
Onco Banner Welcome to inquire The discount is up to 55,000 yuan

author:Inner Mongolia Haobobick 4S store

All models of Haobao Buick are entitled:

Free maintenance for the first and second guarantees

Up to 8,000 yuan replacement subsidy

8 years 100,000 km long warranty

0 down payment, 0 interest, 18-60 ultra-low monthly payment plan

1. A pair of sneakers Qian Weilang Pro drove home

2. A lipstick Qian Junwei drove home

3. A bottle of perfume Qianangkewei S drove home

4. A barbecue Qianangkewei Plus drives home

5. A shirt, Qian Anke Qi drove home

Onco Banner Welcome to inquire The discount is up to 55,000 yuan
Onco Banner Welcome to inquire The discount is up to 55,000 yuan
Onco Banner Welcome to inquire The discount is up to 55,000 yuan

Activity time

May 9, 2023 to May 15, 2023