the top three in the country." Guo Peng, deputy director of the Administrative Committee of Zhengzhou Airport Economic Comprehensive Experimental Zone, confidently introduced that the airport area plans to build a cross-border e-commerce industrial ecological park with integrated development of "online platform + offline park", accelerating the formation of a closed-loop ecosystem of the whole industrial chain integrating headquarters office, integrated cargo station, exhibition and trading, financial settlement, warehousing logistics and equipment and facilities, providing better development support for the majority of enterprises.

The forum also promoted a number of cooperation and reached consensus, and five projects, including the air transport dangerous goods inspection and identification center project, the integrated Hong Kong overseas warehouse project, and the TIR international road transport project, were signed centrally.

Expect more on Amazon

Henan cross-border e-commerce industry cluster

——Interview with Liu Tao, Senior Director of Public Policy at Amazon China

□ Sun Jing, reporter of this newspaper

Amazon is an important overseas platform for Chinese enterprises to carry out cross-border e-commerce trade. At present, what are the well-known Chinese cross-border e-commerce industry clusters on the platform? What enlightenment does their development have for Henan to become bigger and stronger in the cross-border e-commerce industry? At the Zhengzhou Forum on International Cooperation at the 7th Global Cross-border E-commerce Conference "Silk Road E-commerce" held on May 10, Liu Tao, Senior Director of Public Policy at Amazon China, brought his answers.

"Shenzhen consumer electronics, Foshan furniture, Zhongshan lamps, Hangzhou clothing, Nantong home textiles, Ningbo small household appliances, Qingdao home textiles, Xuchang wigs, Sichuan-Chongqing auto and motorcycle parts, etc." Liu Tao listed more than ten cross-border e-commerce industry clusters that China has developed more actively and maturely on Amazon, "These clusters show a trend of blooming from coastal to inland, from east to west, and have distinctive characteristics." ”

"As a microcosm of China's cross-border e-commerce export development, these clusters are representatives of the transformation and development achieved earlier with the help of cross-border e-commerce." Liu Tao said.

What are the "success genes" of these clusters? Liu Tao analyzed, first, as a traditional advantageous industry in the mainland, these industries actively use cross-border e-commerce to open up new overseas channels, directly reach overseas consumer groups in a lightweight way, and update and iterate products according to market feedback, mastering the rhythm of development; The second is to focus more on products and brands, continue to enhance consumers' awareness and reputation, and achieve accumulation; The third is to show great vitality and advantages in scientific and technological innovation and agile manufacturing, combining science and technology and consumption, and upgrading "Made in China" to "Made in China" and "Created in China". "We look forward to the emergence of more cross-border e-commerce clusters in Henan on Amazon." Liu Tao said.

Cross-border e-commerce innovation and development Zhengzhou Forum

Help more Chinese brands "go global" by the Internet

□ Guo Beichen, reporter of this newspaper

On the afternoon of May 10, the 7th Global Cross-border E-commerce Conference Cross-border E-commerce Innovation and Development Zhengzhou Forum was held to discuss the new opportunities and new space brought by cross-border e-commerce to global trade and investment cooperation and development.

At present, the global cross-border e-commerce is booming, exerting a penetrating and driving role in various industries, empowering thousands of business entities, inspiring a large number of "entrepreneurial heroes", and further activating the momentum of economic and social development.

Why can cross-border e-commerce achieve so much? Long Yongtu, co-chairman of the Global CEO Development Conference and chairman of the Global Cross-border E-commerce Conference, believes that first of all, cross-border e-commerce and the domestic industry have established the closest connection, so that cross-border e-commerce has a very thick and solid platform and foundation; Secondly, the state's scientific layout and planning of the cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone has formed a new spatial pattern of coastal and inland linkage and mutual promotion between east and west, and the free development environment of the cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone has made cross-border e-commerce more dynamic; Finally, the use of innovative technologies such as cross-border payment, digital marketing, and smart logistics has also supported the rapid development of cross-border e-commerce.

As a member of the first batch of cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones in mainland China, Zhengzhou has made many new achievements in cross-border e-commerce system innovation, format innovation and leading innovation in recent years.

Li Qianmiao, vice mayor of Zhengzhou, said in her speech that Zhengzhou has formed demonstration cases of creating an international business environment such as "double random, one disclosure", "prior filing, acceptance of credit, post-event retrospective" and "notification and commitment" to optimize the regulatory process and do a good job in government services, creating more open and inclusive business access conditions for enterprises. At the same time, recognizing the importance of "digital government", it took the lead in developing the prototype of the national cross-border e-commerce customs clearance system - E Trade Foreign Trade Comprehensive Service Platform, which provides strong support for the continuous expansion of the industry volume through efficient coordination across departments, governments and enterprises.

With the help of cross-border e-commerce, more and more Chinese brands are actively expanding foreign markets by taking advantage of the network to "go overseas".

"Many Chinese companies simply promote their products, but if they want to pursue higher profits, they need to build their own brands." Duan Sirui, CEO of Beshore Group, said that in order for brands to successfully "go global", it is necessary to be familiar with foreign digital ecology and customer paths, and social media first is a very good strategy, and it is necessary to combine the actual use of correct digital platforms and tools to produce localized content and constantly strengthen their presence.

On the same day, 9 signed cooperation projects landed in the Zhengzhou Economic Development Zone, including cross-border e-commerce regional headquarters project, digital industry chain project, digital craftsman cross-border live e-commerce transaction project, import and export trade service project, etc.

Cross-border e-commerce still has great potential and development advantages

——Interview with Long Yongtu, Co-Chairman of the Global CEO Development Conference and Chairman of the Global Cross-border E-commerce Conference

□ Sun Jing, reporter of this newspaper

"In the past few years, the development of cross-border e-commerce in our country has made great achievements, but the potential and advantages of cross-border e-commerce have not been fully released." On May 9, at the first forum of the 7th Global Cross-border E-commerce Conference - Cross-border E-commerce Supply Chain Innovation and Development Forum, Long Yongtu, co-chairman of the Global CEO Development Conference and chairman of the Global Cross-border E-commerce Conference, said.

He believes that Henan has developed very rapidly in recent years, especially in the exploration and innovation of logistics growth, cost reduction and opening up the "last mile" of consumption, which has played an important role in the improvement of the global cross-border e-commerce supply chain. In addition, Henan is at the forefront of promoting cross-border e-commerce and model innovation.

"In the weak economic situation of the global market, cross-border e-commerce is of great significance to promote the growth of international trade." Long Yongtu said that cross-border e-commerce armed with emerging technologies has become a new driving force for international and domestic economic development, playing an important role in promoting the development of international trade, especially stabilizing China's foreign trade market, and is the most dynamic, vital and potential new foreign trade format.

How to further release the vitality of cross-border e-commerce development? Long Yongtu suggested that, first, give full play to the experience accumulated by cross-border e-commerce in cross-border payment, cross-border logistics, and cross-border legal services to promote the growth of mainland service trade; The second is to accelerate the solution of cross-border e-commerce globalization governance issues, establish a cross-border e-commerce production system with the participation of all countries, and effectively realize interconnection; The third is to strengthen the protection of consumers' rights and interests and the brand protection of enterprises, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of cross-border e-commerce.